Program Assessment and Review Council (PARC)

Minutes for Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Members Present:

James B. Davis, Martha Dede, Lesley Farmer, Keith Freesemann, Liesl Haas, Amy Heyse, Zvonimir Hlousek, Kelly Janousek, Carol Lord, Robin Richesson,Olga Rubio, Michelle Saint-Germain and Mahmond Wagdy.

Members Absent/Excused:

David Anglin, Guy Bachman (class), Mladen Barbic, Babette Benken (leave), Sharyn Blumenthal (class), Ray DeLeon, Mary Ellen Kinney, Cecile Lindsay (trip), Lisa Maxfield, Rosa Moreno-Alcaraz, Markus Muller, Van Novack, Henry O’Laurence (external review), Emelinda Parentela (ill), Sabine Reddy (excused), Jeremy Redman, and Aaron Wilson (class).

Meeting called to order at 2:10p.m.

Meeting was called to order and packets were distributed including agenda, minutes, PARC Calendar, Resolutions by the Academic Senate, Ad Hoc Committee Report on State Support/Self Support and External Reviewers Summary Worksheet.

1. Agenda approved.Minutes of the February 20, 2008 meeting were approved as distributed. Announcement: Update – The Art UPRC has been revised and sent to ArtDepartment for final review.

2. PARC Calendar

●Design Review was sent to council for hearing.

●Biology corrections are being negotiated.

●Reviews final schedule for Spring reviews is out.

●An external review tends to be available within two weeks for the UPRC. Committees can start writing without the report to make sure things are not forgotten.

●RGLL external reviews have taken place – the UPRC will have to go work independently, like the old program review system.

●Film and Electronic Arts UPRC will finish this spring.

●American Studies UPRC hopes to report this Spring.

●Multicultural Center UPR is in final draft.

●Music expedited report behind and will be moved to fall 2008.

●English, Mathematics & Statistics UPRC will happen in the fall.

●History and Human DevelopmentUPR will chosen in fall 2008.

If one person on the UPRC does not write with the committee but has a opinion then consider a minority report to add to the UPRC report. Do not let the writing lag because of hold ups.

3. Resolution on Changes to Academic Senate Approvals.

We are reminded that the Academic Senate is responsible for policy issues. The Council makes recommendations to the Academic Senate, this includes implementation of policy.

4. Ad Hoc Committee Report on State Support/Self-support Programs and Program Review Policy.

The Council read the letter and discussed the issues and options. Ideas include surveying the program that have gone through this process of new program review and see how the policy works for them. Then determine if rewriting instructions for program review will handle the problem or do we need to write more policy.

Council members are to review the self-support report and determine questions that should be asked for the survey. Review part 1A Access and part 3C Special Programs.

The Council then discussed other areas of concern. MOU timing seems to be long. Should there be guidelines on this timeline. Are distance courses being reviewed and how?

5. Meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m.

Next meeting April 23, 2008.