- Aim
To reduce placement moves and increase placement stability
- Effective monitoring and scrutiny of placements and support services to ensure wherever possible children achieve stability
- Allocating resources to support the best possible outcomes for children looked after to ensure young people gain the best possible chance of stability
- Promoting placement stability by getting the right resources and accommodation in place straight away to meet every child’s individual needs
- Supporting the social worker in making decisions to achieve permanence for young people as soon possible
- Making best use of local resource to meet the placement accommodation and support needs of children looked after
- Ensuring that all partner agencies provide the necessary resources to meet specialist, complex or additional needs.
- Supporting permanence by bringing young people back into the area
- Purpose
The Panel will, where appropriate:
- Consider all young people with two or more placement moves in the year;
- Request appropriate information to support discussion and decision making;
- Challenge practice where necessary to best support stability;
- Make recommendations to agree if appropriatethe extension of current external placements;
- Make recommendations to agree if appropriate changes to external care placements, including moving from an internal to an external placement;
- Decide whether or not additional resources should be allocated to support a current placement;
- Review all Out of Area placements and ensure children placed ‘at a distance’ continue to be supported to a high standard.
- Membership
The core membership of the Panel will be as follows:
- Service Manager – Children Looked After (Chair)
- Team Manager – Children Looked After Team
- Team Manager or rep – Fostering Team
- Placement Finding Team
- Virtual School
- Commissioning
- Youth Offending Team (YOT)
- Calderdale Therapeutic Services (CTS)
- Finance
- Pathways
- Residential
The Panel is serviced and supported by the PA to the Service Manager.
- Accountability
The Panel is accountable to:
- Children Looked After whose cases are considered by the Panel
- Head of Service Early Intervention and Safeguarding
- Corporate Parenting Panel
- Frequency of meetings
- The Panel will meet fortnightly (unless otherwise agreed)
- Review
These terms of reference were agreed at 5th April 2016 meeting and will be reviewed after twelve months of operation.
Review due 5 April 2017.
Anne Tully
Service Manager – Children Looked After