/ Southern Federation of Dance
PO Box 2218
Rowville 3178
03 9752 9202
1300 733 741

25thMarch 2010

Dear S.F.D Member,

It’s hard to believe we are already heading towards Term 2.


Please note that unfortunately Sky has been unable to continue in her role as Exam

Co-ordinator, however you will not notice any difference to the exam process as this position is filled.We will keep you updated on her replacement. Emails can continue to be directed to and any correspondence to be forwarded to P.O. Box 2218, Rowville 3178.


Please be aware that the Southern Federation of Dance office will not be open whilst annual leave entitlements are taken from Monday 17thMay to Friday 28th May – the office will re-open on Monday 31st May.


A reminder that the dates for the Southern Federation of Dance Competitions this year will be Sunday 28th June to Wednesday 1st July, inclusive. Once again, the venue is The Whitehorse Performing Arts Centre, 397 Whitehorse Road, Nunawading (Melways Ref: 48 G9). Teachers will be receiving their running order and scholarship technical class details shortly. The adjudicators for this years comps will be Ms Tracey Boyd,

Ms Tania Attard-Fox and Ms Sharon Reynolds.


It’s not too late to become a sponsor for our competitions! If you would like to help contribute to the sponsoring of our competitions, your donation goes directly towards the cost of trophies for 1st place and medals for 2nd and 3rd. It only costs $40 for an individual, $80 for a school ½ page advertisement or $120 for a full-page advertisement in the program. Please call our office for a sponsorship form.

The hugely popular Performing Arts Workshop is scheduled for Sunday 2nd May. This event provides a great opportunity for your students to participate in a day filled with activities that they may or may not have encountered in their leisure pursuits and provides them with the opportunity to learn new styles or extend themselves with previously tried classes. Please find enclosed a flyer for you to display to students and also brochures which include the registration form. Workshops include Musical Theatre, Singing, Open Jazz, Circus Skills & Street Tap. Registrations must be received at head office by 16th April. As this has proven to be a hugely popular event, please encourage your students to book quickly as places are limited.


In response to positive feedback from members at the Convention, SFD is introducing optional exam medals from 2010. Available for ALL of your students, the medal provides recognition of students who undertake exams and also those who participate in general class time. An order form will be forwarded to you from the Exam Co-ordinator when confirming your exam booking. If you don’t have exams planned but wish to order these as participation medals, please contact Head Office for an order form. Please note that back orders can be placed at this time for any student wishing to collect the complete set.Orders will be couriered to you at your expense within 4 weeks from the date of your exams.


After the successful introduction of the newLevel 1 and 2 exam report format, SFD is extending this trial into higher levels. We anticipate therevised format willcontinue to offerteachers and students the valuable feedback you have come to expect from SFD Examiners.As always the committee welcome your feedback on these new report initiatives.


Forms and relevant information for the ordering of student music can be found in the Syllabus Purchase section of your member manual. The order forms must be returned by Friday 23rd April, 2010 for collection at the Masterclasses. If your students are not attending the Masterclasses, please allow four weeks delivery from when you place the order with Head Office.


All members are reminded to include the $320.00 non-refundable examination deposit with your Examination Booking Form to confirm your booking. This amount will be deducted from the balance owing.


Exam bookings are flooding into the office. If you require a particular date (especially from July to September), you are advised to book now so every effort can be made to accommodate your request. Examination request forms are enclosed in your manual.


Some exciting news from Cathy-Lea Academy of Performing Arts ~

  • Tegan Hartwich gained 43 for VCE Dance, Monique Johnson scored 42 - Tegan, Monique and Amy Dalton all auditioned BOTH their solos for the Top Acts show and are waiting to hear whether they are invited to perform at this event. Monique Johnson has subsequently been selected to perform at the Top Acts Show on 19th March.
  • Callum Hawthorne is a reserve for the role of ‘Michael’ for Mary Poppins (he made it to the final 7 boys for the role!)
  • Amy Pyke has gained a place dancing full time at Ministry of Dance in 2010.
  • We have a group of students in an ABC Kids Dance show as well – Mia Raso, Tara Smith, Zoe Smith, Luke McConnell.
  • Cassie Hartwich has gained a place studying Dance at Rowville Secondary College - Institute of Arts.
  • Emily Sacco was selected from 500 who auditioned to gain a place in Dance at Deakin.
  • Romy Madeley gained a performing arts scholarship to attend Beaconhills College.
  • (Jacob Sellenger is continuing studies at ABS and Tristan Gross is continuing studies at VCAA).

Some exciting news from Blackburn Dance Spot ~

Andrew Radak, a student withthe school for eight years was accepted into the National Theatre Ballet school as a full time student for 2010. We congratulate him and wish him well in his career.He was also among 8 students from the school to be accepted into the Youth Dance Company, who will be performing Laurel Martyns "Nutcracker" at the Whitehorse Arts Centre in July.

We look forward to catching up with you at the Masterclasses or Competitions.

Jane Thomas

Office Administrator