
Kentucky Legislative Ethics Commission

January 5, 2000

The Kentucky Legislative Ethics Commission held its regularly scheduled meeting at 11:00 a.m., January 5, 2000, in Room 129 of the Capitol Annex.

Present were: Ann B. Henn, Clarence Jackson, Judge Michael O. McDonald, John Shepherd, Judge Donald L. Smalley, Rebecca Tomblinson, George Troutman and Judge Bruce Lester, Chairman.

Absent was: Lloyd Clapp.

LEC Staff: Judge Anthony Wilhoit, Paula Pabon, Lee Rowland, Peggy Williams, and Donnita Crittenden.

Judge Lester called the meeting to order and asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Lee Rowland requested that a change be made in the minutes regarding the hearing for Safety Kleen Corporation. Judge McDonald moved and Mrs. Henn seconded the motion to approve the minutes as amended. All were in favor.

Mr. Troutman stated that he had reviewed the Commission's financial statement included in the board books and that all was in order.

Judge Lester stated that the speaker for the Current Issues Seminar, Michael Josephson, had been well received by the members of the General Assembly. Judge Wilhoit reported that the second portion of the Current Issues Seminar would be held the following morning with staff giving an overview of most requested opinions and the Code. It was also noted that staff would be participating in an LRC-hosted training session for legislative agents and employers.

Paula Pabon, Legal Counsel, reviewed a request for an opinion. After discussion, Ms. Tomblinson moved and Mr. Shepherd seconded a motion to adopt OLEC 2000-01. All were in favor.


January 5, 2000

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Lee Rowland, Enforcement Counsel, stated that there would be no hearing on the Safety Kleen issue on that day. It appeared that the company had not received the certified letter notifying them of the hearing. Mr. Troutman moved and Judge McDonald seconded a motion to delay the matter until the next meeting.

In other business, Judge Smalley discussed the travel policy relating to mileage for attendance at Commission meetings when the member may not be leaving from his home station. He indicated his intention to secure a copy of any travel regulations pertaining to the matter. It was stated by Judge Wilhoit that the Commission had in the past operated under the same rules and policy adopted by LRC for General Assembly members and staff.

It was decided that since Judge Lester would be out of state during the next meeting, Vice Chairman Troutman would determine the need for a February meeting based on business to be considered.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.