2017 ~2018

University of Macau

Name of Institution: / University of Macau
Country: / Macau
In-Charge Unit:
(for student exchange) / Name of Unit: / Centre for Japanese Studies, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Address: / Room 3115, Humanities and Social Sciences Building (E21), University of Macau, Ave. da Universidade, Taipa, Macau
Mailing Address: / Same as above
Telephone: / (853) 8822 8260
Fax: / (853) 8822 2325
Email: /
Relevant Website: / Institute: / http://www.umac.mo/
Student Exchange: / http://www.umac.mo/sao/sds/std/international_and_exchange/en/international_
Main Contact
Inbound Exchange / Connie Chan
Room 3115, Humanities and Social Sciences Building (E21), University of Macau, Ave. da Universidade, Taipa, Macau
Tel: (853) 8822 8230 Fax: (853) 8822 2325
Main Contact
Outbound Exchange / Connie Chan
Room 3115, Humanities and Social Sciences Building (E21), University of Macau, Ave. da Universidade, Taipa, Macau
Tel: (853) 8822 8230 Fax: (853) 8822 2325
Type of Institution: / Public
Location and Campus Map: / http://www.umac.mo/about_UM/about_UM_campus_map.html
Academic Calendar / 1st (Fall) Semester
(Tentative) / 2nd (Spring) Semester
Arrival Dates / 12-13 Aug 2017 / 31 Dec 2017 - 1 Jan 2018
Orientation Programmes / 14-18 Aug 2017 / 2-6 Jan 2018
Teaching period starts / 21 Aug – 28 Nov 2017 / 8 Jan – 30 April 2018
Teaching period ends
Holidays / 18 Dec 2017 - 1 Jan 2018 / 10 – 25 February 2018
(Chinese New Year Break)
Examination period / 4 - 16 Dec 2017 / 8-19 May 2018
Language of Instruction / English
Exchange Duration / One-year (2 semesters)
Study Load for exchange students per Semester / No. of credits / Courses per semester
Minimum study load / 3 credits / 1 Course
Maximum study load / 18 credits / 6 Courses
Credit Equivalence
No. of credits per course / 3
For each credit, number of contact hours in a week / 3
No. of teaching week in a semester / 14
For each course, total number of contact hours in a semester / 42 plus 3 hours of examination
Grading System / Course Grade / Interpretation / Grade Point Equivalent
97-100 / A / 4.0
93-96 / A / 4.0
88-92 / A- / 3.7
83-87 / B+ / 3.3
78-82 / B / 3.0
73-77 / B- / 2.7
68-72 / C+ / 2.3
63-67 / C / 2.0
58-62 / C- / 1.7
53-57 / D+ / 1.3
50-52 / D / 1.0 (Pass)
Below 50 / F / 0
Course Information / http://reg.umac.mo/current-students/course-enrolment/generalinfo/
Courses Restrictions / Requirements / Advised to seek permission from Professor or Instructor before enrolment of advanced level courses
Course Registration / Registration Period: / To be announced
Method: / On-line
Add/Drop period: / To be announced
Academic Requirement
(e.g. GPA, programme of study, etc) / No requirement for exchange student.
English Proficiency
Requirements / Students are advised to provide proof of one of the followings at the time of Exchange Application submission.
Overall Score / Subtest requirement(s)
Paper-Based TOEFL / 500
Computer-Based TOEFL / 213
Internet-Based TOEFL / 80
Others, please specify:
Other Language Proficiency
Requirement / No
Other Entry Requirement / No
Application Form / University of Macau will send a login password to the student after receiving the nomination from University of Fukui. The nomination letter to be sent to Centre for Japanese Studies.
Other supporting documents required / ·  Academic Transcript in English which shows the accumulated GPA of the nominees;
·  CV
·  Personal Statement
·  Recommendation Letter from home university
Application Deadline / 1st (Fall) Semester: / Nomination (Mid March)
Online Application (Early April)
2nd (Spring) Semester: / Nomination (End of September)
Online Application (3rd week of October)
Application Procedures / 1.  Nomination from Home University to Centre for Japanese of Studies University of Macau
2.  University of Macau will send a login password to the student before the online application
Housing for exchange students
delete* as appropriate) / On-campus (Residential College or Postgraduate House depending on the availability)
Type of accommodation / ( ) Single room
( X ) Shared room among ___2___ persons
Estimated Accommodation Fee per semester / MOP15000
Meal plan / Mandatory (If the student is assigned to stay at Residential College)
Meal cost is included in the accommodation fees
Facilities / Room furniture, bathroom, internet and laundry facilities
Application Form
and Procedures / Not required, arranged by Student Affairs Office via Centre for Japanese Studies
Visa Application Procedures / Upon arrival and assist by the Student Affairs Office
Visa Application Fee
Insurance / Student must insured in home country before coming to Macau
Health Record / Require immunization or proof of health record
·  Tetanus Vaccination Record
Orientation Fee / To be informed during orientation
Arrival Pick-up service / Student buddy
Support for exchange students / Centre for Japanese Studies

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