
Simple Charity, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting

September 3, 2016

Digital Meeting

Documents provided to all Members prior to meeting:

  1. Proposed and approved agenda for meeting
  2. Bylaws to be voted on

Copresident David Wohlever Sánchez called the first Board of Directors meeting to order at 1:27 PM in a digital meeting held via video chat. Those in attendance and constituting a quorum were:

Present: David Wohlever Sánchez, Brian Grasso, Alex Whitehurst, Joshua Martin, Justin Ebert

Absent: none

Appointment of Initial Board:

All present agreed to be appointed to Simple Charity, Inc.’s initial Board of Directors.

MOTION by Grasso:

Move to appoint David Wohlever Sánchez the temporary Chair and Secretary.

Seconded and carried without dissent.

Incorporation of finalized Articles of Incorporation:

MOTION by Wohlever Sánchez:

Move to approve the finalized Articles of Incorporation, and for them to be sent to the Secretary of State of Georgia’s office.

Seconded and carried without dissent.

Discussion of Bylaws:

David Wohlever Sánchez presented a brief report on the progress of finalizing the Bylaws. An informal goal of finalization by next meeting was set.

Appointment of Officers:

MOTION by Wohlever Sánchez:

Move to appoint Brian Grasso as Copresident.

Seconded and carried without dissent.

MOTION by Wohlever Sánchez:

Move to appoint Joshua Martin as Media Director.

Seconded and carried without dissent.

MOTION by Wohlever Sánchez:

Move to appoint Justin Ebert as Webmaster.

Seconded and carried without dissent.

MOTION by Wohlever Sánchez:

Move to appoint Alex Whitehurst as Treasurer.

Seconded and carried without dissent.

MOTION by Grasso:

Move to appoint David Wohlever Sánchez as Copresident and Secretary.

Seconded and carried without dissent.

Designation of Principal Office:

Per the Articles of Incorporation, the Principal Office was set to 6988 Chelsie Heard Dr., Cumming, GA, 30041-2266, USA.

Financial Report and Discussion:

MOTION by Wohlever Sánchez:

Move to retroactively authorize the opening of a bank account.

Seconded and carried without dissent.

MOTION by Wohlever Sánchez:

Move to assign Copresidents Grasso and Wohlever Sánchez and Treasurer Whitehurst as those eligible to have access to account.

Seconded and carried without dissent.

General discussion of financial matters proceeded.

General Discussion:

The Board discussed strategy for Board recruitment and diversification. The matter was informally tabled for discussion around January. The Board also discussed which causes should be supported. This matter was tabled for discussion at the next meeting and beyond. The Board discussed social media strategy. Copresident Grasso was informally given the role of overseeing those efforts. The Board also discussed internal documentation and organization (i.e. methods for communication, minutes, etc.). There was also general discussion of matters of interest to the Board.


MOTION by Ebert:

Move to adjourn the meeting.

Seconded and carried without dissent.

Meeting adjourned at 2:47 PM.

Minutes submitted by Secretary, David Wohlever Sánchez