Metro Government of Nashville and Davidson CountyOpen Data Metadata

Contact Information

Who is the contact for this dataset? The contact will be the Metro employee who is accountable for the data provided in this dataset and can act as front-line support in the event of any questions about the data.

Contact Name / Roy Stone
Data Provided By / Finance
Contact Phone / 615-862-6409
Contact Email /

What Does this Dataset Describe?

What is the name of this dataset? How should a user identify this dataset in any communication with contact above? Provide a shorter description of the Dataset that can act as a one-line summary of the dataset when dealing with stakeholders. Provide a longer description of the data that can be readily understood by non-technical users.

Dataset Title / Schedule of State Grant Awards, 2015 - present
Short Description / Listing of state grant awards received by Metro departments for the fiscal year.
Category / - Metro Government | General Government
Metro Information Classification* / Public (no risk)
OPTIONAL Tags / Keywords
(separated by commas) / Grants, awards, assistance, state, single audit
Source System / Each Metro department supplies the Finance Department with the details of each grant award received in an Excel file. This information is summarized in an Excel file for all Metro departments by the Finance Department.
Source Link / The Metro departments supply the information to the Finance Department annually.
Full Non-Technical Description
The dataset is a summary of the state grant awards for all Metro departments. The detail is provided annually by each department in an excel format and then reviewed and summarized by the Finance Department. The excel file is provided to Metro’s external auditors and is the source of Metro’s Single Audit report which is published annually and available on Metro’s website in a pdf format.
The detail included in this dataset includes fiscal year, program title, contract number, grant period, program award, (accrued) deferred grant revenue balance at the beginning of the fiscal year, amount of state grant money received, revenue adjustments made if any, expenditures/distributions made, expenditure/payment adjustments made if any, (accrued) deferred grant revenue balance at the end of the fiscal year, grantor name, department code, and department full name.

* The Information Classification policy that explains Metro’s levels is found at:

Does the Dataset Reflect a Particular Time Period?

Provide any date restrictions that may affect the validity of the data. The table fields are defined as follows:

Source Date / Annually
Start Date / 07/01/15
End Date / 06/30/16
Dataset Refresh Interval / Annually
Dataset Review Date / 03/01/18
Data Expiration Date / N/A
Comments / A new fiscal year file will be added on an annual basis approximately April 1.

Dataset Definition/Format

Provide a field-by-field breakdown and definition of each record. This section acts as the formal data dictionary for an individual record. Add or delete rows as necessary to describe all of your dataset fields.

Data Field Name / Format / Description
Fiscal Year / Text / Fiscal year applicable to the data.
Program Title / Text / The name of the grant award.
Contract Number / Text / The contract number for the grant award.
Grant Period / Text / The date range for the period of the grant award.
Program Award / Number / The grant amount awarded.
(Accrued) Deferred Grant Revenue June 30, 20XX / Number / The amount of accrued or deferred grant revenue at the beginning of the fiscal year.
State Receipts / Number / The total amount of grant award receipts during the fiscal year.
Receipts or Adjustments: Transfers (T) Other (O) / Number / The amount of any adjustments made to the amount of receipts received during the fiscal year.
Receipt or Adjustment Type / Text / Adjustment type code.
Expenditures/Distributions / Number / The total amount of grant award expenditures or distributions during the fiscal year.
Payments or Adjustments: Grantor (G) Transfers (T) Other (O) / Number / The amount of any adjustments made to the amount of expenditures or distributions during the fiscal year.
Payment or Adjustment Type / Text / Adjustment type code.
(Accrued) Deferred Grant Revenue June 30, 20XX / Number / The amount of accrued or deferred grant revenue at the end of the fiscal year. Note: This field is a formula.
Grantor / Text / The name of the state grantor.
Department Code / Text / Abbreviation of the department that received the grant award.
Department Name / Text / Department name that received the grant award.

Additional Dataset Considerations

Dataset Technical Description / The dataset is a summary of state grant awards for all Metro departments.
Dataset Assumptions / The information is accurate. The information is reviewed by the Finance Department by comparing the General Ledger to the amounts provided by the departments. Also, the data is audited by Metro’s external auditors and included in Metro’s Single Audit report.
Why was the Dataset Created? / The dataset is needed as part of Single Audit reporting requirements.
How was the Dataset Created? / The dataset is created by the Finance Department by summarizing information supplied by the various Metro departments in an Excel spreadsheet.
What similar or related data should the user be aware of? / Metro’s Single Audit report contains additional information regarding grant awards.
How reliable is the Data? / Highly
How well have the data points been checked? / The dataset is reviewed by the Finance Department, and Metro’s external auditors review the dataset as part of the Single Audit review. The dataset was also compared to the final, published Single Audit report.
Are there Legal Restrictions on the Access or Use of the Data? / None

Metro Nashville Open Data Metadata Template v1.0 Page 3 of 4 07/14/2017