Citizens of Heaven

Philippians 3:17-21


Attention- Sitting Down for Jesus
In his book entitled, "The Trouble With Jesus," Joe Stowell tells the story of the mayor's prayer breakfast in Chicago. If it were not for the performance of Wheaton College choir, the name of Jesus would not have even been mentioned.
The keynote speaker was saying that now is the time for the religions of the world to lose their narrow traditions so we can become one in worshiping one God. At that moment the entire room stood in standing ovation. Joe Stowell refused to stand. He knew that the speaker meant that Christians had to give up their narrow tradition of Jesus Christ. Joe Stowell remained seated in his chair in allegiance to Jesus Christ. And today, our culture continues to call for our allegiance and sadly many professed Christians bow at the altar of compromise.

Need: A lack of biblical understanding of who we represent, and where our ultimate allegiance truly lies, adversely affects many who call themselves Christians.

Sermon Idea: Citizens of heaven make much of Jesus by the way they live on earth.

Interrogative: How do citizens of heaven make much of Jesus by the way they live on earth?

Transition: Our text gives us two answers as to how citizens of heaven make much of Jesus by the way they live on earth.

Division 1 Statement: Citizens of heaven follow faithful examples of kingdom living v. 17, vv.20-21.


  1. The encouragement of Paul to follow faithful examples v.17.

“It’s essential to receive sound teaching, but we also learn by observing the lives of people who illustrate sound teaching. Christianity is not just taught; it’s also caught.” Merida, 157.

Remember I told you that Paul says, "Look, you've got to have somebody to show you the path." Now listen again, let me repeat this truth that I mentioned to you. Christ is the perfect model. Christ is the pattern of perfection. But Paul and others are the patterns of the pursuit of that perfection. I see in Christ what I want to be, but I cannot see in Christ how to get there. Why? Because Christ didn't follow some path to perfection, He was always perfect. You see? So if I look at Christ I see what I am to be, and if I look at Paul and other believers, I can see how to move that I see those who are able to deal with temptation and sin in the pursuit of the prize. So Paul says you need an example, you need someone to follow, you need a model, so follow me and those who walk according to the pattern that you have seen in us. MacArthur, Philippians.

  1. The eternal rewards of those who follow faithful examples vv.20-21.

Illustration: George Mueller

Argumentation: Proverbs 13:20


  1. Commit to following faithful examples of kingdom living.

“Find people who have been captured by the gospel, those who have been captured by the upward call of God in Christ Jesus! This doesn’t mean that we’re trying to produce carbon copies of people…. What we need to pass along is the heart of what it means to follow Jesus. Pass along values, virtues, and the passion, all centered on the gospel.” Merida, 159.

  1. Live your life in the light of your true citizenship, if you are a Christian.
  2. Become a faithful example of kingdom living.

Transition: So,citizens of heaven follow faithful examples of kingdom living and second…

Division 2 Statement: Citizens of heaven forsake rebellious examples of kingdom living vv.18-19.


  1. A tearful declaration v. 18.

Apparently, Paul is addressing those who have made a profession of faith in Christ but whose lives cries out rebellion against Jesus as Lord. John MacArthur states, “Implied in Paul’s language is that these men did not claim to oppose Christ, his work on the cross, or salvation by grace alone through faith alone, but they did not pursue Christlikeness in manifest godliness.” “Carson, O’Brien, and others note that the enemies of the cross appear to be people who make some sort of profession of Christian faith, but in reality they oppose the gospel.” Merida, 159.

  1. The 2 possible identities of the enemies of the cross.
  2. Legalizers
  3. Libertines
  1. 3 traits of the enemies of the cross v.19.
  1. Their end is destruction.
  2. Their god is their belly and they glory in their shame.
  3. Their minds are set on earthly things.

Illustration:The rebellion of a teenage daughter was breaking her mother’s heart. Their struggle reached its zenith when the young girl was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. After posting bail for her daughter, the two did not speak until the next afternoon. When they came together, the woman handed her daughter a small wrapped gift. The girl flippantly opened it and was exasperated by what she saw. The box contained a small rock. She rolled her eyes and asked, “What’s this for?” Her mother simply replied, “Read the card.” She did and was overcome by the words inside. Tears began streaming down her cheeks as she reached out to embrace her mom. The card said, “This rock is more than a million years old. That’s how long it will take before I give up on you.”

Argumentation:God’s response to our rebellion was the cross -Romans 5:8.


  1. Turn your heart from rebellion.
  2. Commit to being a person God can use to reach enemies of the cross.
  1. Pray and ask God to give you divine appointments.
  2. Prepare to be a skilled evangelist.
  3. Share the gospel in gentleness.

Transition: So,citizens of heaven follow faithful examples of kingdom living; and, citizens of heaven forsake rebellious examples of kingdom living.

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