Cremorne Community Newsletter December 2011
EditorialWelcome to the December 2011 edition of the Cremorne Newsletter, the occasional newsletter of the Cremorne Community Group.
The Cremorne Community Group (CCG) Inc is once again in full swing, having recovered from the Wrecked in Cremorne festival we are now planning to relaunch the Welcome to Cremorne sign with a day long event on SundayMay 6th 2012.
Many of our residents remember with fondness the “Welcome to Cremorne” sign which stood in Crowe’s paddock at the entry to Cremorne for many years andwhich mysteriously vanished without trace some years ago. On the urging of many of you we are holding a competition seeking your designs for a new welcome sign. Your entries will be displayed on Sunday 6th of May 2012 and you will be able to nominate your favourite design which will then be referred to our working group to be prepared for the new sign. To support this project we are holding a kite festival on the same day and a small working group has started planning for this.
Please put Sunday 6th May 2012 in your 2012 diaries now and stay in touch with us by reading your community Notice Board and reading our Newsletter and letterbox flyers. We will be seeking your involvement in developing this event in the New Year.
We wish each and everyone of you an enjoyable Christmas and a satisfying 2012.
Vicki Pearce
Cremorne Community Group
Join us at the Bowls Club for our
last meeting in 2011
The Cremorne Community Group is holding its December meeting on Tuesday 13th December at the Bowls Club commencing 7.30pm.
All welcome.
Cremorne Playgroup News
The Cremorne Playgroup is coming to a close for the 2011 season and what a wonderful year it has been!
We have about 25 families participating in the Monday playgroup, which has offered the children and the parents and caregivers of our small coastal community a chance to get to know each other and develop friendships that have extended outside of the playgroup.
The kids have a great outdoor play area with a sandbox, shade cover and a soft fall cover, plus lots of fun, educational and creative activities for indoor play. The Cremorne playgroup offers a happy, healthy, and safe place for all to come and enjoy!
Cremorne Playgroup’s Upcoming Schedule
Monday, 12th December was our final session for 2011, from 10 am - noon at the Bowls Club on and was our Christmas party.We shared a plate of food to share; cakes, fruit, veggies and dip, cookies, cheese and crackers, andthe kids decorated the Christmas tree at the Bowls Club that day as well.
Monday, 9th January 2010:The Cremorne Playgroup summer sessions begins and we can meet at the beach, lagoon, or the playground as we did last year. This was lots of fun and a great way to stay connected with everyone and let the kiddies hang out over the summer!
Monday,20th February 2012:Cremorne Playgroup resumes at the Cremorne Bowls' Club.
The Cremorne Playgroup would like to thank the Cremorne Bowls Club Committee for its ongoing support, it is much appreciated by all playgroup families.
For more information, please contact;
Jodi; 6237 0720, or Jeni; 0447 382 834.
Food Van for Cremorne
Have you noticed that we now have a coffee van at the Cremorne Beach Reserve. After Christmas the van will be at Cremorne each Saturday & Sunday throughout the summer.
Pipe Clay Coastcare News cont.
In 2012 the track will be completed when a hard
surface path is laid and the ramp on the Lagoon
side built. We have been able to do this work as we have been very lucky in obtaining one of only twenty fiveBe Natural Landcare Australia grants from Landcare Australia and their corporate sponsors.
Seeking your input
We will be seeking your input in the design of an information board on dune care, our local flora and fauna as part of the Spit project. In the new year we will be asking for your images (photos/drawings etc) of Cremorne to incorporate into its design, so don’t forget to check the community notice board & newsletter.
Revegetation work
Coastcare will continue the ongoing revegetation of our dunes and start working with householders with the“adopt a plant” project. See Notice Board for details in New Year.
Calverts Hill
White settlement came early to the Cremorne area and with it the inevitable colonisation by exotic plants so that with funding support through a NRM South Naturally Inspired grant we will continue weed control work on Calvert’s Hill. The ongoing removal and control of serrated tussock, African box thorn and Paterson’s curse supplements the work of the Friends of Calverts Hill, Parks and Wildlife Services and other locals in the area, in protecting the habitat of our endangered endemic gum tree;Eucalyptus Morrisbyi.
Naturally Inspiredgrant
Many hours go into running a Coastcare group and many of the behind the scenes projects, such as weed control on Calverts Hill, would not have been possible without a lot of time and effort from members of the Coastcare group. A big thank you to everyone who has helped out over the last year.
If you would like to join the Coastcare mailing list you can contact Rachel Viney;
Cremorne’s quiet achievers
As one moves around our community one becomes aware that many individuals are quietly caring for some aspect of our environment, be it natural or social. Peter Waters is one of these people, he is our localFishcare volunteerwho is here to promote
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Cremorne Bowls Club
Bar Talk
As the only licensed premises in Cremorne we rely on as much local support as possible and for your convenience we carry a range of beer, wines and spirits that you can purchase from the Club.
The Club, as a priority, is raising money to restore the kitchen so that we can reinstate the Friday evening meals that were very popular before the committee restricted the use of the kitchen and action should be taken in the New Year.
In the mean time toasted sandwiches are available from the Bar.
We welcome visitors and encourage you to become a member of the Cremorne Bowls & Community Club. Membership application forms are available at the Bar.
Summer Opening hours
Monday4.30 to 6.30pm
Tuesday4.30 to 6.30pm
Wednesday4.30 to 6.30pm
Thursday4.30 to 9.30pm Barefoot Bowls
Friday4.30 to 10.30pm
Saturday4.30 to 8.30pm Pennant Bowls
Employment opportunity: Casual Bar work
If you or someone you know can work in a Bar, contact Glenn Bremner (Licensee) on 0421419839, as we are always looking for local people who can be called on to work at short notice.
A Word from the Secretary
The Cremorne Bowls Club’s goal is to foster more opportunities in which locals can participate thus building stronger links with the local community.
We have welcomed the use of the clubrooms by the Once a Week Cafe this year and are pleased to be able to provide a permanent space for the ever expanding Cremorne Playgroup. The winter Indoor Bowlers continues to entertain both observer & player alike whilst the Barefoot Bowlers like to think that summer has arrived as they play through wind and rain on Thursday evenings during summer.
We encourage similar opportunities for meeting together and sharing conversations in the coming year.
For just $28 a year you can become a member of the Club and at the same time ensure that the Club meets the requirements of the Incorporations and Licensing Act. / Community Christmas Events
Santa to visit Cremorne
Santa has once again asked the Sandford Fire Truck to get him to the Cremorne Bowls Club on Sunday 18th December at 1.30pm, so he is looking forward to catching up with all the children.
We understand that Santa is providing a gift bag for the children and the Bowls Club is providing all kids with free drinks.
A jumping castle, face painting and games have been organised for the junior residents by the Christmas Committee.
The Committee has organised some laid back music for the bigger residents and Howrah Rotary Club will provide the BBQ at minimal cost and the Bowls Club Bar will be open.
Great raffle prizes to be won.
Look forward to seeing you on Sunday 18th December from 12 noon.
Jeni Middendorf
Contact for information; Jeni: 0447 382 834
I’d like to invite all Cremorne residents to join me at the Cremorne Beach Reserve for a Christmas BBQ and tree decorating event on the evening of Friday 23rd December.
Families with young children may like to make their own decorations and start the BBQ early while all others can continue on into the evening.
A great chance for all to get together, decorate the tree and wish each other Happy Christmas.
Please bring decorations for our tree to make it look the best – the more decorations the better.
BYO, See you all on the 23rd.
Happy Christmas to those who can’t makeit
Wendy Freeman (6248 9987)
News Flash
There will be no more French press coffee, soy chai lattes, melting moments and delicious cakes available this year in Cremorne.
The Once a Week Café finished trading for this year last Friday morning and the future of this venture is uncertain at the moment.
The café was set up by some of the members of the Cremorne Community Group with the help from a small grant from the Clarence City Council to provide a community space to fill a gap left by the closure of the local shop.
If you have any ideas or suggestions about developing further the café idea or about the creation of a community space for both old & new residents alike we would like to hear from you.
You can email Brian Bennett; bhbennett@
Vicki Pearce;
Pipe Clay Coastcare News
Pipe Clay Coastcare has been active in our community for many years now, and is able to continue through the voluntary effort of community members. Our ongoing work will be guided by a recently completed review of the environmental needs of our area; the Cremorne Management Plan which you can read online:Southern Coastcare Association of Tasmania website at .
Clean Up Australia Day @ Cremorne
Coast Care will resume its activities in 2012 by organising Clean Up Australia Day in early March. Clean Up day has always been well supported by our community so look out for our notices.
Spit Walking Track
Our major project for 2011 has been a dune protection project; the Spit walking track. With your help we were able to mark out the track through the dunes and fund the ramp onto the dunes at the CremorneBeach entry.
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Fishcare cont.
sustainable fishing and to ensure that stocks will be here for current fishers’ grandchildren to enjoy chasing in the future. You may have met him at the Fishcare display at the Wrecked in Cremorne festivities or when he has checked your incoming catch. Peter asked me to remind you that all sharks
and rays caught within FrederickHenryBay must be returned to the water ALIVE.
What is Fishcare?
The Department of Primary Industry, Parks, Water and Environment’s (DPIPWE) division of Seafishing and Aquaculture manages recreational and commercial sea fisheries. It has a strong focus
on marine education and promoting public awareness of sustainable fisheries practices and oversees Fishcare Tasmania.
The Fishcare program is funded by fishing licence fees and aims to educates the community about sustainable recreational fishing practices. Fishcare volunteers promote responsible fishing messages to adults and children, attend fishing events and conducts schools program and fishing clinics.
The DPIPWE website has lots of information on Fishcare and up to date information essential when recreational fishing.
Compiled by Vicki Pearce
CremorneBoat RampProgress Report
Work is progressing steadily on the new Boardwalk, which should see this side of the project completed shortly. As the site is within the tidal zone residents on the Spit would appreciate that it makes it difficult at times to achieve a full day’s work. Once the boardwalk is complete the pontoon and gangway will be installed. The pontoon has undergone significant refurbishment and both are currently sitting on our yard at Mornington awaiting transport to the site when ready.
Typically a pontoon of this size is moored on a 4 anchor and chain arrangement which is cumbersome and not always suited to sites that are shallow on low tides. Recently, new mooring technology has become available in the State which MAST is to investigate using to anchor the pontoon. The system relies on a series of screw anchors that are installed under the “footprint” of the pontoon which are attached by flexible cables, ultimately giving better holding and less risk to users on lower tides. Should we proceed with this system it is likely the pontoon will not be installed until January 2012.
MAST would like to thank Cremorne residents for their patience and understanding while the project is completed which will be of great benefit to the community in general and well worth the wait!
Jim Caulfield
Marine and Safety Tasmania. ph; 6235 8888
CBC News cont
Bottle Shop Price List
Red Wine $
Cawarra merlot 10.00
OtagoBay pinot15.00
Catching Thieves cab-merlot16.00
Rosemount cab-merlot 17.00
Rosemount merlot17.00
Goundrey cab-merlot17.00
Sparkling Wine
Yellowglen Jewel13.00
JacobsCreek pinot noir 14.00
JacobsCreek piccilo’s 4.50
White Wine
Club 12.00
JacobsCreek chardonnay13.00
JacobsCreek sem-sav13.00
Nottage Hill pinot grigio13.00
Hanwood grigio 13.00
McGuigan sav-blanc14.00
WindyPeak reisling15.00
Catching Thieves sem sav 16.00
Word from Sec cont
New Year’s Eve Celebrations at the Club!!!!!!
Family Sausage Sizzle: 6-8.30pm. (then kids to bed)
Disco: 9pm tilmidnight
Syrup @ Cremorne will be your DJ for the night.
$10 cover charge of per person.
Bar open.
Contact: Maria Ray:
Australia Day Fun Bowls Afternoon
25th January commencing 4pm.
With the emphasis on having fun at teams will be selected on the day .This is your chance to have a go at bowling as we invite non bowling residents & their friends to joinwith an indoor bowler, a twilight, barefoot bowler and a pennant bowlerto play in a round robin style competition.
A mystery compere will share his/her insights into the game of bowls. More information in January.
The Club extends to you all its best wishes for a Happy Festive Season and a Memorable New Year.
Bill Edmunds
Honorary Secretary
The Cremorne Community Newsletter, December 2011, is compiled by the Cremorne Community Group Inc. and edited by Vicki Pearce.
For any information contained within this newsletter contact the appropriate group or get in touch with Vicki: 6348 8620 or email;