Title of Meeting: / National Access Forum for Wales: NAFW 52
Date of Meeting: / 7 July 2015 / Venue: / Powys Hospitality Centre, Welshpool Livestock Sales, SY21 8SR
Time of Meeting: / 10:30 – 13:00
13:40-15:15 LIFE Natura 2000 Programme for Wales: Workshop
a)Refreshments (Tea/Coffee from 10am, buffet lunch provided for Forum members after the meeting)
b)All timings are approximate
c)All presentations will be followed by discussion and questions from Forum members.
d)Participants may contribute in Welsh or English, simultaneous translation will be available.
e)It will be assumed that all papers distributed prior to the meeting have been read.
f)The meeting will be held in public but the public will not generally be invited to speak
Time: / Subject
10:30 /

1.Welcome & Apologies

10:35 /

2.British Mountaineering Council as a landowner and an overview of access management

Elfyn Jones, BMC.

11:00 /

3.Sustrans and delivering the Active Travel Act 2013

Gwyn Smith, Sustrans
11:25 /

4.Good for People GIS tool

An overview of the tool being developed by NRW, Barbara Anglezarke,NRW

11:45 /

5.Contributions from all & any other business

An opportunity to share highlights from your written update on your organisations work
12:25 /

6.Date of next meeting

10th November 2015 (South Wales)

8th March 2016 (Maes y Ffynnon, Bangor)

12:30 /

7.LIFE Natura 2000 Programme for Wales – presentation

An introduction to the LIFE Natura 2000 project to bring protected sites into favourable condition. Sue Hearn, NRW
13:00 /


13:40 /

8.Natura 2000 – workshop on existing mechanisms

…to address Issues and Risks facing Natura 2000 species and habitats caused by access and recreational activities.

14:10 /


14:25 /

9.Natura 2000 – workshop on new strategic actions and improvements to existing mechanisms

15:15 /

Workshop finish

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