Minutes: 29.3.17

Castlehill and Pittodrie Community Council

Present at the meeting:

Pauline Brown, Jonathan Smith, William Rae, Julie Butchart, Gordon Wilson, Cllr Hutchison

Four social work students from RGU

Danny Forbes, representing Public Transport group

Apologies: Natalie Farrell, Marianne Wamser

Stood down last month: Dell Hendrickson and Michelle Thomson

1. Approval of Minutes from last meeting


2. Matters arising from minutes/actions

3. Police report:

No representatives present at this meeting.

Report sent to CPCC by Sgt Allan.

Jonathan outlined details of operation Begonia for the benefit of RGU students.

Gordon mentioned closure of Queen Street call centre. Secured training, CC should follow/monitor experiences of users.

4. Councillors’ update

Cllr Hutchison:

* Congratulations to FCDT for success in latest grant for Gospel Hall.

* Play Park in Wales Street to be refurbished.

* Rough sleeper in Fittie: authorities aware.

* 47 Constitution Street-request to secure site.

* Sports pitches in Nelson Street for sale-owned by sports and leisure. Change of use?

* RNLI etc set up ‘Aberdeen Water Safety’. Meets 1st May, Councillors invited. CPCC asked to be involved in discussion.

* Safety audit of beach to be held, eg new type of safety vests

* Frederick Street car park still an issue. ‘Bouley bashers’ –noise/revving.

* Possible speed camera for Fittie.

* Police operation starting in May re escalating motorbike problem-wheelies etc

* Repaired Lights-Cotton Street/Beach Boulevard and Lemon Street/Park Road.

*Football space in Nelson Street to be revived.

* Budget-Jonathan praised ‘Fair Aberdeen’.

*Additional Item

Danny Forbes: Public Transport sub group launching today.

Removal of routes eg KIngswells, Dubford to Hospital.

First Bus ‘riding roughshod’ over users, need a pressure group.

GW: Is there a formula for ascertaining local price of fares?

JS: Civic forum anecdote re social isolation caused by lack of bus routes.

5. Gospel Hall update: Pauline Brown

Subsumed within Councillors’ report.

6. Communications:

PB reported receipt of notification of Kirking parade in Union Street.

Visits by JB to other community councils to ascertain how they communicate with residents. Still Pending.

Distribution by JB of CC posters and leaflets to catchment area. Still Pending.

Facebook page. JB to set up a new one.

7. Treasurer’s Report: apologies: Natalie Farrell

JS :Our accounts going to Shona Fraser of Hall Morris for review. End of April, so we’ll get access to this year’s funding.

8. Planning/Licensing update:

GW: Discussion of local planning applications in Fittie.

CPCC members to give individual response to planning review.


Possible meeting with Hanover Community Centre, when a representative can be available.

CPCC to investigate possibility of event for children at Satrosphere.

JB reported on visits to two interesting local events, one concerned with interaction between youngsters and the elderly.

JB suggested that Councillors/CC etc do ‘walkabout’ around Hanover area to see what could be done with grassed areas.

Next meeting (AGM) will be on 26.04.17, 6pm, Town House, Committee Room 4