Looking for Pythagoras Unit Sheet
For this next unit we will be working independently to complete assignments. Several items are required of all students. After that you will choose from this list of assignments to reach your desired grade. You can choose as many of the projects or assignments as you wish but they must be done well to receive credit.
Your teacher will check in with students daily to grade work. You are allowed no more than two assignments per day for grading to allow as many graded assignments as possible. You are expected to learn the material and be able to explain what you have learned. When you present practice sheets or activities, your teacher will ask you questions. This is known as a verbal defense. Be prepared to answer.
- All projects must have Name, Hour, Date and assignment number clearly marked in order to be graded.
- All written projects should be typed or neatly written.
- Spelling and grammar count. Make sure to proofread so you will receive all your points.
- Only 2 projects per day may be submitted for grading. Be sure that you do not wait until the last day to submit your work. You will have to choose only 2 if you wait.
- Read each item’s description carefully and follow directions to receive full credit.
This packet needs to be kept in a safe place. If you lose this grading sheet you will need to recreate it and that may require you to do your work over. This packet of information must be presented with your completed assignments for grading.
Grading scale is as follows.
A 200 - 180
B179 – 160
C159 – 140
INC 139 – Below
Item # / Possible Points / Points Earned / Date graded / Teacher InitialsTotal Points ______/ Grade______
*** Required items *** 5 points each, unless otherwise noted
______R. 1 Take lecture notes for investigations 1.1 and 1.2. Outline the main points and define vocabulary words. Notes should be neatly written.
______R. 2 Take lecture notes for investigation 1.3: finding area. Outline the main points and define vocabulary words. Notes should be neatly written.
_____ R. 3 Take lecture notes for investigations 2.1 and 2.2. Outline the main points and define vocabulary words. Notes should be neatly written.
_____ R. 4 Take lecture notes for Pythagorean Theorem – investigations 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3. Outline the main points and define vocabulary words. Notes should be neatly written.
_____R. 5 Take lecture notes on finding perimeter of right triangles- investigation 4.4. Outline the main points and define vocabulary words. Notes should be neatly written.
_____R. 6 Make a number line with square roots from 1 to 25. Use a straight edge to create your line. Neatly write the numbers on the line. You may write above and below the line but remember the order in which the numbers should appear.
_____R. 7 Take lecture notes on proofs – investigation 3.2. Outline the main points and define vocabulary words. Notes should be neatly written.
_____R. 8 Take the unit exam (30 possible pts)
Level One – 10 points each
_____1.1 Make flash cards of at least 10 vocabulary terms. (see glossary) Use index cards. Neat writing is expected.
____ 1.2 Correctly complete equations practice sheet #1.
____ 1.3Choose one of the chapters (1, 2, 3, or 4) and write a 20 question quiz. Include an answer key.You must use your own ideas and can notcannot just rewrite questions from the book. Be prepared to discuss the questions with your teacher.
____ 1.4 Find the errors on practice sheet #2.
____ 1.5 Use a geoboard to complete activity sheet #3.
_____1.6 Create a Pythagorean tree.
_____1.7 Use dot paper to complete area activity sheet #4. Find the area of the given figures using two different methods. One method would be to separate the figure into squares. Another would be to draw a square around the figure and subtract the squares outside the figure. A third would be to use Pick’s Theorem.
_____1.8 Complete the Wheel of Theodorus (page 47)
_____1.9 Watch a video on "Pythagorean Theorem." Take notes and give your teacher an oral summary.
_____1.10 Create a Venn diagram of triangles. Use right, isosceles, scalene, equilateral, obtuse and acute triangles.
_____1.11 Complete a Shodor online activity at You should answer at least 10 of the questions correctly and write down the dimensions of the triangles. You need to answer at least 5 questions from level 1 and 5 from level 2.
_____1.12 Correctly complete investigation 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. Neatly write the answers to all the problems.
_____1.13 Correctly complete investigation 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3. Neatly write the answers to all the problems.
_____1.14 Correctly complete investigation 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4. Neatly write the answers to all the problems.
_____1.15 Correctly complete investigation 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4. Neatly write the answers to all the problems.
Level 2 – 20 points each
_____2.1 Draw a "creature" using right triangles only. Your picture must show at least one 45-45-90 triangle and a 30-60-90 triangle. Use an angle ruler to make sure you have the correct angles. Label the angles and side lengths. Color your creature.
_____2.2 Create a proof similar to those in investigation 3.2. (There are more than 100 proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem.) Research a proof and present it to your teacher. Your proof should be written or typed in your own words and you must have a “manipulative” to help you present it (like the puzzle pieces)
____ 2.3 Make a song or rap about the Pythagorean Theorem and present it to your teacher and the class. The words to your song or rap must be written neatly or typed and you should be prepared to explain them.
_____2.4 Create a newspaper page reporting on Pythagoras. The page should include a headline, picture and factual information. It should be typed. You may choose to use the computer-publishing program to make it look professional.
_____2.5 Create a crossword puzzle using 20 keywords about the Pythogrean Theorem. Provide an answer key. Be prepared to be quizzed on the word meanings. Should be typed.
_____2.6 MapCreate a concept map of all the important concepts in Looking for Pythagoras. A concept map is a diagram showing the relationships among concepts. They are graphical tools for organizing and representing knowledge. They include concepts, usually enclosed in circles or boxes of some type, and relationships between concepts indicated by a connecting line linking two concepts. See your teacher for more information on concept maps.
Level 3 – 30 points
_____3.1 Design a dream park using a coordinate grid system. You will need to have a drinking fountain as the origin and various structures throughout your park at other coordinate locations. You can use giant grid paper or draw lines on tagboard. Mark each line, keeping in mind that each square represents 10 square feet.
You will need to add at least 10 other structures (playground equipment, outdoor theater, pond, etc) and label them clearly. Your structures need to include a right triangle, square, rectangle, trapezoid, and a circle with the perimeter and area labeled. You should also have walking/biking trails and sidewalks.
When your park is completed, give exact walking directions to each structure. Make sure you include the direction you are walking, and the distance. For instance, if you enter at the south side of the park and go to the top right corner you might say, “I walked 200 feet from the entrance to the tennis court. I started going north for 40 feet, took a right turn and walked on the sidewalk for 60 feet, then cut across a 100 foot path to the tennis court. From there I went to the drinking fountain, I walked southwest 50 feet then turned west on the path and walked 15 feet to the fountain.”
Fill out a “Shapes and Areas” sheet. Don’t forget to name your park! You can get as creative as you want, so use lots of color and interesting designs in order to earn the best grade possible.
_____3.2 Design your own city. We recently have been using Euclid city to study coordinate grids and locations. You are going to have the opportunity to build your own city much like Euclid. Recall that Euclid’s city was based on a coordinate grid, with the capital as the origin (0,0), and various buildings located at other coordinate pairs. You should follow this setup to start your city. Your city needs to include:
1) Coordinate grid system, with grid marks (1 centimeter blocks for small/medium paper, 1inch blocks for large paper.)
2) At least 5 buildings (businesses, schools, etc)
3) At least 5 family homes
4) A lake or stream
5) A park
6) At least 5 named streets, highways, or interstates
7) Compass Rose
8) Location Sheet
*Right triangle, square, rectangle, trapezoid, and circle including the perimeter and area for each shape.
9) Directions and distances to/from 5 of your buildings, homes, body of water or park.
All of the requirements need to be neatly labeled. Their coordinate locations should be written on them. You need to use the shapes of a right triangle, square, rectangle, trapezoid, and circle at least once in your city (use them for the shapes of your buildings, houses, parks, or lake). Then you need to include the perimeter and area of those shapes next to them. Finally, on a separate sheet you need to include directions and distances (in a helicopter and following streets) from one place to another (at least 5). You can use the scale of 1 cm = 1 block for small/medium paper and 1in. = 1 block. Don’t forget to name your city! You can get as creative as you want, so use lots of color and interesting designs in order to earn the best grade possible.
______3.3 Make a teacher tube video. Your video needs to include a lesson teaching other students about the Pythagorean Theorem. You may use any method you like so make it interesting and understandable for all types of learners. Your lesson should include an introduction and a conclusion. You should also explain the Pythagorean theorem, the origin and practical uses for the theorem.
_____3.4 Create a PowerPoint presentation exploring the Pythagorean Theorem. 10 slides minimum. You may be asked to present it to the class.
_____3.5 Make a small quilt or quilted pillow using the Pythagorean theorem. You should attach a separate sheet of paper identifying the lengths of each side of each triangle. You must have at least 3 different size triangles in your pattern.
_____3.6 Using the Egyptian knot activity (page 36), create and teach a lesson to the rest of the class.
_____3.7 Create a project item for your teacher to add to this list for future 8th graders to complete. You should explain the task, complete the task, and decide how the task should be scored. Get approval before beginning this item.