Regular Meeting

Downtown Library Large Conference Room

June 22, 2005, Monday, 5:15 PM

MEMBERS PRESENT: Lawrence Lee Oldaker, Michelle Casey, Bob Doll (via telephone), and Ricardo Worl (5:30).

MEMBERS ABSENT: Theresa Tanoury Lombardo, Sarah Lewis, and Jodi Kilcup.


PUBLIC PRESENT: Joe Parrish, Executive Director of the Southeast Guidance Association (SAGA).

I.  CALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTIONS: Chairperson Michelle Casey called the meeting to order at 5:32 P.M. A quorum was present.


The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 25, 2005 as corrected were accepted unanimously. Lawrence Lee Oldaker moved that they be approved which motion was seconded by Ricardo Worl.

CHAIR’S REQUEST FOR AGENDA CHANGES: The agency presentation by Joe Parrish for SAGA will occur first.


Presentation by Joe Parrish of the four different programs that SAGA handles for Juneau’s and Alaska’s youth: 1) Serve Alaska, a modified version of the Young Adult Conservation Corps, 2) YABA (Young Alaskans Building Affordable Housing, 3) Eagle Valley Training Center (SAGA Lodge) similar to Outward Bound, and 4) Connections which places Ameri Corps members in government and non-profit direct service.


SSAB Web Page Items

Staff reported a meeting and discussions with Renee Reiser of CBJ Management Information Systems. She has some definite ideas as to how the Block Grant Application should appear on the website. She will send a memo to staff shortly.

Grant Agreements

Staff presented a sample of the standard grant agreement, the disbursement request form, and award letter, which will be going out to agencies as soon as the Finance Director signs off as to content on the agreements. The agreements take effect when signed by the City Manager or Deputy City Manager. The agencies sign the agreement first, then the city. The letters and agreements will be mailed to agencies the first week of July, 2005.

By-Law Review

Changes in wording to Telephonic Participation were approved unanimously. Lawrence Lee moved to accept the By-Laws as amended, while Ricardo Worl seconded the motion. Since the SSAB By-Laws stand approve, they will take affect in 30 days.


Future Panel Discussions/Advance Scheduling

Michelle noted that year-in-advance scheduling could be very helpful. The August meeting may well be a co-meeting with United Way to present the COMPASS II findings. We can propose year in advance schedules at the next meeting. The next quarter of the year will deal with the COMPASS II results. During that time, the SSAB will take its cue from the community for future panel discussions.

State H&SS Budget

Staff presented an email from Sarah Lewis say Senator Elton’s office might be willing to present the new budget as it related to social services to the SSAB.

After discussion, staff was directed to email Sarah to ask her to invite someone from Senator Elton’s staff to present the H&SS budget cuts as well as cuts related to education. This response was due to the fact classroom size appeared to be a high-level preliminary response to the COMPASS II assessment.

Town Meeting/COMPASSII

As of today, staff had not received a response from the manager’s office regarding their opinion of whether we could co-sponsor such a meeting. Staff sent the Manager’s Office, Jodi Kilcup and Michelle Casey an email about co-sponsoring a “town” meeting. Jodi replied to the management questions in a concise summary, so a response should be forthcoming soon.

Should such a meeting be in the works, it can be advertised on the scanner, as well as confirmed and advertised in advance to the local non-profit agencies. It should be planned with an open forum. Maybe the United Way agency list can be used to notify agencies along with any agency lists that staff may have.

SSAB Chair Comments

Michelle Casey explained how pleased she is with the SSAB being active and participating in the Food Bank tour, and the panel discussions. It appears that the SSAB has turned a corner from being a somewhat passive board into a very active board. Other members concurred.


The next regular meeting will be Wednesday, July 27, 2005 at 5:15 p.m. at the Downtown Library Large Conference Room.

Bob Doll will be out of town for the July 27th meeting. He is willing to call in if his telephonic participation is required for a quorum.

Theresa Tanoury Lombardo will also be out on July 27th. Staff will track and attendance and email absent members as usual. If a quorum is questionable, arrangements can be made with the departmental calling card.

Agenda items will be:

·  Minutes

·  Website

·  Town meeting/ COMPASS II

·  Review of H&SS and Education cuts in Alaska Budget for FY06 and how $60/barrel of oil will affect Alaska’s budgets

·  Discuss year-in-advance scheduling, i.e. presentations and special events

VIII. ADJOURNMENT: Bob Doll’s motion to adjourn was seconded by Lawrence Lee Oldaker and passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 6:24 p.m.