D2 Attach a letter of support for this proposal including Partner Organisation certification

(This question must be answered)

(Please attach a PDF of no more than two A4 pages of the Partner Organisation certification letter. Please refer to Section A9.2.4 of the Funding Rules for details of the required content for this letter.)

Each Partner Organisation’s letter of support must:

• include the official letterhead;

• be no more than two A4 pages;

• include a brief profile of the organisation;

• provide details of the Cash and/or In-kind Contributions;

• demonstrate the source of its Cash Contribution (if a Cash Contribution is being made);

• certify that no part of its Cash Contribution is drawn from funds previously appropriated or awarded from Commonwealth or Australian State or Territory sources for the purposes of research (if a Cash Contribution is being made);

• state its expectations about industry outcomes/products and market value;

• provide details regarding how the Project aligns with the Partner Organisation’s objectives;

• certify that it will meet the requirements outlined in a standard Funding Agreement, including the requirement to enter into arrangements regarding intellectual property which do not unreasonably delay academic outputs; and

• be signed by the Chief Executive Officer, or delegate.

In addition to the suggested template provided by the ARC as APPENDIX B in the IC2016 Instructions to Applicants (see p23), the UON offers this additional suggested template which must be provided on the company letterhead:


Ms Lyn McBriarty

Director, Research Services

The University of Newcastle

Callaghan NSW 2308

Dear Ms McBriarty

Letter of Eligibility and Confirmation of support for 2016 ARC Industrial Transformational Training Centre Project application IC160xxxxx, “Title”

Insert a brief profile of the Partner Organisation and their business.

Relate the Company’s business profile above and the research project to demonstrate development of strategic research alliance with the University of Newcastle. State how the research project fits into the Company’s overall strategic plan and how the project is of value to the Company.

Therefore, we are pleased to provide the following cash and in-kind commitment to this project in the event that it receives funding: (Ensure that this table agrees with Section E)

Demonstrate the source of its Cash contribution.

2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 / Total
Cash ($AUS)
In-Kind ($AUS)
Total ($AUS)

Detail how the cash and in-kind will be used in the project. Ensure that this agrees with the details provided in Section E2.

(The following words must be included and cannot be altered. First sentence can be removed if there is no cash contribution.)

“I certify that no part of this [organisation name] Cash Contribution is drawn from funds previously appropriated or awarded from Commonwealth or Australian State or Territory sources for the purposes of research.”

“I certify that [organisation name] will meet the requirements in the standard Funding Agreement, including the requirement to enter into arrangements regarding intellectual property which do not unreasonably delay academic outputs.”

Finish with a positive supporting statement along the lines of the following:

We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with Prof X and his/her research team and have no doubt that this research project will be highly productive and lead to significant benefits for Company Xxxx, the Y Industry and will provide economic, environmental and/or social benefit to Australia.

Yours sincerely


Position – must be CEO or delegate



Pleasenote:Thistemplateisforguidanceonlyand notamandatoryformat.PleaseensurethePartnerOrganisation letter ofsupportmeetstherequirementsassetout in the FundingRulesandInstructiontoApplicants,includingthe requiredformattingasoutlinedinAppendixA.

Note:The letterof supportmustbeon theorganisation’sletterheadandnot exceed twoA4 pages.Insert informationonallofthefollowing(note:headingsarenotrequired):

  • Abriefprofileofthe Organisation.
  • PartnerOrganisation’sexpectations aboutindustryoutcomes,products and/ormarketvalue.
  • Details/informationoftheCashand/orIn-KindContributionsfromthePartnerOrganisationfortheProject.Pleasealsocompletethefollowingtable.

TotalIn-KindContribution($) / TotalCashContribution($) / SourceofCashContribution
$ / $ / Cashcontributionwillbesourcedfrom ….
  • DetailsregardinghowtheProjectalignswith thePartnerOrganisation’sobjectives;
  • Thefollowingcertifications:

“Icertifythatnopartofthis[organisationname]CashContributionis drawnfromfundspreviouslyappropriatedorawardedfromCommonwealthorAustralianStateorTerritorysourcesforthepurposesofresearch.”

