Heart of DarknessReview:

Travel Brochure

Conrad’s Heart of Darkness Review

Travel Brochure or Theme Park


Grade: up to 5 bonus points on major test over these topics

You may choose to work alone or to work with a self-selected group.

Choice A: You have recently returned from your voyage to the heart of darkness. The Director of Whirlwind Tours, Inc., has asked you to plan a tour for a group of Americans through the same geography of mind and place. The local office (you or your group) must submit the following proposal to the Director in the form of a travel brochure:

  1. a travel agenda of the twelve most important points of interest (selected from chapter points on following pages and connected to Dante’s Inferno)
  2. sample brochure constructed of trifolded poster board, construction paper - you may also use Powerpoint and/or Inspiration if you choose
  3. each point of interest should have a brief description and illustration (related to Conrad’s book) which explains its significance to the traveller
  4. combine the adventure tale format with psychological/mythic structure (as Conrad does) in the brochure
  5. attempt to use literary impressionism in the descriptions or names of points of interest
  6. use humor, irony, and satire whenever possible
  7. a top ten list of what Marlow wished he had brought to Africa so that travellers can be prepared

Choice B: You work as an imagineer for Disney World, which is planning a literary theme park based on Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, Coppola’s Apocalypse Now, and Achebe’s Things Fall Apart. You have been asked to provide a proposal for the park for Michael Eisner, Disney CEO. Your imagineering work group (or you alone as chief designer) must submit the proposal to Mr. Eisner in the form of a map of the park and a brochure describing the twelve most important points of interest (selected from chapter points on following pages and your knowledge of AN and TFA):

  1. an illustrated map design for the theme park with the twelve most important points of interest
  2. sample brochure constructed of trifolded poster board, construction paper, Powerpoint or Inspiration
  3. each point of interest should have a brief description and illustration (related to Conrad’s book, Achebe’s book, or the film) which explains its significance to the traveller
  4. combine the adventure tale format with psychological/mythic structure (as Conrad does) in the brochure
  5. attempt to use literary impressionism in the descriptions or names of points of interest
  6. use humor, irony, and satire whenever possible
  7. a top ten list of what Marlow wished he had brought to Africa so that visitors can be prepared

Section 1

domestic comfort aboard the Nellie on the serene river Thames

The Director, Accountant, Lawyer, first narrator, and Charlie M.

tranquil and nautical terms (water, water everywhere)

waterway leading to the uttermost ends of the earth

the great spirit of the past

tales of the Erebus and Terror, the Golden Hind, pirates, knights, soldiers

tales of exploration and exploitation, captains and admirals, Romans

the dark places of the earth

introduction to living in the midst of the incomprehensible

the fascination of the abomination

mythic hero archetype (use of pattern)

flames gliding in the river

compelling tale of adventure

antique maps of Africa

snake imagery

tragedy of Fresleven the Dane, the gentlest, quietest creature that ever walked on two legs

the Noble Cause

the White Man’s Burden

whited sepulchres

two eerie knitters of black wool in Brussels

a city of the dead

Morituri te salutant

a scientific study of insanity

an alienist


Charlie’s dear, misguided aunt with influential friends

archaic but useful chauvinist attitudes

short journey on a French steamer

vital, wild, natural, purposeful indigenous people in their native habitat

French man-of-war firing into the jungle

the immense and imperturbable jungle

lugubrious drollery

the merry dance of death and trade

streams of death in life

free extra trip on sea-going steamer with Swedish captain

observation of conditions of enforced servitude, chained natives (time contracts)

purposeful dehumanization or skillful exposure of dehumanized conditions?

language use: “. . . called criminals . . . outraged law . . . insoluble mystery from the sea”

deathlike indifference of unhappy savages

high and just proceedings

devil of violence, devil of greed, devil of hot desire

strong lusty, red-eyed devils

flabby, pretending, weak-eyed devil of a rapacious and pitiless folly

philanthropic desire of giving the criminals something to do


pain, abandonment, despair

not enemies, not criminals, nothing early, shadows

the grove of death

ship biscuits

mystery of the white worsted wool: the badge, ornament, charm, propitiation

phantom, contorted, massacre, pestilence

juxtaposition to Chief Accountant, the miracle man

perfectly correct ledger entries

ten day delay at Outer Station

effects of tropical diseases

first mention of remarkable Mr. Kurtz

hollow men

drums with as profound a meaning as bells in a Christian country

innovative methods for upkeep of the road

a sixteen stone fat man

scientifically interesting

a steamer at the bottom of the river

splendid, correct behavior supervised by manager himself

an unnatural wreck

a man of triumphant health and trenchant blue eyes

perfect estimates of time delays



silent wilderness

a blazing shed full of calico, cotton prints, beads

ineffective firefighting

native mats, spears, assegais, shields, knives

a brickmaker

ambition behind philanthropic pretense


an oil painting by the famous Mr. Kurtz

the gang of virtue

a papier-mâché Mephistopheles


the Eldorado Exploring Expedition

a chance to find what is in work

Section 2


overheard conversation

stations intended as beacons on the road towards better things,

a centre for trade of course, but also for humanizing, improving, instructing

the best and brightest of the angels: Lucifer

valuable animals

going up river back to the earliest beginnings of the world when vegetation rioted on the earth and the big trees were king

isolation which cuts off forever from everything ever known

rude narrative interruptions


a river crawling towards the famous Mr. Kurtz

an unforgettable voice

travel deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness, like wanderers on a prehistoric earth, on an earth that wore the aspect of an unknown planet, in a night of first ages with no memories

native culture: villages, dancing, singing

see the earth as unearthly

thrill at the thought of the shared humanity with the natives, your remote kinship with this wild and passionate uproar

gape and shudder when meeting truth with personal true stuff

go ashore for a howl and a dance

bandage leaky steampipes, watch the steering, circumvent the snags

strange witchcraft of technology

evil spirit inside the boiler

50 miles from Inner station: reed hut at the last outpost of civilization

a book

an extravagant mystery

stacked wood, curtain, flag

beautiful resignation by the manager

a safe daylight approach

deafening silence

blinding white fog

a cry of infinite desolation

sudden, tumultuous, mournful, shrieking screaming mist

a man in pink pyjamas

experience nowhere, floating in space

hippo meat

Europeans unappetizing to cannibals

preservation of appearances: powerful exercise of restraint

dramatic showdown over risks between captain and manager

an enchanted princess sleeping in a fabulous castle

dangerous navigation

a native attack

helmsman in native dress

an ordeal of blood

effectiveness of screeching steam-whistle

a profound display of the gift of expression

women who stay in that beautiful world of their own, lest ours gets worse

inconceivable ceremonies of some devilish initiation

spoiled and pampered favourite of the wilderness

heaps of ivory

the powers of darkness that claimed the famous Mr. Kurtz

report for the International Society for the Suppression of Savage Customs

midnight dances with unspeakable rites

supernatural beings

burning noble words

original copy of extermination plan

dead cats of civilization

the partnership of work

skull decorations

a Russian in harlequin clothes with an enlarged mind

Section 3


the spirit of adventure

strange fence decorations

trade secrets

whispering by the wilderness

lack of restraint

hollow men

uncomplicated savagery

enemies, criminals, workers, rebels

the famous Mr. Kurtz

old ivory

pitiful Jupiter

a wild and gorgeous apparition of a woman

an unsound method

Kurtz as relief

a choice of nightmares

loss of favour

moral shock


loyalty to the choice of nightmares: no betrayal

a crawling man

monotonous beating of a big drum

knitting old woman with a cat

a sorcerer wearing antelope horns

the Shadow

immense plans, the threshold of great things

the spell of wilderness

the awakening of forgotten and brutal instincts

the memory of gratified and monstrous passions

weird incantations

an unlawful soul beguiled beyond the bounds of permitted aspirations

a man who has kicked himself loose of the earth

moral levitation

a struggle with a soul

clear intelligence with a mad soul

a soul that knew no restraint, no faith, and no fear

Hades World: river-demons, black smoke, satanic litany, steam, terrible tails, fire, flames, colors, roars, chaos, inarticulate sounds, terror

bare arms

mean and greedy phantoms

a voice

diabolic love and the unearthly love of the mysteries

the wilderness

right motives

a packet of papers, a photograph, and a shoestring

an impenetrable darkness

an infernal mess

ivory face

sombre pride

ruthless power

craven terror

intense and hopeless despair

supreme moment of complete knowledge

The horror

secret words

beastly, beastly dark


the most a man can hope for in life

a crop of unextinguishable regrets

a wrestle with death

impalpable grayness

ultimate wisdom

a great riddle

the last opportunity for pronouncement

nothing to say

the remarkable Mr. Kurtz

the appalling face of a glimpsed truth


stepping over the edge of the precipice

the threshold of the invisible

a moral victory

innumerable defeats, abominable terrors, abominable satisfactions

loyalty to the last

the sepulchral city

filching, devouring, gulping, dreaming

individuals going about their business in the assurance of perfect safety

disturbed imagination

menacing visitors demanding documents

a torn P.S.

a universal genius

faith for believing anything

plunder for fools

a girl’s portrait

the Intended

the sunlight can be made to lie

an insatiable shadow of splendid appearances, of frightful realities

pleading, threats, desires, meanness, torment, anguish


a beautiful woman with blonde hair

cold and monumental whiteness

a grand piano

fidelity, belief, suffering


the growing darkness

unextinguishable light of belief and love

the great and saving illusion glowing in the darkness

fair hair catching light in a glimmer of gold

an end in every way worthy of a life

the whispering dusk

inconceivable triumph and unspeakable pain

a truth too dark to tell (a black truth)

a lie too light to be false (a white lie)

a meditating Buddha

a tranquil waterway leading to the uttermost ends of the earth

an overcast sky

passage into the heart of an immense darkness

the boon