Foundations Programs Benchmarking Template

1.  Purpose of Program (description of the broad purpose of your Foundations program)
2.  Learning Outcomes (broad descriptors of intended participant learning outcomes)
3.  Target Audience (who participates in the program? is it a generic program delivered across campus, or is it customised for local area delivery?)
4.  Policy Framework (how is the Foundations program incorporated into the policies of the university)
The Foundations Program is incorporated into the:
  1. Induction Process
/ Yes q / No q
  1. Probation Process
/ Yes q / No q
  1. Performance Management System
/ Yes q / No q
  1. Incremental Progression Requirements
/ Yes q / No q
  1. Promotion Process
/ Yes q / No q
  1. Outstanding Teacher Awards
/ Yes q / No q
  1. Other (please describe)

5.  Organisational Context (description of who has responsibility for the organisation of the program)
5.1 Who has responsibility for the Program’s:
a. Administration and Enrolment Process
b. Design and Development
c. Delivery and Facilitation
d. Evaluation, Review and Revision
5.2 How is the Program Funded? (centrally funded or prioritised with centre budget)
5.3 When is the Program Delivered? (frequency and time of year)
5.4 How are Access Issues Addressed? (how are participants encouraged / enabled to attend eg time release)
6.  Program Content (Description of the broad content focus of the Foundations program)
The substantive theories / issues covered in the Foundations program include:
a. Learning / Yes q / No q
b.  Teaching / Yes q / No q
c.  Curriculum / Yes q / No q
d.  Assessment / Yes q / No q
e.  Feedback / Yes q / No q
f.  Evaluation / Yes q / No q
g.  Resource Development / Yes q / No q
h.  Skills Development / Yes q / No q
i.  Use of Technology / Yes q / No q
j.  Other (please describe)
7.  Program Structure (Description of how the program is delivered)
7.1 The number of contact hours
7.2 The number of sessions
7.3 Timing of the sessions (eg days per week / hours per day)
7.4 Pre-program Preparation (broad description if applicable)
7.5 Out-of-class activities (broad description if applicable)
7.6 Post-program Follow-up (broad description if applicable)
8.  Process of Engagement (Description of how the program encourages participation)
Teaching techniques and tools used in the Foundations Program include:
a. Workshops / Yes q / No q
b. Seminars (guest presenters; panels etc,) / Yes q / No q
c. Lectures / Yes q / No q
g. Videos / Yes q / No q
d. Action Learning (developing materials etc.) / Yes q / No q
e. Review / Preparation of Formal Papers / Yes q / No q
f. Clinical Practice / Yes q / No q
g. Reflective Journal / Yes q / No q
  1. Other (please describe)

9.  Assessment of Program Outcomes (how you assess that the stated learning outcomes have been achieved)
In relation to the learning outcomes of the program:
9.1 The program assesses learning outcomes / Yes q / No q
9.2 The program uses formative assessment / Yes q / No q
9.3 The program uses summative assessment / Yes q / No q
9.4 Participants assess themselves / Yes q / No q
9.5 The facilitators assess participant outcomes / Yes q / No q
9.6 Assessment looks at short-term outcomes / Yes q / No q
9.7 Assessment looks at long-term outcomes / Yes q / No q
9.8  What is the evidence of effective learning and how is it assessed? (brief outline)
10.  Articulation Process (the extent to which the Foundations program articulates with other programs)
10.1 The program articulates with other PD/OD activities / Yes q / No q
10.2 The program articulates with a post-graduate Certificate / Diploma / Masters etc. / Yes q / No q
10.3  Other (please describe)
11.  Program Evaluation (how is the efficiency and effectiveness of the program determined)
In relation to both efficiency and effectiveness of delivery, the focus of the evaluation is on:
11.1 Program organisation / Yes q / No q
11.2 Program Curriculum / Yes q / No q
11.3 Student learning outcomes / Yes q / No q
11.4 Other (please explain)
In relation to the impact of the program on practice, the evaluation focuses on:
11.5 Individual practice / Yes q / No q
11.6 Short-term impact / Yes q / No q
11.6 Long-term impact / Yes q / No q
11.7 Other (please explain)
12.  Program Statistics
For the period 2002 – 2004:
12.1 Number of time the program has been run
12.2 Number of participants in each program
12.3 Disciplines represented
12.4 Level(s) of staff attending (eg lecturer level A)
12.5 Gender breakdown

Centre for Professional Development, Macquarie University 1