Agency Multicultural Plan for 2013–2015
Multicultural Access and Equity Policy – Respecting Diversity.Improving Responsiveness.
Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
This Agency Multicultural Plan (AMP):
- covers the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) with the exception of the Indigenous cluster and its portfolio bodies, whose stakeholders are covered by the Closing the Gap policy and the Department’s Reconciliation Action Plan
- also covers two of FaHCSIA’s portfolio bodies: the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS); and the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA)
- does not cover the Social Security Appeals Tribunal, which is a highly technical agency and is considered exempt under the Multicultural Access and Equity Policy.
Our vision for Multicultural Access and Equity Policy:
FAHCSIA’s vision is a strong and fair society for all Australians. Our mission is to support our Minister by collaboratively developing and implementing excellent, fair and inclusive social policy. This includes ensuring that multicultural access and equity considerations are a key part of the way the Department goes about its business.
Our Department:
FaHCSIA is an important source of advice to the Australian Government on social policy. We aim to:
- increase social and economic participation by helping create opportunities for people to enjoy social, personal and financial independence, social belonging and general wellbeing including employment
- improve social cohesion by promoting inclusion and increasing equality
- Close the Gap on Indigenous disadvantage – improve the lives of Indigenous Australians and in particular provide a better future for Indigenous children
- support basic living standards – maintain a safety net for Australians in need.
We also support individuals, families and communities to build their capacity by enhancing their personal responsibility and resilience to participate in society.
FaHCSIA is primarily a policy, program and funding agency rather than being directly responsible for service delivery and so its day-to-day interaction with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) groups is limited. However, many of the Department’s policies, programs and payment initiatives directly or indirectly affect CALD groups.
Many business areas across FaHCSIA already have a set of initiatives in place or in preparation that meet the needs of Australia’s cultural and linguistic diverse population.
FaHCSIA’s current Strategic Framework states that the Department’s vision “supports the Government’s view that for Australia to stay strong socially and economically, we need everyone to contribute”. Among its key aims are to increase social and economic participation, improve social cohesion and support individuals, families and communities to build their capacity. A major focus of the Department is on supporting vulnerable people and communities. The Department recognises that key to this is a capable, informed and adaptive workforce.
Our AMP:
The AMP has been sponsored by Ms Felicity Hand, Deputy Secretary (Corporate Cluster) and Chief Operating Officer.
The AMP secretariat sought input from business areas from all relevant groups and the two portfolio bodies. This was primarily a means of establishing the extent of the Department’s contact with CALD communities, the nature of that contact, the implications of its work for CALD communities, any relevant procedures already in place, the nature of any feedback from and consultation with CALD groups, and any suitable improvements that could be made. The secretariat then worked closely with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship(DIAC) to ensure the draft action items were consistent with the Multicultural Access and Equity Policy before submitting them to the Department’s executive (Secretary and Deputy Secretaries) and all relevant group managers for further input and clearance.
The AMP is an opportunity for the Department to consolidate its existing practices so that a single point of reference exists for all staff whose work impacts on CALD groups. It is also a means of promulgating among staff the need to meet their obligations under the Policy and so ensure that the policies, programs and services they produce consider the needs of CALD groups where applicable. It will also form the basis for the Department to make ongoing improvements to the way it addresses the needs of CALD groups.
As with the FaHCSIA’s Reconciliation Action Plan (and those of its portfolio bodies) it is intended that some of the action items in the AMP are incorporated into Branch Business Plans. It is hoped that multicultural access and equity considerations will become an integral part of the culture across FaHCSIA’s portfolio.
1 Leadership
Support for the Agency Multicultural Plan (AMP) at our most senior levels sends a clear message to staff that multicultural access and equity actively considerations apply to this portfolio. This is key to successful implementation of this Plan, and to multicultural access and equity considerations becoming integral to the way the Department and its agencies conduct their business.Minimum Obligations under the Policy:
1.1Executive Accountability – Agency to assign a Senior Executive Officer to be responsible for implementation of Multicultural Access and Equity obligations in the agency.1.2Agency commitment – Agency leadership to ensure that staff understand and are committed to Multicultural Access and Equity implementation.
Action Item / Responsibility / Timeframe / Measureable Target
Executive Accountability
(minimum obligation)
1.1.1 / FaHCSIA to assign Deputy Secretary to be the Senior Executive to propagate the implementation of theMulticultural Access and Equity Policy to ensure all staff are aware of the Agency Multicultural Plan, Multicultural Access and Equity Policy considerations and related actions.
/ Secretary, FaHCSIA / Complete /
Senior Executive AMP Champion appointed. Ms Felicity Hand, Chief Operating Officer, appointed as Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA’s), Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA’s) and Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS’s) AMP Champion.
1.1.2 / Senior Management Group (SMG)encourage the implementation of thetwo-year AMP among all relevant aspects of FaHCSIA business. / AMP Secretariat
Deputy Director, Corporate & Strategy, AIFS
Human Resource Manager, WGEA
/ Complete / FaHCSIA has developed an AMP to cover the period 1 July 2013 – 30 June 2015.
1.1.3 / Establish the ongoing governance of reporting the AMP to senior AMP Champion. / Ministerial, Parliamentary and Executive Support Branch (MPESB) / Dec 2013 / The AMP progress report is provided to Champion twice a year, who will cascade this information to Senior Executive Staff (SES).
1.1.4 / SMG deliver communications to their Clusters.
SES to cascade information about the AMP to all their staff. / MPESB
Manager, External Relations, AIFS
Operations Executive Manager, WGEA / June and Dec 2014 / The AMP is included in Executive Management Agenda, SMG Agenda and SES Recall Agenda at least annually.
AMP is included on Agendas for WGEA and AIFS SES staff at least annually.
1.1.5 / Relevant business managers monitor their progress in implementing Multicultural Access & Equity Policy, and address action items within AMP. / Ministerial, Parliamentary and Executive Support Branch (MPESB)
Manager, External Relations, AIFS
Operations Executive Manager, WGEA / June 2015 / AMP actions are incorporated into Branch business plans, and WGEA’s and AIFS’s business plans.
Action Items identified in the AMP are promoted to relevant business areas and delivered within required timeframe.
Agency Commitment
(minimum obligation) / Corporate Group
1.2.1 / Establish AMP Working Group with members at the EL2 level to keep abreast of the Multicultural Access and Equity Policy and ensure information is disseminated across the Department. / AMP Secretariat
Manager, External Relations, AIFS / July 2013
September 2014 / Working Group established.
Terms of reference finalised.
1.2.2 / The AMP Secretariat will be the single point of assistance for staff within FaHCSIA to direct enquiries about the Multicultural Access and Equity Policy.
AIFS and WGEA to create similar single points of contact. / AMP Secretariat
Manager, External Relations, AIFS
HR Manager, WGEA / July 2013 / Dedicated email mailboxes forstaff to email queries about the Multicultural Access and Equity Policy will be created.
1.2.3 /
Communication articles promoting the AMP are uploaded onto agency intranet sites throughout the duration of the AMP. These would form part of a broader internal communications plan for the AMP. / AMP Secretariat
Manager, External Relations, AIFS / Commence August 2013 / Communication strategy developed to ensure articles are uploaded onto FaHCSIA and AIFS intranet sites at least three times a year – FaHCSIA, AIFS. (WGEA has access to FaHCSIA intranet).
Articles will outline the objective of the AMP so staff are aware of the multicultural access and equity commitments.
2 Engagement
Many of the Department’s policies, programs and payment initiatives directly or indirectly affectculturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) groups, even if they are implemented by our service-delivery partners. Ensuring that we have clear and consistent procedures for interacting with the CALD community will help ensure that those policies and programs properly account for their needs.Minimum Obligations under the Policy:
2.1Stakeholder Engagement – Agency to have a stakeholder engagement strategy to understand culturally and linguistically diverse communities’ interactions with their agencies.2.2Language and Communication – Agency to have a language and communication plan for culturally and linguistically diverse communities, including on the use of languages other than English and incorporating the use of interpreters and translators.
Action Item / Responsibility / Timeframe / Measureable Target
Stakeholder engagement
(minimum obligation)
2.1.1 / Develop a Stakeholder Engagement Strategy that will incorporate the minimum obligations under the Multicultural Access and Equity Policy.
The Stakeholder Engagement Strategy will help staff build stronger and more transparent ongoing relationships with stakeholders, as this is key to successful delivery of services to the CALD community.
The Strategy will align the Department with the Multicultural Access and Equity Policy i.e. outline a range of tools to assist staff torecognise diversity and help them identify the stakeholders that make up our CALD client base. / Communications and Media Branch
Partnerships & Communications Executive Manager, WGEA
Manager, External Relations, AIFS / June 2015
December 2014 / New Stakeholder Engagement Strategy will include considerations of how to engage with the CALD population.
AIFS and WGEA will have liaised with FaHCSIA Communications and Media Branch on the New Stakeholder Engagement Strategy.
Stakeholder engagement
(minimum obligation)
2.2.1 / Create a Language and Communication Plan (LCP) to provide a clear framework for when and how to use language services in the context of our portfolio functions and responsibilities. Actions will include:
- assess the need to apply for Department of Immigration and Citizenship’s (DIAC’s)funding for translator services
- promotion of products to use plain English
- FaHCSIA will assess how many information products should also be accessible in a language other than English.
Partnerships & Communications Executive Manager, WGEA
Manager, External Relations, AIFS / October 2014 /
The LCP completed, approved by the Secretary and distributed to relevant business areas.
AIFS and WGEA will have liaised with FaHCSIA concerning their portfolios’ LCPs.
2.2.2 / Resources will be developed to include a clear set of instructions to assist staff to facilitate and provide arrangements with interpreting services such as Telephone Interpreter Services (TIS). / Corporate Group
Manager, External Relations, AIFS / June 2015 / Interpreting service guides developed within the timeframe and made available to staff.
2.2.3 / Mechanisms will be put in place for CALD groups to access translation and interpreting services via FaHCSIA websites. / Corporate Group
Manager, External Relations, AIFS / December 2014 / Online mechanisms developed and made available on website.
2.3 / AIFS will revise their research communication processes to ensure they areconsistent with the principles of the Multicultural Access and Equity Policy and meet its minimum obligations. / Manager, External Relations, AIFS / June 2014 /
AIFS “Ethics in Human Research” application will be amended to consider people of CALD groups.
3 Performance
Well-designed performance measurement is crucial to ensuring that the AMP remains consistently effective over its lifespan. It provides the information necessary to making improvements to the AMP and adjusting aspects of it as circumstances change.
Minimum Obligations under the Policy:
3.1Performance indicators and reporting – Agency to develop a set of Key Performance Indicator’s (KPI’s) relating to engagement with, or outcomes of services to, culturally and linguistically diverse clients.
3.2Feedback – Agency to have arrangements to ensure affected culturally and linguistically diverse communities are able to provide feedback on agency multicultural access and equity performance.
Action Item / Responsibility / Timeframe / Measureable Target
Performance indicators and reporting
(minimum obligation)
3.1.1 / Conduct an analysis to identify priority business areas whose policies, programs and services (including outsourced services) impactdirectly or indirectly on culturally and linguistically diverse members of the community.
. / Social Policy Group/Program Office
Deputy Director, Corporate & Strategy, AIFS
Operations Executive Manager, WGEA
/ June 2014 / In conjunction with appropriate business areas, analysis completed.
3.1.2 / Conduct an analysis to identify current KPIs collected relating to the CALD Group.
Develop a strategy for suitable Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)to be developed that are sensitive to CALD and relevant to our portfolio.
KPIs will:
- be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound
- will relate to performance in serving the following client demographics described by: Country of birth, ancestry, languages spoken at home, and level of English
- seek information from our business partners.
Deputy Director, Corporate & Strategy, AIFS
HR Manager, WGEA / June 2015 / Analysis to identify suitable KPI’s completed.
KPI’sidentified within timeframe.
3.1.3 / Allidentified and relevantKPIs will be approved by the Secretary and AIFS/WGEA directors respectively, and made publically available on the Department website, included in the FaHCSIA Annual Report and fed into the yearly Report on Government Services if appropriate.This will allow other departments and agencies to use them as a reference point.
We will also refer to other departments’ websites. / Program Office/Social Policy Group
Deputy Director, Corporate & Strategy, AIFS / June 2015 / KPIs approved by the Secretary and agency Directors.
Approved KPIs published annually.
3.1.4 / Future Business Partnership agreements are consistent with the minimum obligations of the Multicultural Access and Equity Policy. / Social Policy Group/Program Office
Deputy Director, Corporate & Strategy, AIFS / June 2015 / All new Business Partnership Agreements will consider the needs of CALD groups relating to our portfolio business.
3.1.5 / Relevant third-party providers will capture relevant CALD client data related to our portfolio i.e. Country of birth, ancestry, languages spoken at home and level of English – to ensure their services are accessible to CALD clients. / Program Office/Social Policy Group
Deputy Director, Corporate & Strategy, AIFS / June 2015 / Third-party providers are advised of minimum requirements under the Multicultural Access and Equity Policy.
3.2.1 / Review current feedback policy and consultation mechanisms relating to CALD groups to ensure feedback is provided to relevant business areas. / Cross Portfolio and Information Branch
Operations Executive Manager, WGEA
Manager, External Relations, AIFS / June 2014 / Review complete.
3.2.2 / Feedback provided to business areas across agencies that CALD, vulnerable groups and emerging communities should be considered in future decision-making. / Cross Portfolio and Information Branch
Manager, External Relations, AIFS / January 2015 / Mechanisms in place to ensure feedback is provided to business areas.
4 Capability
Equipping our staff with the skills and awareness to properly consider the needs of CALD groups and the issues they face is vital to ensuring that those needs are addressed in the work undertaken by the Department, its portfolio bodies, contractors and service-delivery partners.
Minimum Obligations under the Policy:
4.1Cultural Competency – Agency to have training and development measures to equip staff with cultural competency skills.
4.2Research and data – Agency to collect ethnicity data on the culturally and linguistically diverse groups with which the agency engages and to which it delivers services directly or indirectly.
Action Item / Responsibility / Timeframe / Measureable Target
Cultural competency
(minimum obligation)
4.1.1 / Liaise with DIAC to determine when DIAC’s Australian Public Service-wide cultural competency eLearning will be available for agency staff. / People Branch
HR ManagersWGEA and AIFS / June 2015 / Cultural competency training consultations completed.
WGEA and AIFSwill have liaised with FaHCSIA People Branch to access eLearning.
4.1.2 / When eLearning is established, offer cultural competency training to all staff:
- promote training to raise awareness among staff as part of a broader internal communications plan for the AMP.
- articles will be uploaded to intranet to promote benefits and importance of cultural competency.
- links will be provided on our intranet sites to enable staff to complete the eLearning package.
HR ManagersWGEA and AIFS / June 2015 / 100% staff advised of cultural competency training.
100% staff able to access cultural competency eLearning.
4.1.3 / Develop mechanisms to record the number of staff who have completed the cultural training package each year and report under the AMP outcomes. / People Branch
HR ManagersWGEA and AIFS / June 2015 / Data collection mechanisms completed.
4.1.4 / CALD awareness modules to be included in future training delivery for graduates and trainees. / People Branch
HR ManagersWGEA and AIFS / June 2014 / Modules developed and included in the new graduates and new trainees programs.