We are lookingfor the Board 2018-2019!

Do you want toshape the future of TopFem? Are youpassionateabout the development of ambitiousyoungwomenandenthusiasticaboutTopFem’s goals andprogrammes? Are youinterested in developingyourleadership skills? Applynowtobecome part of the TopFem Board 2018-2019!

We have the followingopenings:

  • Chairwoman
  • Secretary
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Acquisition
  • Programme Manager
  • International
  • Event Coordinator

As the new board youwillberesponsiblefororganisingournetwork events andexpandingTopFem’snetwork. Youcanread more about the specificroles below.

Interested? Sendyour CV andmotivation letter to before April 5. Ifyou have anyquestions, pleasedon’thesitateto contact us!


March 20: Informal board interest meeting
April 5: Application Deadline
April 9 - 16: Interviews


Are youcommittedtoextendingTopFem’snetworkandprogrammes? Canyoubringpeopletogether, network, buildmeaningfulrelationships, and lead a team? Applyfor the position of chairwoman 2018-2019!
As Chairwoman of Topfemyouwillbe the face of ourorganisationandcommunicator of ourvision. Youwillenable the board tosuccessfullyorganise the programmesTopFem offers. You’ll have the big-picture view of allstrategicandoperationaltasks, anddelegateaccordingly. Are you a confident public speaker? CanyouenthuseothersaboutTopFem? Applynow!


Are you a highlyorganised team playerwithgoodcommunication skills in Dutch and in English? Thenapplyfor the position of board member Secretary 2018-2019!
The Secretary of TopFem is a typicalall-rounder. Taskstraditionallyincludeansweringandlabelling e-mail, taking minutes at various meetings, tracking new registrationsand updating the member database. You’llalsoberesponsibleforkeeping the Board up to date. Youwillbe the first line of contact, andwillquicklyprovide basic information aboutTopFemandourprogrammes. You’ll have tobeflexibleandquick on yourfeet as youcommunicatewith members of ournetwork, alumni, mentors, and companies whoreach out toTopFem.


Are you a systematicthinkerandnotafraidtolay down boundariesforyour fellow board members? Join the new TopFem board as the board member Finance 2018-2019 to help TopFemgrow in the comingyear.

As the board member financeyouwillberesponsibleforallTopFem’s financial tasks. You keep aneye on the budget and update the Board on a regular basis. Youalso make the invoicesforour partners and manage the TopFem bank account. An interest in finance is practical forthisposition, but notessential. We’ll help youlearnall the skills youneed.


Are youcreative? Do you have goodwriting skills andaneyefor PR? Do you want to spread the word aboutTopFem? Applyfor the position of board member Marketing 2018-2019!
As the board member in charge of marketing, you’llplay a big part in the branding andpresentation of TopFemto the outsideworld. All the content published on oursocial media channelsand on our website will go throughyou. Yourtasksincludechairing the marketing committee, withwhomyou’llgenerateandprovide online content, as well as event branding andcommunication. You’llalsobeourwebmaster’sprimary liaison within the board.


Are you up foranexcitingchallenge? Do you want tolay the groundworkforTopFem’sprogrammesandexpansionduring the next year? Canyouconvince companies of TopFem’spotential? Applyfor the position of board member Acquisition 2018-2019!
Yourmainresponsibilitywillbetoseekopportunitiesforcollaborationandarrange partnerships with companies andorganisationsfrom different sectors. Youwillalsoberesponsiblefor the content of anyacquisitionmaterial. Tobe the person in the right place at the right time, youneedtobemethodical, assertiveandcurious. In acquisitionit is important tomaintainandstrengthencurrentexternal relations. At the same time, you’llbe on the lookoutfor new collaborationopportunities, whichcaninclude the organisation of exclusive events.


Are youstructured, pro-activeand ready to take on the challenge of managing the programmes of TopFem? Applyfor the position of Programme Manager 2018-2019!
The Programme Manager manages the LeadershipProgrammeand the Mentor&NetworkProgramme. You’ll have close contact with the professional trainer whofacilitates the leadership workshops, willcoordinate the research projectsfor the LeadershipProgramme, and keep in touchwithall of ourLeadershipProgrammeparticipants. You’ll manage andfacilitate the mentor matching process, andyou’llliaisewith Lof. You’llneedtobestructuredandenthusiasticaboutTopFemandourprogrammes.


Do you have anentrepreneurial spirit, are youproactiveanddeterminedtoexpandTopFeminternationally? Applyfor the position of board member International 2018-2019!
Do not miss out on the opportunity tocontributetoour long term vision of expandingTopFemaround the globe. You’ll do thisbytakingTopFemabroad on business trips to meet interestinginternational companies, as well as byapproachinginternationalyoungwomen. You’llbefocussed on increasing the internationaldiversity of ournetwork, bothwithinandoutside The Netherlands.


Do you have greatorganisational skills? Do you want toimagineandexecuteexcitingideas ready tobecomeTopFem events? Applyfor the position of Events Manager 2018-2019!

Your goal is todevelopand manage the monthlynetworking events of TopFem. You’llbe the first line of contact for speakers, venues, andlogistics. Thisrolewillinvolve significant collaborationwith the other board members, soyouwillneedtobeanexperiencedcommunicator. This is a new board position, soyou’llalso have the opportunity toshapeandinfluenceyourresponsibilities.