For this assignment, you will propose a media-based assessment approach that you can use in a lesson or unit you currently teach as part of your curriculum.


1.  Reflect on the different ways in which students can use digital audio to create products that demonstrate mastery of content and technology standards.

2.  Think of a lesson/unit for which you could assign your students the task of creating a digital audio product that will be used to assess their performance. (Note: We encourage you to use a lesson or unit that you are already teaching, but for which you are using a more traditional assessment approach now).

3.  Use the right hand column in each of the tables to respond to the questions.

About you

Your Response
1.  Your name: / Tracy Nix
2.  Group member names (if applicable): / Elizabeth Holste, Sharlene Kellier

About the Lesson/Unit

3.  What curriculum area(s) (i.e. subjects) does the lesson cover? / Social Studies
4.  What is the grade or grade range in which the lesson or unit is taught? / Adapted for any grade level
5.  Write a brief summary or overview of the lesson or unit. / Students will write a biographical report on a famous American and dress up as their famous American and present to the class.

About the Proposed Assessment Approach

6.  What digital audio product will your students create? (describe briefly) / podcast
7.  What criteria will you use to assess the digital audio products? (list) / ·  Did they speak clearly and is the information accurate.
8.  What, if any, tools will you use to assess the digital audio products? (list) / ·  Rubistar
9.  What, if any, other assessments will you use in this lesson/unit? (list) / ·  none

Think About It

10.  What does a teacher gain from using digital audio products as part of the assessment for this lesson/unit? / Higher interest level in the students, more motivation and creativity from the students.
11.  What possible challenges should the teacher plan for when using digital audio assessment products in this lesson/unit? / If the technology does not work the students can present orally. Also, if a student is hearing impaired then they can present orally or through signing.
12.  What does the student gain from creating digital audio products as part of the assessment for this lesson/unit? / If they feel uncomfortable presenting in front of the class the podcast allows them to speak without standing in front of the class.