Nelson Mandela Bay Focus Areas

The following focus areas have been identified in response to the social and spiritual needs in the Metropole. “Champions” that consist mainly of church leaders will be responsible for implementing strategies in each of these areas. The aim is that through these interventions, change will come about that will bring transformation to our Metropole.

The six focus areas are:

  • Education and Youth Development
  • Health and Wellness (Through project Sparkle)
  • Poverty, Inequality, and Unemployment
  • Corruption and Good Governance
  • Healing and Reconciliation (ethnicity, sexism, and racism)
  • Restoring Values

Nehemiah Vision: Roll out Plan

The NehemiahVisionand the strategy for implementing the visionhave been defined through the course of the past 2 years. This is a further step in the implementation of the strategy.

  • Build prayer networks in each ward, church, school, business, police station, hospital, health clinic, government department
  • Appoint church ward coordinators for each municipal Ward. Encourage churches to appoint people to promote participation in all domains i.e. education, health, prayer etc. Refer Nehemiah pamphlet.
  • Establish a mission and evangelism liaison person in every Ward.
  • Use City Movement Africa Conference as deadline to motive us to have our networks functioning by 1 October 2018
  • Rotate Bishop's Breakfasts venues to five municipal clusters, invite municipal Ward Councilors to applicable breakfast. In order to have a visible presence and be able to influence the transformation of NM Bay, our Church Leadership need to meet other city leaders in other churches, government, business, education, NGO sector and other civil society leaders on a regular basis.
  • The Nehemiah Vision can be compared to a "management grid", placed over NM Bay. Church networks function like a "supply chain" to distribute the hope of the gospel to furthest parts of our Bay. Unity (John 17: 21) must be the electricity that keeps the grid alight.
  • The Church Unity Task Team will support and motivate all networks and focus area teams.

Please note that this a working document and that the contents, therefore, could change as time goes along.

27 August 2016