Directions for is a website designed to help diminish plagiarism. You will be required to submit your work to this site throughout the school year. It is simple to use. Please follow these easy directions:

  1. Log onto the site:
  2. You must first register with the web site and you will need a valid e-mail address to do this. *If you don’t have an e-mail address, please sign up for a free account.
  3. Once on the site, in the upper right hand corner you are to click on “Create Account”.
  4. On the next page, go to the bottom and select “student”.
  5. Next you will have to input the turnitin class # and password:

2nd Period ID# is 8812797 6th Period ID # is: 8812809

Your class enrollment password is: history

  1. Next you will input your personal user information
  2. You will then be prompted to input a password of your own. Please choose something easy that you will remember and write it here: ______. I cannot access these passwords, so if you forget, I cannot help you.
  3. Next choose a secret question and answer it. This will help you to gain access to your password if you should forget it.
  4. Next input your name.
  5. You will then be prompted to read their policies. You must click on “I agree” to go further.
  6. Now you are finished with creating a user profile.
  7. When you are ready to submit your work, you need to login and select the assignment that you will be submitting.
  8. You then need to click “submit” and browse for your document either from a disc or on your H:// drive. Once you find your document, click final “submit” and you are done. If you can’t attach your work, just choose the copy and paste choice.

If you have any questions, you MUST e-mail me at . Please understand that if your work isn’t submitted on time – you will receive a zero.