Homework Assignment Sheet


CLASS DATE: 8/26/16DUE DATE: 9/2/16


WHAT WE DID TODAY IN CLASS: Learned/reviewed KWO; Did KWO on Sherlock Holmes and Sidney Paget; discussed fix-it grammar week 1

ASSIGNMENTS: 1) Write a paragraph in your own words from the KWOwe wrote in class on Sydney Paget from the source paragraph on pg. 10.Always turn in your KWO.Before writing, test the outline by telling it back to someone at least three times. Then write a paragraph in your own words using your KWO. Do not look back at the original source while writing your paragraph. Include great style if you already have IEW experience (dress-ups and sentence openers) so I can see what you know and how well you use these elements. Do not mark them. Follow the checklist attached on Engrade. The checklist must be turned in with the assignment.I will not grade an assignment not accompanied by the correct checklist, and the parent must grade it.Print the one attached on Enrade – do not use the one in the book. Follow the details of the checklist very carefully.

2) Fix-it grammar week 2 – cut out your grammar flashcards and have them in front of you while working.

3) Read Ch. 2- 4 in The Magician’s Nephew (MN)

4) Word Analysis due week 4 –due 9/16. The word you are analyzing is “indignant.” Read pp. 192-193 before you start. Work on this each week so you don’t have it all to do the last week. Make a blank copy of pp. 194-195 and fill in the copy to turn in. You will need to use these pages multiple times, so do not write it in your book.

Notes: Always handwrite your KWO on notebook paper (or you may use the form in your book), but you will need to make a copy of it. Don’ttear it out because you will be losing valuable information from your book.This week only, handwrite your paragraph, double spacing and indenting. Put your name and the date in the upper left corner. I will hand out instructions next week on proper format for typing papers. I expect all papers to be typed unless I have a note from your parent.


This sheet should be handed in to each teacher at the beginning of each class.

If handing in an assignment please STAPLE to this form.

Parents should sign below indicating that all of the listed assignments were completed.