Ata of the foundation, Statute, Election and Possession of the first Executive Directorate, of the first Administrative Council of the Association for The Community of Africans of America “ACAFAM”.
Ata of general assembly realized on 11th of October 2003, for statutory consolidation, as well as for the Foundation, election, possession of first directorate and the first administrative council of the Association for the community of Africans of America “ACAFAM”. On eleventh day of the month of October of the year two thousand and three, as from 14 hour Brazilian time, those on convocation according to statute precept, for discussion, deliberation about the statute execution, among these the foundation, election and possession of first directorate and first administrative council.
It took place at The Association for the Community of Africans of America – “ACAFAM”, localized on Rua Dois de Julho 514, Vila Tibério – Ribeirão Preto-SP, CEP:14050-450, Brazil. The assembly referred to, with aim to constitute a social organization otherwise organization of civil society of public interest (OSCIP), such society of non profitable and of communitarian segment, instituted by Brazilian law no : 9.790, of 23rd of March 1999, regulated by decree no :3.100 of 20th June 1999, with main objective to reintegrate the African Diaspora in American continent; For better distribution of income, social resources and compromise; To improve the participation of African diaspora in globalization; To contribute and participate without interruption in socio-political decisions; For better and direct involvement of African community in all areas of institution in diplomatic policy, technology and telecommunication with Africa; Promote and figure actions for citizenship education; Promote interchange with scientific entities; Education and social development, National and international; Voluntary promotions; of Ethics, Peace, Citizenship, Human Rights, Democracy and of other universal values; Promote interchange programs and actions with private and government enterprise both national and international organization in the aim to disseminate the concept and practice of sustainable development and other acts that warrant better application of diverse resources, so as to obtain a better social return. Meeting of the general assembly with previous convocation of all interested, matures and capable was initiated by the indication of Mr. Rasheed Abayomi Olusegun Shidi on acceptance to preside the assembly, who delivered speeches, “Esteemed brothers and sisters, cousins, nephew and niece African descendants”, Invited M/s. Adria Maria Bezerra Ferreira for Vice President, who latter suggested, Mr. Marcio Euripedes de Paula being Advocate to visa the entity legally”. The President exposed to all present the necessity to constitute a statute, aiming to obtain a qualification as civil society organization of public interest (OSCIP) although without modification of groups objective nor the spirit that orientates works and activities that inspired the feeling of the founders. However, the president was emphatic on the necessity for adequacy of the statute to legal exigent with technical elaboration to be capable to litigate inscription, registry and benefit in public organization. The president spoke about the objective of the meeting asking if all present agree with the intention and of unanimous feelings. The president solicited approval of the proposed name of the organization, and finally decided to maintain the denomination: Association for the Community of Africans of America- “ACAFAM”. Then the President was asked to read and examine the social statute project, which was done and after necessary explanations, the assembly approved unanimously, this (attached) as the statute to be followed by the entity. With scrutiny ended the first election of the directorate and administrative council, together with social statute, being part of the present integral Ata. The following were installed in office;
a)Mr. Rasheed Abayomi Olusegun Shidi – President
b)M/s. Adria Maria Bezerra Ferreira – Vice President
c)Mr. Benedito Gabriel Fernandes Perreira – First Treasurer
d)Mr. Lt. Vicente Mariano – Second Treasurer
e)Mr. Duarte da Silva – First Secretary
f)Mr. Marcio Euripedes de Paula- Second Secretary (advocate;OAB:119364)
Marcio Euripede de Paula
Foundation 2nd Secretary.
Advocate OAB:119364
Duarte da Silva
Foundation 1stSecretary
Rasheed Abayomi Olusegun Shidi
Foundation Presidente
Declared elected and installed into office on eleventh of October of two Thousand and Three (11/10/2003) until next general assembly to elect counselors next year. Nothing left undone, the president thanked those present band ended the section, the present Ata registered and signed for legal objective.
By 07.00pm Brazilian time of 29/11/2003, The President opened the meeting with the agenda of the day realized at the resident of Mr. Silvio / Mrs Ivone on Rua Alberto Coselli 800, Ribeirão Preto-SP;
Explanation of the Statute and distribution of enrolment form of ACAFAM, Confirming that the Administration Council is composed of 133 foundation members who are automatically permanent members of the council and that, 1/3 = 44 would be rotational by direct votes including National Directorate and Municipal/local Directorate according to the statute calendar.
The architecture of ACAFAM is divided into;
I)– Foundation Directorate (FD) = 06members
II)– National Directorate (ND) = 06members
III)– Municipal Directorate (MD) = 06members / town
IV)– Administrative Council (AC) = 133 + 44 (FD, ND, MD)
V)– Counselors © = 542 (01/ 54 African Countries + vice)
VI)– Members in all American continent (MBRS)
By 10.00am Brazilian time, of 30/11/2003, The president declared meeting opened confirming that all members of the council are consent of the statute explanation and about the enrolment form of ACAFAM, meeting realized in the resident of Mr. Silvio / Mrs Ivone on Rua Alberto Coselli 800, Ribeirão Preto-SP.
One of the members suggested we should perform a festival meeting marking New Year by denomination- “Virado do Ano Novo ACAFAM” or “New Year Round-up ACAFAM”, to take place on 10/01/2004 by 10.00am at the resident of Mr. João Gonçalves da Silva Filho / Mrs Maria on Rua Carlos Aprobato 622, Jd. Antarctica, Ribeirão Preto-SP. And the next meeting of the Administrative Council scheduled for 28/02/2004 by 12.00pm on Rua Carlos Abrobato 622, Jd. Antarctica-SP.
Both day were finalized with barbecue e feijoada offered by individual and spontaneous collaboration of members, thanks collaborators!
The meeting of Saturday28/02/2004 realized at the resident of Mr. João Goçalves da Silva Filho / Mrs Maria at Rua Carlos Aprobato 622 Jd Antarctica Ribeirão Preto-SP. Started at 02.00pm Brazilian time due to the lateness of members in compromise with their jobs.
Among topics discussed were ;
1)Modification of Logotype of ACAFAM by amplification of Languages from 02 to 04 most official languages spoken in African Countries including, Arabic, and French apart from English and Portuguese.
2)First sustentation plan to protect our members from high cost of livings by denomination – CCS ACAFAM( Centre of Commerce and Services of ACAFAM)
3)Plan for next general assembly to be indicated for counselors election of ACAFAM and as requirement to implement the project of ‘diplomatization’ in the statute. Members are advised to fill their enrolment forms to facilitate curriculum analysis towards counsellorship concourse.
4)Plan for physical / active meeting of ACAFAM with institutions to be decided after the distribution of ACAFAM Agendas sooner.
5)Integrant members from Sertãozinho town- SP, were welcomed. Next meeting was scheduled for 29/05/2004 by 12.00pm at the resident of Advocate Mr. Lazaro / Mrs Ana on Rua Amadeu Giachetto 305, Jd. Dutra-II, Ribeirão Preto-SP. phone no:16-39761542. This meeting ended-up with cocktail, cake to inaugurate the official and registry site of ACAFAM on Rua Dois de Julho 514, Vila Tibério, Ribeirão Preto–SP.CEP:14050-450.Telefax:16-39661516.
Duarte da Silva
Foundation 1st Secretary
Rasheed A. O. Shidi
Foundation President
Meeting took place at the residence of Mr. Lázaro Reis dos Santos(advocate) / Mrs. Ana, Rua Amadeu Giachetto 305, Jd.Pres.Dutra II, Ribeirão Preto-SP. starting late as usual due to the lateness of members, with a condolence moment for the soul of Mr. Luiz Carlos da Silva(RIP) that passed away on 21/04/2004, he was a member of the administrative council.
All guide lines of the day were approved after debates unanimously;
1)Enrolment fees should be 50units of any national territorial currency accordingly; ex: Brazil = R$50.00(fifty reais) adults e R$25.00 (twenty five reais) underage; USA=$50.00(fifty US dollars) adults e $25.00(twenty five US dollars) underage).
*To be deposited into Bank of Brazil, ACAFAM; account no: 6860-8; Agency no: 4015-0
2) Annuity fee according to the statute would be, 10% minimum salary corresponding to national territorial currency where ever may be ACAFAM
3)Counselors should be selected as soon as there is accord homologated between ACAFAM and African countries or diplomatic entity independent of general assembly
4)Communication between the organization and members should be by annual diary, internet home page and post office correspondence.
5)Launching of Honourables ex: Zumbi do Palmáres, José do Patrocínio, Project through ”Note book” – History, Culture and Metamorphosis by ACAFAM.
Mrs. Adriana Maria B. Ferreira becomes member of Administrative Council as from today. Integrant members from Orlandia-SP were received in the meeting for the first time. Next meeting scheduled for 28/08/2004 by 12.00pm at the residence of Advocate Lázaro e Mrs Ana, at Rua Amadeu Giachetto 305, Jardin Pres. Dutra II, Ribeirão Preto-SP. Phone: 16-39761542. Meeting ended with cocktail and feijoada as usual.
- Annual diary of ACAFAM is already available and free of charge for all members that had deposited enrolment fee.
Duarte da Silva
Foundation 1stsecretary
Rasheed A. O. Shidi
Foundation Presidente 31/05/2004
Meeting took place at the residence of couples Ana Maria / Advocate Lazaro Reis dos Santos at Rua Amadeu Giachetto 305, Jd. President Dutra II, in the township of Ribeirão Preto-SP. That started with the warm welcome speech of the host, who on stressing the objective principles of ACAFAM, suggested that each member present should stand-up and present him or herself to permit all associates to know themselves. On this moment, Mr. Duarte da Silva (1st Secretary of Foundation) informed his necessity to cancel the next meeting previously scheduled to take place in his residence, due to an unexpected journey. And this motivated the transference of all meetings to public and temporary leased place, until we are able to acquire our site.
Directorate’s reports included initiatives taken to implement DIPLOMATIZATION project, by visits paid to two (2) Chancelleries (Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria-Brasilia-DF on 23rd of July 2004 and Consulate General of the Republic of South Africa-São Paulo-SP on 10th of August 2004). Both diplomatic chief executives were presented to the social proposal of ACAFAM and invitations formulated for them to occupy the posts of honor as National Director respectively, to the Ambassador of Nigeria and the Consulate General of South Africa, which was readily accepted on consideration and approval of ACAFAM’s objectives.
Meeting continued with the election of Ribeirão Preto –SP township directorates by indirect vote, with mandate as from 11th of October 2004 till 10th of October 2006, composed of the folloeing directors: President – Mr Osvaldo António Bezerra Ferreira (Technical Accountant specialized in Social pensioning); Vice President – Mrs. Regina H. Brito.de Souza (Ex-President of GAPA / Secretary of GEA vidas-study group and attention to domestic violence and sexual aggression of HCRP-USP); 1st Secretary – Mr. Lázaro Reis dos Santos (Advocate with emphasis on penal, Family pole and successions); 2nd Secretary –Mr..Edgard Cirilo dos Santos (Technical agriculturist, Law school student and commercial representative); 1st Treasurer – Mr. Manoel Negrão Azevedo (Advocate and retired federal public worker); 2nd Treasurer – Mrs.Maria do S. Ferreira dos Santos Silva (Economist and worker of State Receipt of São Paulo SP).
Meeting terminated with the collection of lists of those interested in Makro Enterprise covenant / pact. Then lunch was served with a succulent barbecue ‘churasco’ offered by voluntary contribution of members present. Next meeting scheduled for 27th of November 2004by 12.00pm at Hotel Oásis Plaza at Avenida President Kennedy 2445, Lagoinha, Ribeirão Preto-SP township, with the following programs: Lecture /Chat on theme; “The unknown and famous characters of African descendants”; Exhibitor – José Carlos Barbosa(writer); Analitic reading of objective and statute of ACAFAM; Coffe break –01.00pm; Film – ‘The Bible’
Events/Celebrations: Independence of Nigeria – 1st of October; Day of José do Patrocínio – 10th of October; Day of Zumbi de Palmáres –20th of November.
Duarte da Silva
Foundation1stsecretary ______
Rasheed A. O. Shidi
Foundation Presidente 10/09/2004
Meeting took place at HotelOasisPlaza (Salão Topazio) at Avenida Presidente Kenedy 2445, in Ribeirão Preto – SP. town. The foundation president, Mr. Rasheed A. O. Shidi, started by 12.00pm with the welcome oath speech and emphasized the three(3) principal guide lines to be voted by council members present; (a-confection of ACAFAM yearly agenda 2005, b-bank billet, c- festival meeting). The directorates presented activity reports of initiatives on diplomatization projects of two (2) visits to chancelleries (Consulate general of the Republic of Angola, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, on 11th of October 2004 and Embassy of the Republic of Tunisia, Brasilia-DF, on 15th of October 2004) Information transmitted to both entities, included the social proposal of ACAFAM and invitation formulated to occupy the post of honor in the National Directorate respectively, to The Consul General of Angola represented by his vice Consul - Mr. João D. Fortunato and to The Ambassador of Tunisia represented by his Counselor - Khaled El Fendri, which was readily accepted for consideration and approval of objectives of ACAFAM.
Meeting proceeded by nominating Mr. Lázaro Reis dos Santos, Mrs. Regina H. B. de Souza and Mrs. Maria do Socorro F. Silva to revise and analyze the statute. Mr. Derick Moyo, Consul General of South Africa, honorable guest of the day transmitted his speech, by praising the existence of agenda as comparative critics of our entity with others. Program of the day was followed by palaestra; ‘The unknown and famous notable descendants of Africa” by Mr. José C. Barbosa. Then followed by coffee break. Meeting resumed with public introduction of the directorates of Ribeirão Preto and welcome speech of the regional President, Mr. Osvaldo B. Ferreira, who later transfers speech to regional First Secretary, Mr. Lázaro R. dos Santos, for analytic reading of the statute and later followed by watching film; “The Bible”. Meeting ended by the announcement to offer dinner to the guest of honor and his political consul, Mr. Eddie Sikhwari, at the grill house – Coxila de Pampas by 08.00pm. Festival meeting scheduled for 29th of January 2005 by 07.00pm at Rua Alberto Coselli 700, Ribeirão Preto- SP.
Lázaro Reis dos Santos
1st Secretary, Ribeirão Preto-SP.
Osvaldo A. Bezerra Ferreira
President, Ribeirão Preto-SP
On twenty sixth day (26th) of the month of February, two Thousand and five (2005), members and associates of ACAFAM had one more trimester meeting as established by the President of foundation directorate /administration, Dr. Rasheed A. O. Shidi.
To be up-to-date with society facts and obtain general knowledge, of how and when to use and obtain things according to necessity of various topics exposed by experienced professionals / artists / business men and women in practice. This day was assigned for the exposition of, Mr. Pedro de Luca (plastic artist) supposed to present a palaestra on: “African descendant’s participation in the Olympics” scheduled for 12pm and to be followed with coffee break at Topázio room in hotel Oásis plaza in Ribeirão Preto-SP. Which didn’t occur due to absence and sickness of Mr. Pedro de Luca, and motivated Dr. Rasheed to invite the regional president, Mr. Osvaldo Antonio Bezerra Ferreira, book keeper and professional in social welfare, to give his lecture on: “Social welfare, duty, rights and types of retirements in Brazil”. After this explanatory palaestra, meeting proceeded by a film: part- II, The Bible.
Members were informed about annual diary of ACAFAM and that next trimester meeting are scheduled for 28/05/2005 – topics: “Fundamentals of family, opinion of a doctor” by Dr. Rasheed A. O. Shidi, film: part-I, Discovery of America, on 27/08/2005- topic: “Efficacy of Brazilian laws to promote equality of African descendants” by Mr Lazaro Reis dos Santos (advocate), film: part-II, Discovery of America. After some explanatory comments the Regional president of Ribeirão Preto declared the end of the meeting.
Lázaro Reis dos Santos
1st Secretary, Ribeirão Preto-SP.
Osvaldo A. Bezerra Ferreira
President, Ribeirão Preto-SP
On twenty eighth day (28th) of the month of May, two Thousand and five (2005), once again a trimester meeting took place as established, Mr. Osvaldo A. B. Ferreira – Regional President of Ribeirão Preto began, informing about directorate’s activities and introduction of the recently inaugurated regional Directorate of São Paulo for 2005/2008; President - Mr. Saddo A. G. Almouloud; Vice President – M/s. Vanderli Salatiel; First Treasure – Mr. Eric Iyke Agoha; Second Treasure – Mr. Samir El Hayek; First Secretary – Mr. Abdu Ferraz; Second Secretary – M/s. Vitoria B Souza Lima. Further, is amplification of National Directorate members with honor posts to three (3) African citizens; Chief Olusola Faleye – The President of Lagos Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Nigeria; Mr. Remi Anifowose(PhD) – Professor of Faculty of Social Sciebces of The University of Lagos, Nigeria; Mr. Olusegun John (Reserve Colonel) Nigerian Army Signal Cops.
This day was designated for lecturer, Mr. Rasheed A. O. Shidi(MD), who presented topic: “Fundamental of Family, doctors opinion”, that started at 01.00pm and followed with coffee break at Sparta Room in Stream Palace Hotel on Rua General Osório/corner with Cerqueira César – down town of Ribeirão Preto. Meeting proceeded by watching film on part-I of America Descovery, which followed by debates and doubts enlightenment.
Next meeting scheduled for 27/08/2005 with lecture topic: “The efficacy of Brazilian laws in the promotion of equality of African descendants”, by Mr. Lázaro Reis dos Santos(Advocate). To be followed by film on part-II of America Discovery. Meeting came to an end after the Welcome Speech of the President and Vice President of São Paulo Directorate, Mr Saddo and M/s. Vanderli respectively, both promising to host meetin on February 2006 at their region, later followed by the foundation first treasures’s explanatory speech about ACAFAM’s financial states.
Lázaro Reis dos Santos
1st Secretary, Ribeirão Preto-SP.
Osvaldo A. Bezerra Ferreira
President, Ribeirão Preto-SP
Ata da 8a Reunião do Conselho de Administração dia 27 agosto 2005
On Twenty seventh (27th) day of the month of August, Two Thousand and Five (2005), once again a trimester meeting took place as established. Mr. Rasheed A. O. Shidi – Foundation President began, informing about directorate’s activities and presented details about Charles Darwin’s theory 1800 A.D. and opinion link to ACAFAM’s objectives.
This day was designated for lecturer, Mr. Lazaro Reis dos Santos (Advocate), who presented topic: ”The efficacy of Brazilian laws in the promotion of equality of African descendants”, that started at 01.00pm and followed with coffee break at Acropólis Room in Stream Palace Hotel on Rua General Osório/corner with Cerqueira César – down town of Ribeirão Preto. Meeting proceeded by watching film on part-II of America Discovery, which followed by debates and doubts enlightenment.