Membership Application:

Title: Ms. Mrs. Mr. Miss Dr. None

Last name______

First name______

Job Title______





Library URL______






Postal Code______


Type of Membership (circle)

High income countries*$65/year $150/3 years

Low and middle income

countries*$25year $60/3 years

Student member$25/year $60/3 years

Retired member$25/year $60/3 years

Sponsored membership

*World Bank list of countries by income groups:

See IAMSLIC website for more

information on membership criteria and country


Dues may be paid at the conference, by credit card or by check (US$) payable to IAMSLIC. You may pay for up to 3 years at once.

Please contact the IAMSLIC Treasurer for information on payment by bank transfer or credit card (additional charges are included):

Regional Group Affiliations (circle one)


Cyamus (Pacific Coast of NA)

EURASLIC (Europe)

Latin America

Pacific Islands


Applications and payment queries:

IAMSLIC Membership Database Manager

c/o Kristen LaBonte, Reference Services

University of California, Santa Barbara Library

Santa Barbara, C.A. 93106-9010 USA


Phone: 01-805-893-2689

International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers

Membership Invitation:

IAMSLIC is an organization of librarians and information professionals in the marine and aquatic sciences. You are invited to participate, as we seek to provide a forum for sharing ideas and resources within our discipline. IAMSLIC has a long history of international cooperation and members come from all types and sizes of libraries and information centers including research institutes, government agencies, colleges, universities, non-profit and for-profit organizations. Membership is on a calendar year basis, January 1st to December 31st.

Membership Benefits:

·IAMSLIC Blog & Newsletters

·Quarterly Membership Directory

·Access to online searchable IAMSLIC Membership Directory

·Voting privileges

·Annual conference registration at members rate

·Access to the IAMSLIC Z39.50 Distributed Library and resource sharing program

·Participate in development of the Aquatic Commons

Sponsored Memberships:

IAMSLIC offers a limited number of Sponsored Memberships. Prospective members from low and middle income countries* unable to pay the $25 annual fee may apply to the Membership Committee for a one-time three-year sponsorship. Prospective members from high income countries may apply to the Membership Committee for a one-time one-year sponsorship. Sponsored members receive the same benefits as other membership categories and will be expected to contribute library holding information to IAMSLIC's Union List of Marine and Aquatic Serials.

Guin Fund:

This fund is a memorial to founding member, Marilyn Guin, and provides support to members in developing countries. Please consider contributing to this fund in addition to your membership fee.

Regional Groups of IAMSLIC:

Further information on the website

IAMSLIC Website:

IAMSLIC Email Discussion List:
To subscribe, send email message:
MESSAGE: subscribe IAMSLIC your name

To unsubscribe send email message:
MESSAGE: unsubscribe IAMSLIC

Post messages:

Suggested email subject headings (typical topics):
DUPS (Surplus material to share)
DUPS GONE (Surplus material gone)
REF? (Request for information)
REF? FILLED (Question answered)
NEWS (Items relevant to IAMSLIC)
WWW (Web site of interest)
ILL (Interlibrary Loan request)
ILL FILLED (Request filled)


For details of the current IAMSLIC President and other officers of the Association see the IAMSLIC website.

Annual Conference:
The Annual Conference is held typically in either September or October of each year. For details of forthcoming conferences see:


IAMSLIC Correspondence
Brian Voss
IAMSLIC Secretary

Membership Correspondence

Kristen LaBonte