NHS England South Region
Mental Health Priority Programme
Programme Board

Notes of the meeting held on 25 August 2015, 14:00 – 16:30,Reading Town Hall

Present: / Anthony Farnsworth (Chair) / Director of Commissioning Operations, NHS England South Region, South West
Justine Faulkner / Network Manager, Mental Health and Dementia Strategic Clinical Network, NHS England South Region (South West)
Sarah Amani / Senior Programme Manager, Oxford Academic Health Science Network
Vicky Banks / Associate Medical Director, Revalidation, NHS England South
Arun Bhoopal / Senior Lead Analyst, NHS England (South)
Charlotte Clow / South East Coast Strategic Clinical Network Manager, Maternity, Children & Young People’s Strategic Clinical Network NHS England, South Region (South East)
Denise Cope
Julia Davison / Clinical Lead, MH, Dementia and Neurology SCN, Wessex Clinical Senate and Clinical Networks
Director of Operations, NHS England, South Region.
Glen Everton / Head of Communications and Engagement NHS England South Region (South West)
Rebecca Furlong / Network Manager, Children and Maternity Network, NHS England Thames Valley
Caroline Jessel / Lead for Clinical Transformation and Outcomes
Medical Directorate
NHS England South Region(South East)
Hilary Kelly / Clinical Network Manager
Wessex Clinical Senate and Clinical Networks
NHS England
Belinda Lennox / Clinical Lead, Oxford AHSN
Stephen Madgwick / CAMHS Clinical Lead, Thames Valley SCN
Linda Tait / Quality Improvement Lead, Thames Valley SCN
Apologies: / Rob Bale, Gayle Bridgman, Clare Gibson, Adrian James, Laurence Mynors-Wallis, Debbie Stark, Ruth Williams
AF welcomed all to the meeting.
The focus of the programme was clarified – the task is to build up a comprehensive overview of performance in the South region, of the key development areas in MH as outlined in the Programme PID and the NHSE business plan 15/16.
In addition, the PB has the role of overseeing the communications and initiatives that come via the different components of NHSE and the CCGs, and to ensure that these are aligned and correctly understood.
The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed for accuracy.
  • The minutes of the meeting on 23 June have been reissued.
  • The CCG template for IAPT SDIPs has been circulated.
  • The revised PID and TOR have been circulated.
Other matters will be picked up later in the agenda.
a)Early Intervention in Psychosis
The funding available for EIP services is £40m per year, recurrent, which is in CCG baselines in 2015.
The national expectation with regards to EIP is that 50% of those with a 1stepisode psychosis will be seen and in receipt of a NICE compliant intervention within 2 weeks of referral. Performance against this will be audited by NHSE in Q4 of 2015, with the standard going live on 1 April 2016.
BL gave an update on the Oxford AHSN South Region EIP preparedness programme. She emphasised the need for oversight of SDIPs in the South which are widely variable with some comprehensive and others rudimentary.
The NCCMH and RCPsych have been tasked with auditing services, and with developing further commissioning guidance. They recently contacted providers with regards to audit, but the process has been paused at present, to enable further consultation and refining of the audit process. BL is a member of the NCCMH ERG for EIP, and is therefore able to influence these developments.
Assurance of EIP SDIPs which should be present in all CCGs plans was discussed. They are widely variable in each of the 4 local offices in the South region, and in some instances are not present. The approach has varied across local offices, with some SCN colleagues having direct sight of EIP SDIPs, with others receiving reports/feedback via Operations & Delivery colleagues on the assurance process.
It was agreed that the draft report pulled together by the Oxford AHSN, RAG rating services across the South, will be a useful tool for triangulation of the assurance process and this will be circulated with the minutes.
The data collection mechanism by which this standard will be measured was discussed. Providers will be required to submit additional data fields. Oxford AHSN have supported Oxford Health in achieving this, but SA observed that this was at Oxford Health’s behest, and other providers are not volunteering to come forward. The data fields are not mandatory.
SA will escalate this with Sarah Khan at the 9 September HSIC event.
AB to link with colleagues in the East Midlands who lead on this issue and give an update at the next meeting.
BL to clarify the status and timescales of the RCPsych Commissioning guidelines.
A request to go out from the Programme Board through the local offices to CCGs asking for sight of all SDIPs
As agreed at the last meeting the latest version of the EIP self-assessment tool has been circulated to CCGs via the SCNs. /
The funding available to CAMHS is £250m recurrent over 5 years to support Transformation plans, with a further £30m recurrent over 5 years to support specialist CAMHS eating disorder services. Transformation plans should be initially submitted by 18 September with a further iteration submitted by 16 October as outlined in the recent letter from Richard Barker.
JF will circulate this letter with the minutes.
The process of assuring these plans, which should be complete by 6 November, was discussed. AF has been tasked with working with the national CAMHS team to develop KLoEs to support assurance. The national team have also agreed to run a workshop in each region to support colleagues in assuring plans.
JF to contact the national team and organise a South region workshop for September.
Each of the 4 local offices described steps they have taken thus far to support CCGs in developing their plans. The process has been similar throughout the South, with meetings/workshops supporting CAMHS commissioners’ use of the ‘Future in Mind’ self-assessment tool and events involving the national team.
The national team with AF will publish KLoEs to support the assurance process within the next fortnight.
The timescale for submission of plans was discussed and it was noted that a number of CCGs are intending to submit a final plan by the October deadline, without submitting a draft beforehand, and this will be problematic from an assurance perspective. The SE have agreed with their CCGs that a draft plan will be submitted on 11 September for pre-assurance, and it was agreed that this approach should be replicated and consistent across the region. It was agreed that the publication of the KLoEs will provide a useful platform for this. They will be sent to all CCGs with a covering letter, possibly from Andrew Ridley or AF, requesting the submission of a transformation plan on the 18thSeptember, with a further iteration on the 16th October if required. / JF
The funding available to IAPT is £10m non-recurrent to clear any access backlog, prior to the implementation of the access and waiting times standard (75% of referrals treated within 6 weeks and 95% within 18 weeks) in April 2016.
CG had provided the most recent IAPT performance data which was circulated prior to the meeting. The South is performing adequately overall, but there is variation and on both access and recovery. From a waiting times perspective the 18-week target is met fairly consistently, with greater variation at 6 weeks. The IAPT data will be included in the next SQUIRE report with other mental health data.
Els Drewek has offered to represent the IST at the Board and JF will confirm this with her. /
Data re-start will take place in the middle of September, and this will be available at the next meeting. /
e)Liaison Psychiatry
The funding available to support liaison psychiatry is £30m non-recurring, which will be allocated in September on the basis of a national mapping exercise and local capitation.
JF will contact Sarah Khan and request the South component of this data.
JF circulated the RCPsych PLAN programme accreditation register following the last meeting.
A sample of liaison psychiatry data had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that this is fairly limited at present.
A recent letter (11 August) to SRG chairs has laid out an assurance process for liaison psychiatry services and also includes some mental health components in ambulance assurance.
JF will circulate this letter with the minutes.
All to link with Operations and Delivery colleagues in their local offices to ascertain the outcome of the assurance for discussion at the next meeting.
It was noted that access and waiting times standards for crisis resolution and home treatment teams are at an early stage of development. JF will circulate a presentation from the national team outlining this process.
The group noted that Home Office funding is being made available to support Section 136 Places of Safety and that Sussex and Devon and Cornwall are likely recipients of this. /
Local data giving the South component of the national data from the MHLDS had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that in its current form the data is not reliable. AB is pulling together a more comprehensive picture with a covering narrative for the next SQUIRE report.
AF requested an update at the next meeting. /
g)Perinatal MH
£15m non-recurrent funding will be allocated to support perinatal services through the national Parity of Esteem Board. Access and waiting times targets are under development.
The results of the national service mapping exercise had been circulated prior to the meeting. Colleagues from Specialised Commissioning will be invited to join the Programme Board. /
It was noted that the highlight report had gone to SMT and will be circulated with the minutes. /
No update on this yet.
The group thanked GE for the presentation about the work of the Board that he has developed.
7 / AOB
a)Process and outcomes data
It was noted that the Board is currently focussing on process rather than outcomes data. AF agreed to contact PHE for MH prevalence data for the South to supplement this.
b)Links between the programme board and medical revalidation process
Potential links discussed. VB will link with colleagues and appraise the board of any particular themes arising from the revalidation process for MH.
c)Dementia Lead for the South Region
JF has received responses from some group members about this and checked that there were none further outstanding.
d)Mental Health and 111
There is an overlap with the work of the Urgent and Emergency Care (UEC) Priority Programme who lead on this.
JF will contact James Beyer to discuss this and give an update at the next meeting.
e)Mental Health Priority Programme SRO
AF is retiring and the SRO role for the programme will pass to Julia Davison to ensure continuity. AF thanked the group for their support, and they congratulated him on a superb chairing to date, and wished him well in his retirement. /
Tuesday 22 September 14:00 - 16:30, Reading Town Hall
Tuesday 20 October 14:00 – 16:30, venue TBC
JF to circulate the EIP Preparedness Report containing initial RAG ratings of services in the South with the minutes.
SA to escalate the issue of non-mandatory EIP data fields with Sarah Khan at the HSIC event on 9 September.
AB to link with colleagues in the East Midlands leading on EIP data collection and provide an update at the next meeting.
BL to clarify the status and timescales of the RCPsych EIP Commissioning Guidance.
AF to send a request from the Programme Board to CCGs via local offices requesting sight of all EIP SDIPs.
JF to circulate Richard Barker’s CAMHS Transf. Plans letter of 11 August with minutes.
AF to circulate CAMHS KLoEs to all CCGs with a covering letter from AF/AR, requesting draft plans to be submitted on the 16 September.
AB to include IAPT data in the next SQUIRE report.
JF to invite Els Drewek of the IAPT IST to join the Programme Board to represent the IST.
AB to report on the latest Dementia data at the next meeting.
JF to contact Sarah Khan and request the South component of the national liaison psychiatry mapping exercise.
JF to circulate the recent letter to SRG chairs outlining the assurance process for liaison psychiatry services with the minutes and all to link with operations and delivery colleagues to ascertain the outcome of this assurance prior to the next meeting.
JF - SRGassurance to be agenda’d for next meeting.
JF to circulate a recent national presentation outlining the process of developing access and waiting times standards for crisis resolution and home treatment teams.
AB to revisit OATs data and include this with a covering narrative in the next SQUIRE reports, and provide an update on this at the next meeting.
AF to contact PHE and request MH prevalence data for the South.
VB to link with colleagues and appraise the Programme Board of any themes arising from the revalidation process in MH.
JF to confirm the Dementia lead for the South Region.
JF to contact James Beyer about progress with 111 and MH.