DECEMBER 20, 2005

The Faribault County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at the Courthouse in the City of Blue Earth at 9:00 a.m. on December 20, 2005. The following members were present: Bill Groskreutz, Loren Lein, Tom Loveall, Barb Steier, and Tom Warmka, Commissioners. County Auditor/Coordinator John Thompson was also present.

The meeting was called to order by Chair Loveall.

The pledge of allegiance was recited.

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Warmka/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to approve the synopsis and official proceedings of the December 6, 2005 regular meeting.

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Warmka/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to approve the December 20, 2005 agenda.

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The calendar was updated. Committee reports were presented.

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No member of the public appeared during public comment.

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Lein/Warmka motion carried unanimously to approve the request from D. Hanson, B. Oelke, and R. Ficken to attend work-zone traffic-control seminar in Mankato.

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Warmka/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to approve Resolution 05-CB-48 to replace Resolution 05-CB-40, electronic recording of documents, to comply with Secretary of State’s format. Commissioners Groskreutz, Lein, Loveall, Steier, and Warmka voted yes.


BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Commissioners of Faribault County, and the County Recorder of Faribault County, as evidenced by the authorized signatures below hereby declares:

1)  That Faribault County intends to implement electronic filing of those real estate documents permitted in pilot projects authorized by the task force created by Laws 2000, chapter 392; and

2)  That Faribault County will comply with the standards adopted by that task force for the electronic filing of real estate documents.

The Board of Commissioners of Faribault County, and the County Recorder of Faribault County, as evidenced by the authorized signatures below hereby further certify that Faribault County is in compliance with the requirement that Faribault County uses software validated by that task force for the electronic filing of real estate documents.

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Treasurer David Frank met regarding office business. An update was given on the safe in the office. An update on investments was given.

The board was updated on a payment portal system proposed by the Minnesota Treasurer’s Association.

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Central Services Director Brenda Ripley met regarding office business.

Steier/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to hire Dorothy Sundquist of Bricelyn as Fraud Investigator effective January 3, 2006.

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Library Director Pauline Siem met regarding office business.

Steier/Warmka motion carried unanimously to re-appoint Ardell Frandle to a three year term on the Library Board ending December 31, 2008.

An update of library staff activity was given.

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Public Works Director John McDonald met regarding office business. A construction update was given.

Groskreutz/Warmka motion carried unanimously to approve Resolution 05-RB16-49 for final payment of $139,948.25 to Mathiowitz Construction on SAP 22-599-89, 93, and 94 on Foster Township bridges. Commissioners Groskreutz, Lein, Loveall, Steier, and Warmka voted yes.


WHEREAS, SAP 22-299-89, 93, and 94 on Foster Township bridges has in all things been completed, and the County Board being fully advised in the premises,

NOW THEN, BE IT RESOLVED that we do hereby accept said completed project for and in behalf of the County of Faribault and authorize final payment of $139,948.25 to Mathiowitz Construction.

Steier/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to approve Resolution 05-RB17-50 for final payment of $33,495.58 to Southern Minnesota Construction Company on CP 05-616-08 overlay on S-16. Commissioners Groskreutz, Lein, Loveall, Steier, and Warmka voted yes.


WHEREAS, CP 05-616-08 overlay on S-16 has in all things been completed, and the County Board being fully advised in the premises,

NOW THEN, BE IT RESOLVED that we do hereby accept said completed project for and in behalf of the County of Faribault and authorize final payment of $33,495.58 to Southern Minnesota Construction Company.

Mike Beckman and Ila Teskey of the Wells Historical Society met along with McDonald regarding the railroad depot in Wells. The Wells Historical Society requested the County be the sponsor for the grant application to restore the railroad depot to its original condition.

Groskreutz/Steier motion carried unanimously to approve Resolution 05-RB18-51 agreeing to act as sponsoring agency for the Wells Railroad Depot transportation enhancements project. Commissioners Groskreutz, Lein, Loveall, Steier, and Warmka voted yes.


BE IT RESOLVED that Faribault County agrees to act as sponsoring agency for a “Transportation Enhancements” project identified as Wells Railroad Depot and has reviewed and approved the project as proposed. Sponsorship includes a willingness to secure and guarantee the local share of costs associated with this project and responsibility for seeing this project through to its completion, with compliance of all applicable laws, rules and regulations.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that John McDonald, Faribault County Engineer is hereby authorized to act as agent on behalf of this applicant.

Groskreutz/Warmka motion carried unanimously to approve Resolution 05-RB19-52 stating that Wells Historical Society, Inc. agrees to assume full responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the Wells Railroad Depot project in place of Faribault County. Commissioners Groskreutz, Lein, Loveall, Steier, and Warmka voted yes.


WHEREAS, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requires that states agree to operate and maintain facilities constructed with federal transportation funds for the useful life of the improvement and not change the use of right of way or property ownership acquired without prior approval from the FHWA; and

WHEREAS, Transportation enhancement projects receive federal funding from the Surface Transportation Program (STP); and

WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) has determined that for projects implemented with enhancement funds, this requirement should be applied to the project proposer; and

WHEREAS, Faribault County is the project proposer for the transportation enhancements project identified as Wells Railroad Depot.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Wells Historical Society, Inc. hereby agrees to assume full responsibility in place of Faribault County for the operation and maintenance of property and facilities related to the aforementioned enhancement project.

Steier/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to approve an agreement with the Wells Historical Society to pay maintenance costs.

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A public hearing for the Water Plan was opened. Soil and Water Director Michele Stindtman and Brandi Douglas of the Soil and Water office met to review the purpose for the hearing and the update to the Water Plan.

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Lein/Warmka motion carried unanimously to approve Resolution 05-CB-53 setting the proposed 2006 budget at $15,312,183 in revenues and $16,200,099 in expenditures. Commissioners Groskreutz, Lein, Loveall, Steier, and Warmka voted yes.


WHEREAS, The Faribault County Board of Commissioners has considered the financial needs of Faribault County,

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the proposed budget of Faribault County for 2006 be set at $15,312,183 in revenues and $16,200,099 in expenditures.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of said budget be kept on file in the Office of the County Auditor for public inspection.

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Steier/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to approve Resolution 05-CB-54 a proposed levy of $6,927,261 before Program Aid adjustments and $6,147,174 after HACA reductions for taxes payable in 2006. Commissioners Groskreutz, Lein, Loveall, Steier, and Warmka voted yes.


WHEREAS, the Faribault County Board of Commissioners has passed a proposed budget for 2006,

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that Faribault County hereby approves a proposed levy of $6,927,261 before Program Aid adjustments and $6,147,174 after HACA reductions for taxes payable in 2006.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the net levy after program aid adjustments and before market value credits and disparity reduction aid adjustments be appropriated to the proper funds as follows:

General Fund 3,393,388

Public Works Fund 1,014,507

Humans Services Fund 1,472,179

Library Fund 177,000

1997 Courthouse Imp. Bonds 27,800

Landfill Bonds 62,300

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of said levy will be on file with the County Auditor of Faribault County.

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Groskreutz/Warmka motion carried unanimously to approve Resolution 05-CB-55 setting salary, per diems and expense allowance for 2006 for the Board of Commissioners. Commissioners Groskreutz, Lein, Loveall, Steier, and Warmka voted yes.


WHEREAS, Chapter 301 of Session Laws 1975 provides for a method of determining county commissioner's compensation, per diem and expense allowance; and,

WHEREAS, The resolution establishing the salary, schedule of per diem payments and expense allowances must be adopted by the County Board of Commissioners prior to January 1 of each year to become effective on January 1 of the next following year; and,

WHEREAS, The County Board of Commissioners of Faribault County, after due deliberation and consideration, has determined the annual salary, schedule of per diem payments and expense allowance that will be effective January 1, 2005, and thereafter until changed by resolution of the said Board in a manner as provided by law.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the County Board of Commissioners of Faribault County as follows:

1. That the annual salary of each County Commissioner of Faribault County shall be the sum of $16,752 beginning January 1, 2006, payable in not less than bi-weekly increments, less deductions as authorized or required by law, and shall be paid to such Commissioner during the interval as he or she is qualified to hold office.

2. That each individual County Commissioner shall be paid a per diem of $80 per day, after making application therefore, who, by proper designation for authorization has served on any board, committee or commission of county government, including committees of the Board, or for the performance of services when required by law for any of the following work, service or activity:

Human Services Board and/or Committee

Representative on the Council on Aging

County Extension Committee

South Central Private Industry Council (PIC) Joint Powers Board

County Fair Board

County Weed-Crop Inspection

County Commissioner's Highway Committee

County Representative MnDOT Advisory Committee

County Representative Minnesota Transportation Alliance

County Commissioners as Road, Drainage Inspectors or Fence Viewers

County Land Classification and Appraisal Committee

Forfeited Tax Sale Proceedings, including Appraisals

Planning and Zoning Commission

County Building, Building Maintenance and Equipment Committee

Crime Commission

Intergovernmental Relations Committee

Regional Development Commissioner, Board or Committee

Economic Development and/or Star County Committee

County Library Board and/or Committee

County Law Library Board

Labor Relations, Negotiations, Personnel and Bargaining Committee

County Insurance Advisory Committee

County Investment Advisory Committee

County Radio Communications System Committee

911 Emergency Telephone Communications Board or Committee

State and/or County Building Code Board or Committee

Airports Zoning Committee

County Parks Board or Committee

Blue Earth River Basin Committee

Comprehensive Water Planning Board or Committee

Interstate Highway 90 Corporation and/or Trunk Highway 169

Commission, Board or Committee

County Deferred Compensation Plan Committee

Solid Waste Management or Disposal Board or Committee

Water Quality Management Board

Wetland Bank Committee

Budget Committee

Resource Conservation and Development Council

Association of Minnesota Counties and/or State Welfare, Social

Services/Human Services Board of Committee

Manure Management Task Force

Juvenile Detention Committee

Environmental Committee

Activities relating to public drainage systems under the

jurisdiction of the County or Court.

For such committee, board or commission work which may be required by law, or which is authorized by the County Board of Commissioners, providing, that such work, service or activity is authorized by Board action to the performance of such work, service or activity.

3. That in addition to the salary and per diems set forth herein, each individual County Commissioner may be paid his or her actual and necessary expenses with mileage allowance as set by the Internal Revenue Service for necessary travel on official business of the county by private conveyance.

The effective date of this resolution shall be January 1, 2006, and thereafter until changed in the manner provided by law.

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Groskreutz/Steier motion carried unanimously to dissolve the Law Enforcement Center committee and appoint the full board to the Building Committee for the Law Enforcement Center.

Commissioner Lien will research the use of geothermal.

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Steier/Lein motion carried unanimously to adopt Resolution 05-CB-56 an out-of-state travel policy for elected officials. Commissioners Groskreutz, Lein, Loveall, Steier, and Warmka voted yes.


WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes 471.661 requires every County to develop and approve, by a recorded vote, an Out-of-State Travel Policy for its applicable elected officials,


1.  This policy applies to all elected officials; County Commissioners, Attorney, Auditor, Treasurer, Recorder, and Sheriff

2.  Each elected officials have different statutory duties which require the elected official to seek ongoing education and training, as well as to receive updated information and technical expertise.

3.  Each elected official shall determine when travel out of state is appropriate, and in the interest of the office they hold; is in the interest of Faribault County; and is in the interest of County Government.

4.  Elected officials shall be reimbursed for actual expenses involved in the traveling and lodging at out-of-state venues. Airline travel costs shall be based on coach or similar type arrangements.

5.  All out-of-state travel requests shall be presented to the County Board of Commissioners for consideration and approval prior to the planned date(s) of travel.

6.  One day travel in any contiguous county to Faribault County in Iowa is exempt from approval.

7.  This Out-State-Travel policy shall be available for public inspection upon request and shall be reviewed annually or upon a majority vote of the County Board of Commissioners.

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