How to use Acronym Expansion in a Structured Note?

How to use Acronym Expansion in a Structured Note?

·  You can use this feature when documenting in Structured Notes to allow for more efficient entry. It allows you to make your own acronyms for entering text.

·  You can set up your Acronyms from the Preferences icon on the toolbar:

·  The Acronym Expansion tool is also at the top of any Structured Note. This feature does not function in the Order Entry window.

·  You can add your own acronyms or import ones from another user. Note: this feature is case sensitive.

·  To add an acronym, add the letters of the acronym preceded by a period - “dot” (All individually added acronyms require a “.” “dot” before the letters.

·  Then enter the text you want displayed. Select “OK” to add one acronym, or “Apply” to add additional acronyms.

·  To import acronyms from another user’s list, select “Import from Existing List” from the dialog box. Then check off which acronyms from their list you want to use.

·  To use the Acronym Expansion in a Structured Note, type in the acronym and then space bar.


·  Making an acronym expansion that has blanks in which tab from space to space:

o  To make a blank space, use 4 hash marks (####). Make sure there is a space before the hash marks and after the hash marks (if there is another word/character after the blank)

o  These acronyms can only be used in formatted text boxes. Formatted text boxes are the ones that have options for formatting text (ie: font, font size etc). If you use an acronym expansion/dot phrase with hash marks in a field that is not a formatted text box, the hash marks will not work as a blank space.

o  There needs to be at least 2 letters (and a space) prior to the hash marks.

Example of Acronym Expansion using hash marks:

3 University Hospitals