ME105: Syllabus Page XXX

GC105M: Syllabus Paul D. Johnson

Bethel Seminary Woodridge Church

Fall 2004, Mod Q Phone: (763) 473-0240 ext. 13,

October 4–December 6 E-mail

Monday 8:00-10:00 pm


Course Description:

The goal of this course is to empower participants to develop and implement effective, Spirit-directed, biblically based strategies to reach lost people and to make disciples of all who believe.

Objectives of the course:

1.  To deepen one's grasped and experience of God’s passion and plan to redeem lost people.

2.  To identify and apply biblical texts relevant to effective personal and corporate evangelism.

3.  To understand how local churches and/or mission agencies can become effective as a center for evangelism and making disciples.

4.  To develop a biblically based, culturally sensitive, and personally meaningful framework for processing the thinking, being and doing aspects of the church’s evangelistic commission.

5.  To learn how each person's story [witness] can be used by God to invite lost people to respond positively to salvation offered through Christ.

6.  To grow in one’s ability to sensitively and clearly present the Gospel message.

7.  To begin to understand the leadership principles needed to move an ingrown church and/or mission agency to become a church/and or mission agency God uses to reach out to the lost of the community and world.

8.  To gain confidence in developing culturally sensitive strategies that effectively reach diverse audiences with the Gospel.

Required Texts:

text #1: Mark Mittelberg. Building a Contagious Church. Zondervan, 2000. Isbn: 0310221498

text #2: Richardson, Rick. Evangelism Outside The Box. IVP, 2000. ISBN 0-8308-2276-3

text #3: Bill Hybels. Becoming a Contagious Christian. Zondervan ISBN 0-310-21008-9

Text #4: Frazee, Randy. The Connecting Church. Zondervan, 2001. ISBN 0-310-23308-9

Text #5: Bill Hybels. Becoming a Contagious Christian Participant’s Guide. Zondervan ISBN 0-3310-50101-6

Text #6: Brit Weimer Search for Answers. AMG ISBN 0-89957-356-8

Course Assignments


ME105: Syllabus Page XXX

Verbatims: Write-up (2-3 double spaced pages in length) and provide a self-evaluation of two conversations of at least 20 minutes in length in which you shared the gospel with a non-believer. The Verbatim Assignment Page will be handed out during class for instruction.

Faith Story: Write up a 2-3 page story of your own experience of coming to faith and in addition share your faith story at least two times in class settings.


Based on your readings, class lectures and research write a 10-12 page paper (2500-3000 words) on your theology, philosophy of ministry and personal practice of evangelism and discipleship. Make sure you address all 6 areas and integrate the sections. The paper will be graded on the following

·  Discussion of all 6 areas

·  Integration of theology philosophy of ministry and practice

·  Interaction with course lectures and readings.

Course Grade:

Class Attendance and Participation 10%

Faith Story 10%

Verbatim reports [2 x 15%] 30%

Integrative Project 50%


A total of 100 points is possible. Each assignment/grading category reflects both the percentage of the class grade, as well as the number of points possible for the assignment/category. A final grade of “A” is reflective of an extremely high demonstrated quality level for professional school/graduate studies with reference to the areas of (a) class preparation-participation, and (b) accomplishment of the course assignments according to the stated criteria (on the appropriate course assignment page) for each assignment. A final grade of “B” is reflective of an average demonstrated quality level for professional school/graduate studies for these categories. A final grade of “C” is reflective of a below average demonstrated quality level for graduate studies for these categories.

The student’s course grade will be the total of all assignments, based on the scale below:


ME105: Syllabus Page XXX

A 95-100

A- 92-94

B+ 88-91

B 85-87

B- 82-84

C+ 78-81

C 75-77

C- 72-74

D+ 68-71

D 65-67

D- 62-64

F Below 62

ME105: Syllabus Page XXX

ME105: Syllabus Page XXX

Accessibility: Please contact the instructor as soon as possible if disability-related accommodations are needed. Accommodations for students with documented disabilities are set up through the Office of Disability Services. Contact Kathy McGillivray, Director of Disability Services, at (651) 635-8759.

Course Schedule

Date / Topic / Readings & Assignments Due
Oct. 4 / Theology of Evangelism
Unity of Evangelism and Discipleship
Oct. 11 / No Class CD lecture
Theology of Evangelism / Evangelism Outside the Box
Oct. 18 / Theology of Discipleship /

Faith stories due

Oct. 25 / Woodridge Staff on Evangelism & Discipleship /

Verbatim #1 due

Nov. 1 / Philosophy of Ministry: Evangelism
Philosophy of Ministry: Discipleship / Contagious Church
Nov. 8 / No Class
CD lecture: Personal Practice of Evangelism
Nov. 15 / Personal Practice of Discipleship /

Contagious Christian

Verbatim #2 due

Search for Answers

Nov. 22 / Evangelistic Models and Ministries
Evangelistic Preaching /

The Connected Church

Nov. 29 / Discipleship Ministries and Models
Church Planting
Dec. 6 / Leadership /

Final Integrative Paper due

Readings reflect the date the book will be discussed.

Verbatim Instructions

1.  Verbatims: Write 2 Verbatims of 1500 words to provide a self-evaluation of experiences of sharing the gospel with an unbelieving person. Write up in your verbatim your experiences using the following format:

A.  Write 750 words of your 1500 word verbatim to express the following:

§  Your assessment should provide a self-assessment of three skills: assertive communication (your ability to approach and engage in dialogue about the gospel), empathetic listening (you ability to step into the shoes of the one with whom you are sharing), and clarity of witness.

§  Describe the emotional, attitudinal, relational, and cultural issues, which are pertinent.

§  Provide the key segments of the conversation. Do not use a tape recorder in your presentation. Immediately following the conversation, write down key words, phrases, or sentences to help you recall flow and development of the conversation. "Key segments" include the sentences in which the person reveal felt needs, beliefs, doubts, fears, etc.; sentences which provide the sequels from the mundane to the spiritual; sentences which provide the main points of your witness.

B.  The remaining 750 words should include self-assessment. Use "feeling’ words to describe what the experience was like for you.

§  Describe attitudinal dynamics - what messages did you hear the person sending you?

§  Assess the person’s felt or presenting needs in comparison to underlying or basic needs.

§  Include as many of this person’s demographic and religious characteristics as you observed.

§  Comment on your experience/awareness of the Holy Spirit’s presence in the conversation and give your assessment of the nearness of this person to the kingdom of God.

§  Evaluate your witness during the conversation in light of the class training.

Final Paper Guidelines

1. There are 6 areas you need to cover in the final paper.

§  Theology of Evangelism

§  Philosophy of Ministry of Evangelism

§  Practice of Evangelism (meaning tools you use to fulfill your philosophy)

§  Theology of Discipleship

§  Philosophy of Ministry of Discipleship

§  Practice of Discipleship (meaning tools you use to fulfill your philosophy)

2. In general the evangelism section should be two thirds of the paper. The paper should be 10-12 pages in length.

3. In the Theology of Evangelism section make sure you touch on the work of the Trinity, theory of atonement, the essence of the gospel, the essence of sin, the work of the evangelist and the church. Obviously you can cover additional information.

4. In the Philosophy of Ministry of Evangelism section cover mission, core values and strategy that align with your Theology.

5. In the practice section list tools or programs that you would use in light of your Theology and philosophy of ministry.

6. In the Theology of Discipleship section make sure you cover your definition of a disciple, the process of discipleship, the role of the Trinity in Discipleship, the role of the church in Discipleship and other information you would find helpful.

7. In the Philosophy of Ministry of Discipleship section make sure you cover mission, values and strategy that align with you Theology.

8. In the practice section cover tools or programs that align with your Theology and Philosophy.

9. Please be brief and to the point. Aim for elegance in your writing style. Feel free to admit gaps in your thinking that need further development. Even raise specific questions in your paper that I could help answer.
