Pastor Charles Holmes



29Many times when we look at the Scriptures, in our own way of looking, it seems very hard. But if we study It a little while, we find out that the all-wise God knows just what He's doing. And He knows how to do these things and how to deal with man. He knows what's in man. He, He knows him. We don't. We only know from the intellectual side. He knows what's really in the man.

30 Moses was born in this world, and a gifted boy. He was born to be a prophet, a deliverer. He was born with the equipment born in him, as every man that comes into the world is born with this equipment, as I firmly believe in the--in the foreknowledge of God, the predestination.

31 "Not that God is willing that any would perish, but all might come to repentance." But, being God, He had to know, and does, "know the end from the beginning." See? If He doesn't, then He isn't infinite; and if He is not infinite, He isn't God. So He wasn't willing, certainly, that any should perish, but He--He knowing who would perish and who would not perish. That's the reason, the very purpose that Jesus came to the earth, was to save those that God, through His foreknowledge, seen that wanted to be saved, see, because the whole world was condemned. And I don't see how we could teach it any other way than the foreknowledge of God, and the Bible plainly says that He "knows the end from the beginning," and can tell it.

32 Therefore, when a--a person tries to be something that they are not, they are only making an impersonation, and sooner or later it'll find you out. Your sins find you out. You cannot cover them. There is only one covering for sin, that's the Blood of Jesus Christ, and It cannot be applied unless God has called you from the foundation of the world. That's what that Blood was shed for; not to be tramped upon, and made fun of, and--and jobbed at, and--and evilly spoke of, and--and so forth. It was for a direct purpose. That's right. Not to be played with, not to be impersonated, by saying that the sins are covered when they're not. And no man can have his sins covered lest his name was put on the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. Jesus said, Himself, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. And all that the Father hath," past tense, "given Me, will come to Me." That's right. So you can't make the Words lie. They are there for Truth and for a correction.


95"Oh, It doesn't exactly mean that." When a man says that, get away from him. God watches over His Word, you know, the Bible said. It's wrote just the way It should be. See? Now, It's put in such a way to deceive, or to make the wise stumble over It. It's so simple, that's the reason they stumble over It. See? All right.

96 All this wisdom and things that they can accumulate, yet, but it is from... that birth is from beneath, this earth. It's from the earth, and it is against the Spirit of God. The first birth, to make us active here, makes us mortal man, because of the sin act at the garden, made man come into the world by a woman. And a man that is born of a woman is of a few days, but a man that is born of Christ is Eternal. Job said, "A man that's born of woman is few days and full of trouble." Notice, but a man that's born of Christ, has to be born from Above. Now, but a man that's born of the earth, become wise and can almost outsmart.

97Look how shrewd the Devil was, he fooled every priest that come on the earth. He sure did. He fooled, he's still doing it. Yeah, sure did. He was smart, but he come up against his match, one day, Who defeated him. And the only thing we have to do is just lay against Him, He's already defeated him. See?

98 But is from beneath, and it, this wisdom that man accumulate to prove and show all these things why man should do this and man should do that, is contrary and enmity (the carnal mind) to God. The Scripture said so. Right. No matter how smart, they can twist it around. I want somebody to show me where God ever had an organization or ever commanded one, but what condemns it here in the Bible. No matter how smart they can try to be, it's contrary! How the wisdom can stand and outargue to you, and make you feel that little by telling you about it, but it's contrary to the Scriptures.

I JOHN 3:9

9Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.

10 In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.

11 For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.

12 Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous.

13Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.


131First, you must be born again. And then when you're born again, you have faith; you believe the Word. Until you're born again, you'll argue against It. If you're just religiously inclined, and--and you got a--a--a little human knowledge that you should do right, you'll never be able to agree upon the Word of God. You'll never do it. You've got to be born again. And, born again, it produces faith. All right. Then, after you get faith, this right here, f-a-i-t-h, faith, then you're just in position of growing.

132Now, a lot of people go up to the altar, and pray, and say, "Lord, forgive me." And a great experience of sanctification come upon them, and things. Then you have a great time, get up to the altar, shouting. You go back, say, "Bless God, I got it." No, you just started to a place where you can grow. You ain't done nothing yet. See? The only thing you done is just laid the foundation.

133 Now you're going to build a house, and you pour the foundation, say, "Boy, I got her." See? You got the foundation to build your house on. Now you got to build a house.

134 Now there's where the thing comes in, this morning, we're going to talk about now. All right. A house, this foundation is first. What is the foundation of Christianity? Faith in the Word of God. That's your foundation. Then you begin to grow. Then you start, you begin to add to this foundation.


72 Now, but... See? God, when He passed the judgment upon Adam and Eve, she was already done the sin before He could pass the judgment. And listen, did you ever know that the first child was ever borned in the world was borned in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies? The very first one that was ever born was born that way, because...

"And so what about Adam and Eve?" They wasn't born. They were created. See?

But the first child ever come was born in sin, so it has to be that line. "A man that's born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble." He's borned in sin. That's the reason he has to be reborned again (See?) by the Spirit, not by a spiritual thought; by spiritual birth (See?) that regenerates him, makes him a new creature. The first man was born was borned in sin.


E-76 I'll tell you, brother, it's... What we need's a revival. That's just exactly. That's what this nation needs is to get back to God. Yes, sir. When you--you show up... Your actions shows what it is; people's action shows, just exactly. If you love the world or the things of the world, the Bible says the love of God is not even in you. That's right. Oh, you join the church; that's right. But this is one we're talking about. You don't join this, you're born into it. I been in the Branham family fifty-one years, they never did ask me to join the family. Why? I was born in it. I--I'm was a Branham by birth. That's the way you are a Christian; you're born into the church of the living God. You're born into it by birth. You're a Christian by birth.

E-77Now, Jesus came into the temple... I can imagine those mothers in them days, you know, all of them up there with little babies, with their little booties, and their little needlework, you know, and all done, their little fancy blankets, and the society women, you know, talking about... And first thing you know, in come little Mary packing this little Baby with this swaddling cloth (See?) a wrapped around Him from the yoke of an ox. Walked by, I can hear some of them say, "...?... Look there. See that holy roller." Or, you know, what I... maybe that's wrong. See? But I said... Said, "Look at that woman. You know what? She married... that baby was borned out of holy wedlock. Don't tell me. Where's there's a little smoke, there's bound to be some fire somewhere. Yes, sir. I'll tell you, boy, that's all there is to. I'll tell you, she's one of them. You better watch her. See? Keep your distance from her." That's the way the lukewarm believer tries to do to the real believer. "Oh, he's lost his mind, went off on the deep end. There's something wrong. And how he trusts God for this." He said, "Oh, the days of miracles has passed. No such thing as Divine healing." Hm. All right.

E-78But in her little heart she knowed Who that Baby belonged to. She knowed. And so does every man that's born of the Spirit of God, he knows where he stands. He knows what revelation, and Who give him that revelation.

It... Paul said, "I never come to you, preaching to you enticing words of man, that your wisdom, but that your faith would be built in a wisdom of man, but I come preaching to you the power of the Holy Spirit."...?... That's it, brother, simple and plain, just plain to believe it, that's all. God said so and that settles it. That's--that's the whole thing.

She knowed Who that Baby belonged to, no matter what any of the rest of them... I can see them say, "Now, keep your distance. Don't go around her. Don't have nothing to do with her. She's... just keep away from her." She didn't care whether they did or not, didn't make her no difference. She knowed Who this Baby belonged to. She knowed Who it was. That's right.

E-79You know what? When you got the Holy Ghost, you know what happened to you; you was there. You know where It come from. Didn't come from some seminary, or cemetery, or... It come--it come from God. Well, both about the same dead places, so then...?... so then...

She knowed where this Baby come from. She just watched and said, "Yes, sir." She knowed, she went walking on, like that, not paying no attention, talking to her Baby. She didn't have time to associate with them--all them societies. That's what's the matter with our church today; they got the lady's society, and the men's society, and this society, and ball games, soup suppers, and everything else. And prayer meetings is left off, you know. No more... And the Holy Ghost promised He'd only seal those who sighed and cried for the abominations done in the city.


318Now to the perfect. After the stalk has been formed; after the tassel has been formed; after the grain has come onto the cob; then it has to come to perfection, back to a regular grain again. And, remember, the grain must be germitized. See? If it don't, it won't live. See? None of that was outside of them messages will ever come to Life. It has to be germitized to It. But, remember, the same Life that was in the stalk is in the grain. It's just maturing itself right back, see. He revealed Hisself, (what?) Son of man, the grain that went into the ground. Get the Message? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] The Greeks said to Him, "We would see Jesus."

319 He said, "Except the grain of corn falls into the ground." See? All right.

320Now what did He reveal Hisself next? In a different form; stalk and tassel, and so forth, and all the leaves and everything. He revealed Hisself then, (what?) same Spirit, but in a different form. See? But what's the last of that corn? It comes back to the original grain. Is that right? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

321 And His ministry comes, from them reformations, back to the original Word again. The Word comes to a prophet. And He promised it, in Malachi 4, "And to restore the Faith of the people back to the original grain." What went in the ground is here the same. The grain is come up through here. It come up as Son of God, now It reveals Itself here as Son of man, and then It reveals Itself as Son of David on the Throne. See, them three sons, just exactly. Oh, my, again like the original!

322Now to the perfect ministry of Himself; not some man, not some denomination, as they've worked down through that age there, see; but Himself made manifest, manifests Himself to the promise, making Saint Luke 17:28, Malachi 4, and so forth, Hebrews 13:8, just exactly right. At that time, what time should it be? When the royal Seed of Abraham is looking for the promised Son. And all types must be fulfilled. And God Himself appeared in the form of a human being, to Abraham's natural seed, before the destruction, and Jesus said it would be the same thing to this royal Seed before the promised Son returns.