PRESENT Councillors: R Swann(Chair), M Carroll, M Bradburn, C Cockayne,

R Woodhead,K Roe


Clerk,B W Smyth

Ward Councillors, C Jepson, J Burton

7314Apologies;Councillors, J Sherratt, K Ward

Ward Councillor,J Dalton

7315Minutes of the previous Meeting.

Resolved; that the Chairperson be authorized to sign the minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 25th March 2015 as being a true record of business transacted.

7316To identify items which may be considered following the exclusion of press and public. None

7317To receive new Declarations of Interest in respect of business on the Agenda.



A member of the public informed the meeting that:

There is a boundary dispute at Berne square.

The farmer is spraying chemicals onto parts of Footpaths No 3 and No4.

He witnessed a speeding vehicle at 6.30 am along Woodsetts Road.

Mr Dale from Woodsetts Scout Group thanked the parish council for their donation and said that it has been a great Help. The numbers are now also on the increase.

Cllr Jepson informed the meeting that extensive repairs had been carried out on Anston Rd and he hoped that other areas of the village would receive some attention.


7318To consider making a donation to Rotherham Holiday Aid

The councilresolved to make a donation of £50 from section 137 funding.

7319Toconsider an update on the “Post Box” situation.

No further developments.

7320To consider any major planning applications

Nothing to consider.

7321To consider updates from the Village Hall Committee re land and other items.

The decision from Sport England has been delayed until after the 7th May.

7322To consider the upcoming Election information and dates.

The council now knows that a co-option process needs to take place to get one councillor in addition to the 8 who stood for election. It was resolved that the clerk starts the

co-option process and that prospective candidates be asked to give a short presentation at the next meeting on the 20th May. The council also expressed its thanks and gratitude to Councillors Roe and Tweed who are standing down at the next election.

7323To consideranddiscuss information about the repairs to the CCTV system.

The clerk had informed the meeting that the sensor had been stolenand that this was the 3rd incident in the last few weeks. It was resolved that the Clerk and the Chair be delegated the powers to speak to the Village Hall Management Committee and purchase whatever is required (to be sited in/on the Village Hall) so that adequate CCTV coverage can be obtained in this area.

7324To authorise payment of accounts and note receipts

Resolved, Payments to the sum of £2420.78 for April were approved, reference appendix 1 and receipts of £31,454 (precept from RMBC) noted.

7325To consider information from the Woodsetts Festival Group

The group had a really productive meeting with David Hemstock of RAW Brewery last week and everything is proceeding well for the Mid Summer Festival on the 20th June.In addition to Blue Bell Wood Charity, The Scouts would also now become a beneficiary, particularly their works in foreign parts. The council was asked about its insurance policy in relation to this event. The council resolved for the clerk to contact the Insurance provider and ascertain the legal situation.

7326To consider general correspondence.

General Correspondence noted. In addition the Woodsetts Girls Rounders Club and Woodsetts Cricket Club had requested the use of the pitch for 23 Junior Fixtures throughout the summer. The council resolved to allow this usage at a cost of £10 per fixture and to allow one training session per week free of charge. The council also expressed their delight that our “Woodsetts” teams had “come home”.

7327To consider feedback from RMBC and Parish Meetings

No feedback.

7328RESOLVED, To move the time of the Annual Parish Meeting to 6pm, the

Annual Council Meeting to 6.15pm and the Ordinary Parish Meeting to 6.30pm.All to be held on the 20th May 2015. The Meeting concluded at 8.03 pm.