The Augustine Fellowship,


Fellowship-Wide Services, Inc.



Saturday November 8th, 2014

Present – Steve B., Susan G., Rick B., Bob G., Chris D., Jack S.

Absent – Sara Kluss

I.  Opening Matters

A. Serenity Prayer

B. Check Ins/Sobriety Statements

C. Readings

1.  Twelve Concepts - (Member with most seniority on the BOT) – Rick B.

2.  Twelve Traditions – (Next member with most seniority on the BOT) – Susan G.

3.  Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous is a Twelve Step, Twelve Tradition oriented fellowship based on the model pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous. The only qualification for S.L.A.A. membership is a desire to stop living out a pattern of sex and love addiction. S.L.A.A. is supported entirely through contributions of its membership, and is free to all who need it. The BOT is a business meeting. We are the business arm of our recovery organization. Respecting the Second Tradition, we need to put individual feelings aside when we work for the BOT and focus on what serves the Fellowship best. This is a job. We are trusted servants. We abuse that trust when we do not act professionally in discharging the business of the Fellowship. – Bob G.

II.  Assign roles

A. Record Call – Steve B.

B. Facilitator – Steve B.

C. Record Keeper – Sara Cuellar-Kluss

D. Timekeeper – Jack S.

E. Spiritual Reminder – Chris D./All

III.  Announcements

IV.  Approval of Agenda – Approved with additions:

V.  Approval of Minutes

A.  Motion: Steve B./Rick B. Approve 2014Oct11BOT_Official_Minutes Vote: 6-0-0 Motion Passes

B.  Motion: Susan G./Jack S. Approve 2014Oct11BOT_Internal_Minutes with the 2 changes

Vote: 6-0-0 Motion Passes

VI.  Routine Matters

A. Financial Statements

1. Balance Sheet -- 10aSeptember 2014 Balance Sheet Oct13 to Sep14 Accrual basis

Motion: Susan G./Rick B. Approval of the September 2014 Balance Sheet (Oct. 2013-Sept. 2014) Accrual Basis

Vote: 6-0-0 Motion Passes

2. Profit and Loss -- 10aSeptember 2014 Profit & Loss By Month Accrual basis

Motion: Jack S./Rick B. Approve the September 2014 Profit and Loss Sheet by Month Accrual Basis

Vote: 6-0-0 Motion Passes

3. 3 Yr Comparison -- 10aPrevious Year comparison Oct 2010 to Sept 2014 Accrual Profit and Loss – Discussion Held

VII. Business

A. Board Committee Chair’s Reports:

1. General Manager – Steve - Written and Verbal Report Provided

2. Finance – Bob – Written and Verbal Report Provided

3. Programs and Membership – Susan – Written and Verbal Report Provided

Motion: Chris D./Susan G. Approve Deb W. as a Member of the Programs and Outreach Committee

Vote: 6-0-0 Motion Passes

4. HR/Personnel – Chris – Written and Verbal Report Provided

5. Outreach – Rick – Written and Verbal Report Provided

B. Board Liaison Reports

1. Steve B. – CCC – Written and Verbal Report Provided

2. Susan G. – CAC, CJC, CLC – Written and Verbal Report Provided

3. Rick B. – CBC, CDC, CHRC, CICC, CPIC – Written and Verbal Report Provided

4. Chris D. – CMRC, CSC, CSTC – Written and Verbal Report Provided

5. Bob G. – CFC, CPOC, CTC – Written and Verbal Report Provided

6. Jack S. – CSPC – Written and Verbal Report Provided

C. Action items from ABM Meetings - Reviewed

D. Priority Items

1. BOC Membership – Discussion was held

Motion: Rick B./Jack S. Approve Jay.G. from Pennsylvania to the BOC

Vote: 6-0-0 Motion Passes

Motion: Rick B./Chris D. To decline Applicant B appointment to the BOC

Vote: 6-0-0 Motion Passes

2. BFC Recommendation to submit Financials for a compilation with accountants notes

Discussion was held

Motion: Bob G./Steve B. To authorize a compilation with the accountant notes for the Texas Corporation for the 2013-2014 Fiscal Year.

Vote: 6-0-0 Motion Passes

3. Call Squad – Where in committee structure? Discussion Held

Consensus: Have the Outreach Committee come up with recommendations and send them back to the Board.

E. Old Items for Discussion:

1. Member’s request re: estate contribution and matching funds drive. - Tabled

2. Suggestions for Public Outreach - Tabled

F. New Items for Discussion

1. ABM Minutes and Confidentiality - Tabled

2. Pre-Conference Approval Literature Process - Tabled

3. CAC 50 Questions Proposal - Tabled

a. CAC_50_Questions_Proposal

4. Official BOT Minutes and Transparency - Tabled

5. BOT History Task Force - Tabled

VIII.  Adjournment

A.  Meeting Schedule

Sept. 13th, 2014 – Regular / Oct. 11th, 2014 – Interim / Nov. 8th, 2014– Regular
Dec. 13th, 2014 – Interim / Jan. 10th, 2015 -- Regular / Feb. 14th 2015 – Interim
March 14th, 2015 -- Regular / April 11th, 2015 – Interim / May 9th, 2015 -- Regular
June 13th, 2015 – Interim / July 11th, 2015 -- Regular / August – ABM Face to Face

B.  Check-outs (turn off recording)

C.  Closing Prayer

Higher Power, make me worthy to serve You through this Fellowship and the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. Help me to be generous with my time and effort, to give without counting the cost, to give back wholly for what I have so freely received without looking for any reward, other than that of knowing I have done your will. Through my service, may I give hope and peace to those who still suffer. – Jack S.