Navarro ISD

Junior High & Intermediate Band Handbook


Continuing the Tradition of Excellence

Navarro Junior High & Intermediate Band 2017-2018 Handbook

“Continuing the Tradition of Excellence”

The purpose of this bulletin is to acquaint all students and their parents with the workings of the band program at Navarro Junior High School. The Navarro Panther Bands work toward excellence and accomplishment. This requires cooperation and dedication from students, parents, directors and other school personnel.

This packet is lengthy, but all of the information included is important to you. All members and their parents are requested to read this information thoroughly and sign their signatures indicating understanding of the expectations presented. Please read this with your child and return the last FOUR pages signed by Friday, August 25. If you have any questions, contact Mr. Todd and Ms. Rios at the Band Hall.

How to Contact:

Mr. Todd’s email:

Ms. Rios’s email:

Being part of the Navarro Panther Band is one of the highest honors a student at Navarro ISD can earn. It is vital to the Navarro Panther Band Program that we have every member’s desire to excel and achieve. In return, we will do everything in our power to provide an exciting, educational journey through the musical path that lies ahead. There is no limit to what your child can accomplish. We believe two things in regards to your child:

1)Your child has unlimited potential.

2)This potential will never be realized without high goals and expectations and the development of individual responsibility and citizenship.

There is no measuring what your child can obtain in the way of insight and sensitivity through the process of putting together the magnificent performances to come. Thank you for the opportunity to work with your children. We look forward to guiding their musical journey!

Mr. Patrick Todd Head Band Director

Ms. Nichele Rios Assistant Band Director


1.Treat others, as you would like to be treated.

2.Be in your seat with your instrument, supplies, and music before the tardy bell rings.

3.Do NOT play unless otherwise told to!

4.Do not touch another person’s instrument. Including Percussion equipment!

5.Defacing school property such as stands, chairs, or walls is vandalism, and will be treated as such. 5."HORSE PLAY" will not be allowed (example: running, hitting, and shoving).

6.Only band students are allowed in the bandhall.

7.No food, drinks, or GUM in band hall unless permission is given by a band director.


When class meets:

-Come in immediately to your assigned place and get your instrument out

-You are disrupting if you are late

-NO gum, food, or drink – ever in any band hallareas/rooms

-NO conversation during the rehearsal

-Play only when conducted by a director

The basic rule of behavior is – Do nothing that will interfere with either the learning or teaching of our band. Remember the teacher has the right to teach and the students have the right to learn.


-One verbal warning

-Student- Teacher conference


-Referral to Principal

-Re-examination of placement within the band program or dropped from band

*This goes for not following handbook guidelines and breaking any rules listed above!

Required Materiel:


-Binder (with all required material that is listed later in the handbook)


In conclusion, there is one basic and underlying fact:



Band Lockers

ALL band students will have a designated locker to leave their instrument in the band hall during the school day. Students will also be issued their personal band locker; however, it is the student’s responsibility to furnish a combination lock and give the combination to the directors. Only band supplies/equipment are to be stored in the band lockers during the day. Please bring a combination lock only.


The purpose of the band binder is to neatly store all music and materials listed below for band class each day. Failure to have band binder and required material will result in a lowered grade for the week. Please make sure your binder is neat and durable.

-1 inch, 3 ring binder, any color

-Several clear sheet protectors

-5 dividers, labeled (Concert Music, Lessons, Rhythm Sheets, Exercises, Parent Contact/Handbook)

-1 pencil pouch with 3 pencils at all times. (Also reeds, oil, and/or grease)

-1 spiral notebook for notes

Grading Policies

Student will receive a weekly classroom procedures grade. This grade reflects if the student is on time to class, has all required material, follows band hall rules, and overall meets the expectations of this handbook. THIS IS A MAJOR PART OF THE STUDENTS GRADE. Students will also have tests grades on occasion such as, parts in their music, scales, music theory worksheets, etc. Finally, every student will have a major grade on each concert. All students are required to go to their concerts, this is part of the students’ performance objective for the band program and it is a fun and cherished event for friends and family to show off what you have achieved in the weeks of preparation.

Practice Expectations

All students in the Navarro Panther Band Program should be practicing on a daily basis. All instruments and materials should go home each and every day. 30 minutes each day minimum will ensure progress and success in the Panther Band Program. Rehearsal is for rehearsing as a group, not individual practice time!

-Practice Guidelines for Parents

Your child’s progress in band will depend a great deal on what is achieved during daily home practice sessions. Learning takes place in school, but proficiency is gained at home. You can use the following guidelines to help your student at home.

-Time Schedule

A half-hour a day is the amount of practice time recommended for the average student. Practicing at the same time every day is good, but some flexibility should be built into this schedule. Don’t bring the world to a halt at 6:30 pm every evening because it’s practice time. Kids need time for fun and relaxation just as adults do. If the situation merits, reschedule the practice session to an earlier or later time.


Spend some time listening to your youngster practice and offer constructive criticisms. You do not need to be a former band member or musician to be able to hear improvement. Encourage them to play assignments and tests for you. Each time the student plays for a friend or relative, it helps them to feel more comfortable with a performance or competitive event.


Private lessons are highly encouraged. We would like all students to take individualized private instruction. The strongest band programs in our state have established the importance of private instruction to enhance the student’s education on his/her instrument. A list of teachers and other detailed information is available from the band directors. Navarro ISD strongly participates and supports private instruction programs in the schools because it provides teaching on a one on one basis that is proven to be beneficial to any music student.


All Junior High Band members who earn a grade in ANY class below 70 will be unable to participate in contests, concerts and functions that occur off campus for the duration of the six weeks. THIS IS A STATE LAW! Band placement may be affected by eligibility.

School-Owned Instruments

There will be anNavarro ISD instrument fee of $50 for all school-owned instruments. These funds will be placed in the district instrument repair budget for Navarro Band Program and be used to help offset repair expenses incurred by normal wear and tear. It is not designed to cover costs from damage (i.e. dents, broken parts) or loss of instrument due to theft/misplacement, etc. This type of repair is the responsibility of the student who is using the instrument.

A registration form must be completed and returned with parent signature.

Each instrument issued will be in mint playing condition. Students are expected to keep the instruments clean and in top condition. Basic supplies must be purchased and repairs must be made just like personally owned instruments. Remember, many school-owned instruments exceed a value of $3,000.00.

Region Band

All Junior High Band members are highly encouraged to audition for acceptance into the Region 12 Middle School Band. Auditions are Tuesday, January 27, 2018 Students that audition for Region Band MUST be able to attend the Region Band rehearsal and concert, February 6, 2018. Students have already been given the music and we will work some in class on the music.

UIL Contest

The Sweepstakes Award-Winning JH Bands will compete in UIL Concert and Sight-reading Contest in the spring. It is important that the students are eligible for this contest. UIL is March 1,, 2018 and March 2, 2018.

Solo And Ensemble Contest

All band members may elect to participate in solo and ensemble contest. This is truly a unique opportunity for each student to express and improve his/her musicianship.


1.If it is necessary for you to leave during the performance, please leave between musical selections or between the band changes. All students are encouraged to stay for the performances of their peers at all concerts.

2.Do not walk around to talk during a performance. You are to stay seated and quiet when a group is performing. Be respectful to each performing group; they have all worked hard.

3.Please turn all cell phones OFF during a performance or set them to vibrateonly.

Band Parent Volunteers

Of course we would love for you to help us in any way you can. You must be cleared by Navarro ISD to help volunteer. All parents fill out the volunteer application at the end of this packet with a copy of your driver’s license. Then you can go on Charms to sign up to volunteer for events as they appear.

Band Calendar

The band calendar for the school year has been set and it is vital to the success of our organization that students and parents are committed to attending all required events and activities. Excused absences from required performances will be granted only in the case of a genuine emergency or illness. Please call, email, or send a note with plenty of advanced notice whenever possible. Please mark these band dates on your personal calendars and inform one of the directors immediately of any conflicts, which will be dealt with on an individual basis. Failure to give advanced notice by the above criteria may subject the student to consequences such as: lower grade or re-examination of band placement.

*** The band calendar can be viewed on Please read below on how to enter into CHARMS. Every student has an account and password, if you have any trouble please email a director so we can fix any problem. Parents will not need a password!

How to access parent/student information in Charms

Log on to and click “ENTER / LOG IN” in the upper rightcorner.

Locate the “PARENT/STUDENT/MEMBERS LOGIN” section of the webpage.

Login to your student’s program account using the following SchoolCode:


This will bring up the main “Public” page. This will allow you to look at the “public” calendar for your organization, event list, and handouts and other “publicly shared” files, as well as a few otheroptions.

The first time you go here, enter your child’s ID NUMBER (school ID) into the Student Area Password field. You will be directed to the Change Password screen, to set a personal password different from the ID, for future use. You may also be directed to create both a unique Username and Password for the student. There are also mechanisms to recover/reset a lost Username/Password – when you create your new password, create a “hint” as well.

Whenever you enter using this Username/password, another more detailed screen appears, with various button options for you to access areas in the Charms account. What appears here is partially up to the Account Administrator or HeadDirector.

Two areas in which you can help the director/administrator maintain his/herrecords:

  • Update Personal Information – if the director has allowed it, you may help make changes to your and your child’s student information page (such as updating phone numbers / cell carriers and email addresses if they change) to help them communicate with you more effectively. You may also be able to indicate which parent volunteer/resource groups you would like to participate in, if this feature is activated. Click Update Info to savechanges.
  • If your program has set up online credit card payments, you can make credit card payments for fees, trips and deposits to your student’s account. Click Finances -- if credit card payment is activated, you will see blue buttons in the four main areas of the financial statement indicating your ability to make onlinepayments.

The Calendar will list events, rehearsals, and volunteer/RSVPopportunities.

Most importantly, the parent page assists both you and the teacher to communicate with each other. Stay up to date on what’s going on with yourstudent!

You can also download the Charms App to your smartphone – search your App Store for “Charms Parent/Student Portal” (or “Charms Blue”). It’s the way to stay in touch on thego!



The intention of this handbook is to set guidelines and standards for the successful operation of the Navarro Junior High and Intermediate bands. PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO DISCIPLINE, GRADING POLICIES, AND BANDHALL RULES!!! THIS MUST BE RETURNED BY AUGUST25.

Thank you very much for your support!!

In signing this page, you and your child signify that you, both understand the contents of this bulletin have reviewed the Navarro Junior High and Intermediate Band Handbook and agree to abide by it.







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Wewouldappreciateyour helpupdatingyourchild'shealthInformationsothatwecantakethebestpossiblecareof him/heratschool.PleasefilloutthisInformationsheetandreturnIt toschool.

Student'sName------Birthday/AgeSex _Grade/Teacher------Parent/GuardianPhone Cell------­

Name/AddressofLicensedHealthProfessional------Phone-----­ StudentMedicalHistory:Doesyourstudenthaveanyofthefollowing?Pleasecheck:


0 Allergies (see below)

0 (see below)

0 Bladder or bowel concerns

0 Blooddisorder

0 Brain(injury,conditions,surgery,etc.)

0 Diabetes

0 Dietaryconcerns

° Frequent headaches

0 Hearing problem

0 Heart condition

0 Physical disabilities

•Seizure disorder

•Skin condition/eczema

•Stomach/intestinal concerns

0 Urinary/kidney disorder 0 Vision problems Glasses I Contacts?

• Other------

Please explainspecial health concern(s): ------

Asthma: Ifyoucheckedasthmaabove,pleasecompleteanasthmatreatmentplan(ASP-1),availableatyourstudent'sschool Pleasecheckapplicabletriggers: allergies; exercise; irritants; respiratoryInfections; weather(coldair)


° Food allergy (specify) ------

0 Bee sting allergy

0 Otherallergies(specifyplease) ------­

Pleasedescribetheallergicreaction andtreatment ------


Other Health Information:




Is your child requiredtotakemedications?YesNoPleaselistallmedicationnamesandreason

for taking: ------

Any other special needs or concerns? ------­

Please check:

0 No health concerns at this time


Parent/Guardiansignature ------Date------