Thursday, 26th September 2013

Attending: Lindsey Booth (LB - chairman), Tina Impett (TI – chairman), Emily Cartlidge (EC – secretary), Sophia Howard (SH – treasurer), Katie Osborne (KO – treasurer), Justine Turner (JT), Penny Wilby (PW), Grace Hilsum (GH), Carey Fraulo (CF), Jo Watling (JW), Dawn Williams (DW), Wendy Mitson (WM – Deputy Headmistress)

  1. Apologies for Absence

Apologies from Caroline Williams, Donna Finch, Tracey King, Ione McMahon. Jane Godfrey has also resigned from committee to make way for others.

  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting

TI - No concerns raised from the last meeting

  1. Update on actions

The new outdoor classroom has already been used. JT said that they are awaiting some anti-slip matting. WM said that the school is emphasising that the outdoor classroom is not to be played on, but used in conjunction with a teacher. KO asked whether it would have to have separate insurance. RG wanted to know whether there should be covers on it. JT is looking into whether the company that provided it makes suitable covers. Covers should be able to be readily removed and replaced as needed. The sail will have to come down at some stage before the winter weather sets in – snow settling on the sail will be too heavy. Invoices for the classroom have been coming in. FOBS will reimburse the school. Thanks were given to everyone involved in getting the project completed. JT is going to get Suffolk Free Press to come and take some photos of the finished classroom.

  1. Treasurer’s Report
  2. Income and expenditure to date

KO went through the figures. The Giving Machine don’t pay out until we get to a certain limit. KO explained how the Giving Machine works. TI to put a reminder in the newsletter. KO also suggested that we might shop around for a better deal on the book bags. KO also suggested that parents make a small donation towards the cost of the Christmas disco.

  1. Update on Bank Account – signatories etc.

Banking still has not been transferred to SH’s name, but she is now on first name terms with all the bank staff! SH is chasing this up as a priority

  1. Feedback on recent events
  2. Summer Fete

JT is officially resigning as organiser of the Summer Fete. The committee thanked her and praised all her hard work. JT said that the framework for the event is now all there and in place for someone else to take it on. It was agreed that getting people in from outside the school and village is beneficial. Summer Fete needs to start being planned at the January meeting. The Tug of War was a huge success – was suggested to get a trophy for next year’s contest.

  1. End of Term party

The End of Term party was a massive success. It was a bit loud and could be shortened to 1½ hours. Needs some organisation and to make sure that a process is followed and that kids are safe. It is good to keep the younger children’s party separate to the older ones’. It would be a good idea to ask for a donation of at least £1.

  1. Coffee Morning

Not as well attended as had hoped it would be, but did raise £65. The raffle was a success. TI said that she would not do it at the White Hart again, as it was a bit expensive. Also, won’t call it a FOBS coffee morning, but a Parents’ Coffee morning. Perhaps do smaller ones in people’s homes.

  1. Treasure Hunt

Really good and very popular with parents, it also raised £184. Very well organised and the children loved it. There was lots for the children to do. Thinking up the clues is the tricky part. Sold out of burgers and sausages. Well done to TI for organising the event. Good for aiming at new parents. EC suggested giving new parents the date in there welcome pack when they come for orientation in June.

  1. Monthly Newsletter

Has been a good idea. If anyone wants anything to be included, they should speak to TI. SH thought that each member of the committee should recommend a friend to sign up to the newsletter.

  1. Update on Fundraising

The bank account is about to drop hugely after paying for the outdoor classroom. 5H and 6E want £500 for a school trip. FOBS all liked the letters that the children wrote. 4H are doing the same trip and they have asked for money for the bus. 1B and 2S have asked for £552 for a pantomime. Everyone agreed that it was a good idea. General discussion about how each class is funded.

Kingswood Trip – parents have been told that FOBS will contribute the cost of the coach. Parents have been told that it’s £194 per child. If 6E ask for any more money, we need to be aware that the coach has been paid for.

TI asked what the next fundraising goal should be. A bike shed was suggested to encourage more children to ride to school. TI has looked into designs for bike sheds and there was a general discussion as to where the shed should be. It was agreed that to the right of the swimming pool could be a good option. Possibly send out a survey as to who would use their bikes to get to school.

  1. Forthcoming Events
  2. Christmas Fayre

30th November – first meeting is Friday, 4th October with venue tbc. Fayre to have the same format as last year. WM offered Group Room for the meeting. Good to get the older children to run a stall. Possibly do mulled wine.

  1. Photo Day

JT said that 21 people had booked in. SW going to open up and JT to close. Looking for someone to be there in the middle. Spencer Brown has now drawn up an official contract for this event.

  1. Santa Run

14th December. SW asked in absentia for 6 elves to help with the Santa Run. The Community Council have taken over the Santa Run, but if we provide elves we can get a cut of the profit. To be included in the newsletter.

  1. Christmas Cards

LB asked whether people wanted cards, tea towels or a class mug in bone china. The general consensus was to go for a mug or a generic card which could be for any occasion. JT was very keen on getting someone in to guide and help the children with their drawing.

  1. Forward Planning
  2. Class representatives

Getting there with class contacts

  1. Cheese and Wine evening

JT is researching these events. Questions were asked as to whether we want the Cheese and Wine evening to be informative, or more of a social occasion.

  1. Easter Egg Hunt

Will be discussed further at the next meeting. Children will have to search for plastic eggs. Could do a duck race – JT to ask her contact how much he wants for his ducks.

  1. Nativity Play refreshments

KO to organise and JT to get Christmas crackers

  1. AOB

Rachel Joseph has asked us to donate a tree for the Boxford Christmas Tree Festival. JW to run it and EC offered to help. Suggested idea is a wishing tree with each child writing a wish on ribbon or tags to be tied to the tree – GH has tags to donate. Possible 50p per child to write a tag.

JT recommended sending the FOBS newsletter to Monks Eleigh school as well.

KO said that the school pool needs anti-slip matting. Plus a mop and bucket. WM said that the school should be able to buy these items.

Decided not to do the Golden Ticket in future.

LB reminded FOBS members to remember to keep the school secretaries involved in actions by letting them know what letters we are putting in school bags and giving them a copy.

Parking – villagers are very concerned about the parking problems. FOBS happy to work with school, village and council to help sort it out. FOBS to call a meeting with governors, parents and teachers. SH has been investigating options for out of catchment parents joining the school bus – EC to deliver letter to Cllr James Finch.

JT said that she is putting up the price of the trip to London from £12.50 to £13.

  1. Date of the next meeting

23rd January at 7.30pm