Medicine & Health Care Performance Guidelines

Work EthicCompetence in Core StandardsProfessional/Student /Service Learning

Attendance & PunctualityHomework/Reading / Study guidesCEU articles / Research / Independent learning

Legal & ethical behaviorProjectsField Trips / EDP improvements

Call-in/ Notification policyQuizzes / TestsService projects / volunteerism / donating blood

Prepared for class / follow directionsLabs & in-class activitiesShowcase / bulletin board design

Collaboration & Listening skillsMedical SkillsMentoring / Room & equipment maintenance

Daily homework / deadlines metAnatomy & Physiology mappingCollege visit / scholarship applications

RespectfulnessMedical terminology & mathJob shadowing

Initiative / Extra Credit / “own” gradesCase studies / Critical ThinkingHOSA events and planning

Organized / Binder / Warm upsHealth Care and classroom safetyHOSA competition

Blackboard & technology resourcesBlackboard & technology resourcesBlackboard & technology resources

Approximate % of points: 20%70% 10%

Need for Class: 3-ring binder with loose paper and section dividers -- Black/dark blue pen -- Index cards (lots) -- Colored pencils --

Access to online resources / Blackboard.

Class Expectations: Come prepared -- maintain organized binder and complete daily warm-ups -- turn in homework on time -- ask questions and participate in discussions -- practice skills until competent -- get help when you need it -- be kind -- be respectful of others -- Think of the what the patient needs and be the Professional that the patient needs.

Scoring:Assignments and activities are scored on points – varying from 3-200. Points are converted to a percentage of points earned and this becomes your grade. Daily homework is stamped and scored as 10, 5, or 0 depending on whether it is completed or not. Late assignments are accepted up to 3 days late and scored at 50% of original score. Assignments over 3 days late or at the end of a marking period are not accepted. Extra credit is given in class at the teacher’s discretion and is meant to enhance student learning on a topic. Students must complete original work before extra credit is accepted. If a test or quiz is failed, see teacher for tutoring and possible re-takes (on some subject matters). If you miss a test or quiz due to an absence, you have one week to make it up – either after school or during advisory, but not during class. Students do not get to keep tests or quizzes or other assessments. If a lab is missed, an alternate reading and writing assignment will be provided on a similar topic; points may be similar or slightly less than the original lab. Medical skills must be made up after school.

Grading scale:93 – 100% of points earnedA87-89% B+77-79% C+67-69% D+

90-92%A-83-86%B73-76% C63-66% D

80-82% B-70-72% C-60-62% D-

Exams:200-300 points and 20% of semester grade.

College Credit : overall grade of 80% both semesters (MCC and Baker) / 80% all 4 sem. & passing health science certification test (UM-Flint)