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Bring Your Own Device Days!!!

I am so excited that Warren now has access to ebooks and it is a free resource for our students! Follett Shelf is an ebook library from which the students can electronically “check out” books to their electronic devices. You can access this library from home on a computer as well. Students who have some type of “device” (anything that connects to the internet) can bring those “devices” to school on Tuesdays and Fridays to be used during Reader’s Workshop. J

With your permission, I would love for our students who have a device to be able to bring them to school for educational purposes. I know that these devices cost a fortune, so if you are not OK with your child transporting them on the bus, I completely understand. The decision is completely yours. Your child will still learn how to access Follett Shelf through the computer. All students will learn this—however, those with an electronic device will be able to use their own device, instead of a computer. Any device that will connect to the internet will do.

There are some rules that the students must follow:

1.  Bring the device charged.

2.  Students are NOT allowed to get them out on the bus…at all! If it is seen, the student loses the privilege of bringing it to school.

3.  As soon as the students arrive, the devices are given to me and put away. They are only allowed to be used during instructional time. The room will be locked each time we leave.

4.  At the end of the day, student devices will be returned to be taken home.

5.  Students are responsible for their own devices and will NOT be sharing their devices with friends at school.

6.  All devices have to include some sort of protective case.

7.  Mrs. Rable and Warren Elementary are not responsible for damaged or lost devices.

8.  All devices must have child’s name.

9.  Your child must know the basic functions of their device; how to turn it on, volume control, etc.

As a student of Francis Howell, everyone has the ability to utilize ebooks at home on any device with internet connection. I will send home directions that will help you understand how to utilize Follett Shelf at home. If you have an Android or Apple product there is an available app. At school we will be utilizing the internet version.

If you are comfortable with your child bringing his/her device to school for use during Reader’s Workshop, please complete the attached permission slip and return it to school. We will do the introductory lesson Tuesday, January 28th. That is the first day students can bring the devices to school. After that, students can bring them on Tuesdays and Fridays ONLY. If I’m out on one of those days, students will be told the day before NOT to bring their devices to school.

If you have any questions, please call or email me at school. J

Ebook Permission Slip

My child ______

has permission to bring his/her______

type of device (Nook, Kindle, etc.)

to school on Tuesdays and Fridays for Readers Workshop. I understand that Francis Howell School District, Warren Elementary, & Mrs. Rable are not responsible for any loss, theft or damage to the device when it is at school or on the bus.


Parent Signature

I ______, have read and discussed with my parents the rules about bringing my ebook device to school. I agree to follow those rules.


Child’s Signature