St. Joseph’s Catholic School Council Meeting
Wednesday March 4, 2015
Literacy Room
Amy TrelfordAshley Clark
Jules VanhaelemeeschJane Barrett
Tracey CannonNancy Kosikar
Maureen RinnLisa Marshall
Keith Walsh
1. Prayer
- Old Business
a)Motion to approve agenda:
Moved:Maureen Seconded: Jane
b)Motion to pass previous minutes:
Errors or omissions:
Moved: Maureen Seconded: Jane
- Old/New Business
a)Elmira Poultry Fundraiser- March 9- Maureen and Jane to help unload & sort, if needed Virginia available
b)School Clothing- Motion made to buy 3 extra of each youth size shirt, for exchange if needed; order forms due back on March 12th, delivery the last week of March
c)Shade Structure - An application will be submitted for a grant between $700 - $800 by a gentleman from Rotary in Southampton. We will know by July 1st if we receive this grant
d)Family Fun Event - Nancy has emailed re: karaoke and is waiting for a reply.
Keith will contact Saugeen Band re: shuttle service so First Nations families can attend event.
MovieNight Friday April 10th. 6:30. Lisa to send listing of her movies and Ashley will post this listing and have students decide on the movie. Ashley to check on popcorn machine; students to bring drinks, blankets and pillows; we will draw for a school t-shirt.
- Reports
a)School Updates – Keith Walsh
-Mission statement and vision put in entrance way, 2 Canada flags in gym, banners for gym that are 12' x 3 1/2' are being made. The school prayer inEnglish, French and Ojibway will be on the banners; positive statements are tobe posted in the hallways.
-Outdoor Learning Areas- Keith presented different ideas (pictures) for outdoors. Ideas may be: sandboxes, line games, sunken tires, chimes, flowers, chalkboards on outside walls, outdoor stages, to name a few. There will, be further discussion with the board to paint basketball courts. Keith will contactsomeone to do some painting on the asphalt. A 10 x 10' sandbox can be built without a permit. There is a meeting tonight at the board office on this whole topic.We will receive feedback from this and Keith will report by next meeting.
-Daring Greatly-viewed video of author Brene Brown (theme: People with a strong sense of love and belonging believe they are worthy of love and belonging. Love with whole heart, practice gratitude and joy. I AM ENOUGH..BELIEVE THIS!
5. Financial- $880 parent engagement allocation deposited today
$15,308.20 balance, with $1,031 going to Elmira Meats out of balance
6. Next Meeting Date
Thursday April 9, 2015
7. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned by: Maureen
Time: 7:50 pm