DRAM 1341.001—Stage Makeup

Syllabus Spring 2017


Three credit hours. Approximately two lecture hours and three laboratory hours per week. It requires

no prerequisites. There will be times when you will have more lecture one week and more lab the

next week. Ultimately, it should equal out. The course is intended for theatre majors but is

appropriate for any student wishing knowledge in the subject. The course is designed as a study of

basic make-up techniques for the stage with practical experience in designing and applying theatre

make-up in a variety of styles.


The intended audience is any person who desires to develop a working knowledge of stage

makeup techniques and applications.


Name: Kary Raine

Office Location: ACA Rm. 100G

Office Hours: 2:00-4:00 pm M-R; 1:00-3:00 pm Friday

Phone: 936-633-5232

E-mail Address:


A. Core Objectives Required for this Course

1. Critical Thinking: to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information

2. Communication: to include effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral and visual communication 3. Teamwork: to include the ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal

B. Course Learning Outcomes for all Sections

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

1. Demonstrate the basic skills needed for applying stage makeup.

2. Demonstrate the knowledge of the implications of designing makeup for visibility under stage lights and in multiple stage settings.

3. Develop a working knowledge of facial modeling.

4. Demonstrate the elements of design while designing makeup and worksheets for a

variety of genres and styles onstage.


A. Assessments for the Core Objectives:

1. Critical Thinking: Students’ introductory critical thinking skills are assessed by student’s written analysis of characters within the style and genre of a specific play. This analysis becomes a part of the makeup application process. An AC assessment scoring rubric will be used to assess components of inquiry, synthesis, analysis, and results.

2. Communication: Students’ introductory written, visual, and oral communication skills are assessed by their application of designed makeup based on written analysis peer review. An AC rubric will be used to assess whether the students’ participation in these activities communicates an understanding of the material while demonstrating: organization, development, interpretation and expression of ideas.

3. Teamwork: Students’ developing teamwork skills will be assessed by their participation in application of makeup based on others design ideas within the context of the design process. A peer evaluation AC rubric will be used to evaluate individual students’ teamwork skills.

B. Assessments for Course Learning Outcomes

1. Students will demonstrate the basic skills needed for applying stage makeup by applying stage makeup to themselves and peers.

2. Students will demonstrate their knowledge of design by analyzing characters within the context of production and designing makeup based on said analytical observances with consideration of the performance venue.

3. Students will demonstrate a working knowledge of facial modeling and demonstrate those skills when applying makeup

4. Students will demonstrate the elements of design while designing makeup and worksheets for a variety of genres and styles onstage and applying makeup based on those designs and worksheets.


Due to the varied aspects of the discipline of theatre, many different methods of teaching must

come into play. Generally each unit will begin with a lecture over the material followed by

discussion. Audio-video presentations, exercises, demonstrations, and student presentations will

be used when appropriate.


A. Required Textbooks, Materials and Equipment –You will need a makeup kit and

supplies. Further information will be given on choices and availability for these supplies.

You will also need drawing/coloring pencils, erasers, etc. for design work. I suggest that

you invest in a 3-ring binder for notes, handouts, analysis, and especially your makeup


B. Assignments – A detailed daily schedule is attached

Reading: You will have specific reading assignments from handouts. Please come to class

Prepared, having read the material, so that we can have productive discussions and

demonstrations. You will also have minor research projects which will require outside

reading both in other texts and via the internet.

Writing: You will be accountable for character analysis and process documentation for your

makeup designs. Make-up application will be accompanied by this written documentation. A

handout with criteria will be distributed.

Tests: There will be a minimum of three major tests and one cumulative final exam. The emphasis

of these tests will be on terminology and concepts particular to the field. Fill in the Blank, short

answer and essay questions will be a part of the testing process.

Projects: You will have several make-up projects in which you are to demonstrate your knowledge

of the tasks at hand. A handout with specific guidelines will be distributed for each of these


C. Course Policies – (This course conforms to the policies of Angelina College as stated In the Angelina College Handbook.)

Academic Honesty -- My policy is pretty clear cut—any cheating or plagiarizing on any

assignment or test will result in a failing grade for the course.

Academic Assistance – If you have a disability (as cited in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation

Act of 1973 or Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990) that may affect your

participation in this class, you should see Karen Bowser, Room 208 of the Student Center. At

a post-secondary institution, you must self-identify as a person with a disability; Ms. Bowser

will assist you with the necessary information to do so.

Attendance – As the attendance policy in the Angelina College Policies & Procedures Manual

states, instructors may drop students from class after 3 consecutive or 4 cumulative

absences. However, it is ultimately YOUR responsibility to drop from class, or you may

receive an “F” for your final grade. If you return to class after an extended absence, it is at

the instructor’s discretion whether or not to allow you back into class. Because class

participation is a vital part of your grade, you cannot pass my class without attending.

Students are responsible for obtaining information missed due to an absence. Students are

responsible for arranging to make up missed work. There is no differentiation between an

excused or unexcused absence. All absences are treated with the same consequences listed

below. Tardiness, absences, and leaving class early will negatively impact your class

assignments grade. Writing assignments will be accepted late, but with daily point

reductions. NO CLASS ASSIGNMENTS/PROJECTS completed during a class period can be made

up. Missed TESTS must be made up or scheduled by the following class period but with daily

point reductions.

Please note that the class period is only one hour and twenty minutes long, therefore, try

to be on time. During class periods in which you do projects you will have to apply,

remove your makeup as well as clean up your area. So be prepared!!

Assignments -- must follow the written instructions and formats explained. Failure to do so could result in a significant grade deduction. Instructions for all written assignments will be distributed as assigned.


A. Content/ Topics - In the theatre world today it is imperative that actors have the ability to

apply their own make-up. Marketability is vital to the beginning actor as competition is fierce.

Therefore, the course is designed to introduce the student to a lot of material in a relatively

short time while emphasizing those skills most needed in the theatre world. By the end of this

course the student should be able to make decisions regarding which techniques to use to

achieve a desired make-up effect for the stage. They will be able to demonstrate workable

solutions for applications on themselves and their peers.

B. Additional Content - See attached Instructor Specific Calendar


A. Grading Criteria - The following is the grading policy as it relates to the above requirements and the class schedule.

Completed Work______Percentage of Final Grade

Tests: 20%


Daily Grades: 20%

Make-up morgue 10%

B. Determination of Grade –completion of the above on a scale of 1-100.


The instructor may modify the provisions of the syllabus to meet individual class needs by informing the class in advance as to the changes being made.