
Tuesday 2nd May 2017

District and Parish Councillor Jenny Roach proposed the Parish Chairman chaired the meeting. Cllr A Hill seconded the proposal. A vote was taken which was unanimous. No other nominations were put forward.


Apologies had been received from Revd Alan Macdonald, Parish Councillor Amanda Lawson, Mr M Thomas & Martin Clough

4 Members of the public were present together with Parish Councillors J Barrett (Chairman), G Barrett, F Derbyshire, S Roach, J Roach, A Hill and O Kennard

1. Minutes of the Annual Parish Assembly held on Wednesday 18th May 2016

The Clerk read to the meeting the Minutes of the meeting held on 18th May 2016 after which Cllr G Barrett proposed the Minutes be accepted as a true record and seconded by Cllr Kennard.

2. Annual Report by Chairman of Parish Council

The year had been busy with maintenance work and new projects.

Pleased to report that two new councillors, Councillor Frances Derbyshire and Councillor Adam Hill had been co-opted onto the Parish Council, sadly Councillor Paul Dixon had resigned due to pressure of work.

Internal Auditor: Councillor Steven Roach had kindly volunteered to be the Parish Council’s internal auditor.

Silverton Parish Council had taken out a new ten year lease for the Little Rec from the Richard’s Educational Trust.

The Neighbourhood Plan: this will be finalised after the online consultation [for those who prefer copies, there will be some available on request]. This consultation is when parishioners and consultees have a final chance to have their say on the topics which have been identified in the previous consultations over the past three years and the Steering Group’s interpretation of these topics. The Neighbourhood Plan will then be updated and the final consultation will be held for parishioners to vote on the Plan going forward to the Examiner. The Examiner has the final say on whether the Plan is approved or not.

Children’s play park & BMX track safety inspections are being carried out by a Mid Devon District Council safety inspector bi-monthly and reporting back to Parish Council.

Defibrillator training: This was held at the Mini Market in the DG room on Saturday 5th November 2016, which was a great success, hopefully this will be held every six months depending on availability of the Heart Foundation.

Council new website is now working well, a few teething problems at first, if the website is to be kept up to date, residents / clubs to inform the clerk of any upcoming events which also will be advertised on Facebook.

Website address : www.silvertonparishcouncil.co.uk

Parish council handyman Denis Marsden has done a good job in his first year, however he does report on a regular basis that some residents are putting household rubbish in the waste bins in the Square the week Mid Devon do not collect general household waste, The Chairman reminded residents that this is an offence with a fine of £75 if prosecuted, Mid Devon District Council are aware of the position and check these bins regularly.

Fencing in the Rec [Jubilee Garden end] has been completed at a cost of £3,794.82

Air Ambulance: This project is on-going, Councillor Adam Hill is heading the project and the landing site will be the on football pitch in the Rec and it’s being called:

“Silverton Community Night Landing Site”

Devon Air Ambulance has advised Silverton Parish Council that they will pay EDF costs of supplying electricity to the tennis hut. Cost of supplying electricity from tennis hut to the lighting pole, which will involve digging trenches, will be the responsibility of Silverton Parish Council, at approximate cost of £4,500, [the exact amount to be confirmed] Parish council will be raising money for this project.

Any money left over will be put towards buying two more defibrillator for Ellerhayes and at the school.

The defibrillator at the Spar has been used a few times by Silverton residents and police.

Parish Council are buying “No Dogs” stencils for the rec and little rec. The Chairman reminded all parishioners and visitors that “No Dogs are allowed in the rec or little rec,” this is to protect all children.

Flag pole and flags: Mr Bill Croome kindly volunteered to look after the flag pole and put up correct flags certain times of the year.

Grass Cutting: Silverton Parish Council have taken on the responsibility of grass cutting in the areas they own, DCC & Mid Devon are responsible for their own areas.

Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations were held in The Rec 11th June and were a great success, which made a small profit, many more parishioners and their families attended than expected. Big thank you to everybody who helped to organise it and on the day to make it all possible and such a success. Even the rain held off until right at the end.

The Chairman gave thanks to the clerk for all the advice, long hours and work she has put in the last year, to the councillors without them none of this would be possible also the committee of the Neighbourhood Plan, most of the committee are not Councillors, they have worked extremely hard in the last three years and when The Neighbourhood Plan has been approved by the examiner it will be beneficial to Silverton Parish.

3. Reports by Local Organisations

Silverton Memory Café Silverton Street Market

Friends of Wyndham House Surgery Silverton History Society

Silverton Walk & Talk Silverton Link Up

Silverton Evangelical Church District Councillor Jenny Roach

Silverton Room 4U St Marys Church

Silverton Bell Ringers Silverton Community Hall

St Marys Silverton Flower Club Silverton Community Choir

4. Matters brought forward by the Chairman

Mr Wise asking if any influence can be made as to the identity of the Inspector of the Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Kennard explained the Neighbourhood Plan will have some influence in the Parish but this would be after the Exeter Strategic Plan and the MDDC Local Plan.

Meeting closed at 8.17 p.m.