Tool 4 – What type of work do you enjoy?


There are many different types of work in the Australian Public Service. What type of work do you enjoy?

Read each type of work skill and type an 'x' for each skill that you most like to use. Try to limit yourself to 10 - 15 skills in total.

Physical/mechanical / I like doing this /
Curating – Selecting and caring for items in a collection or exhibition
Examining – Using manual or technology to examine things
Geospatial – Using or creating maps, or technology to locate, chart or navigate to places or objects
Handling - Handling materials or objects to move them or examine them
Installing - Installing equipment, machines, wiring or technology to meet specifications
Manual work - Performing physical tasks with the hands or body
Analyse/investigate / I like doing this /
Analysis - Identifying the underlying principles, reasons or facts of information
Auditing – Assessing whether a process or program complies with Government requirements
Compliance - Developing, setting or enforcing laws, rules, regulations or standards.
Estimating – calculating sizes, distances, costs and quantities of objects or activities.
Evaluating – Assessing whether a thing performs to the required standard
Inspecting – Examining equipment, structures or materials to identify problems or defects and their causes
Investigating – Conducting a formal inquiry into a specific issue or entity
Planning - Developing plans to prioritise, organise and complete work.
Problem solving - Analysing information and evaluating results to choose the best solution and solve problems.
Researching - Identifying essential information and finding it.
Scheduling – Allocating time to events, programs, activities or the work of others.
Plants - Growing, caring for or controlling for plants in the environment
Testing - Testing and repairing machines, devices and technology used by others
Create/innovate / I like doing this /
Artistic - Producing, composing or performing works of music, dance, visual art, drama or sculpture.
Designing - Creating new applications, ideas, relationships, systems or products, including artistic contributions.
Problem solving - Using logic and reasoning to choose the best solution to a problem
Programming - Specifying or writing computer programs for various purposes
Specifying - Providing documentation, drawings or specifications to tell others about how something is to be created or used
Technical writing - Writing technical information in a manner that can be understood by non-technical people.
Translating - Expressing or interpreting information in another language.
Helping/service / I like doing this /
Casework – co-ordinating services to help individuals with their specific problem
Client service - Providing service to clients or customers
Counselling – Working with a person to explore a difficulty they may be having.
Security - Protecting other people or things from harm
Supporting - Providing others with personal support
Influence/Inform / I like doing this /
Advising - Providing guidance or expert advice to others
Business writing - Writing reports, correspondence or manuals to inform or educate others
Coaching – Working closely with others to develop their skills in a specific area
Influencing - Persuading others to change their mind or behaviour
Instructing - Teaching others how to do something
Managing - Overseeing or supervising others’ work
Managing relationships - Developing constructive relationships with others
Negotiating – Co-operating with others to jointly identify mutually beneficial solutions
Presenting – Informing others through verbal presentations and demonstrations
Clerical/numerical / I like doing this /
Financial - Planning, administering or reviewing the use of money by organisations or individuals
Information management - Entering, transcribing, recording, storing or maintaining paper and electronic information
Keying – Entering data or typing documents
Mathematical - Using mathematics or statistics to solve problems.
Office – Using office equipment such as computers, printers, fax and other technology
Organising – Co-ordinating people, materials and activities to achieve the goal

Australian Public Service Commission - DRAFT Page 1