1.STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA, Ljubljana, Litostrojska 54, VAT ID number: SI97093726; represented by Director-General Genovefa Ružić(hereinafter: SURS)
2. RESEARCHER, name and surname, address,researcher’s code …(hereinafter: Recipient)
in accordance with and pursuant to Articles 20, 43 and 47(1) of the National Statistics Act (OJ RS Nos. 45/1995 and 9/2001) hereby conclude the following
Article 1
(Scope of Contract)
The scope of this Contract is the provision of access to microdata on … for the purpose of … .
After the signing of the Declaration on Data Protection, access to microdata shall be provided to the Recipient in theSURS’s »secure room«for no longer than until... .
The Declaration on Data Protectionis annexed to this Contract.
(Data Protection)
The Recipient shall undertake to use the data exclusively for the purpose for which access was granted to him/her, and to not submit them or otherwise disclose them to any third party.
The Recipient may publish or otherwise disclose the data to any third party only in the form of results that are protected in line with the instructions provided by SURS.
(»Secure Room«)
The Recipient shall undertake to announce his/her intention to work in the »secure room« to the SURSemployee … not later than 24 hours prior to the planned work, and to register in writing and electronically before entering the »secure room« and on completion of his/her work in the »secure room«.The Recipient shall undertake to return the electronic registration card to SURS after the termination of the Contract.
The Recipient shall undertake not to bring into the »secure room« any devices (portable computers, smart phones, etc.) that enable the extraction or export of data or databases and match them with the statistically protected microdata obtained under this Contract.
The Recipient shall undertake to carry any results of analyses out of the »secure room« only upon prior approval of the SURSemployee ….
(Statistical Confidentiality)
Before publishing the analysis the Recipient shall undertake to send the comment of the analysis to be reviewed by SURS regarding the protection of statistical confidentiality.
Article 5
(Prohibition of Access in the Case of Violations)
The Recipient shall agree that in the case of violations of Articles 2 and/or 3 of this Contract SURS shall revoke his/her right to further use of the microdata for which access was granted and deny any further requests of the Recipient for transmission of statistically protected microdata or access to microdata.
Article 6
(Publication of Recipient’s Analyses)
The Recipient shall undertake to transmit to SURS by 31 December of each year during the validity of the Contract already published results of analyses based on microdata based on this Contract or transmit them after the termination of the Contract when they will be made available.
The Recipient shall also agree that SURS – if it assesses that the published results of analyses are interesting for SURS’s field of work – can ask him/her to present the results.
(Penal and Tort Liability)
In respect of any actions related to the data obtained, the Recipientshall bear penal and tort liability in line with the rules governing penal and tort liability.
The Recipientshall undertake to quote SURS as the source of data in any publication of the protected tables.
(Restrictions in Data Analysis)
The Recipient is informed that each individual source of data has been prepared for dissemination of statistical data and information on the basis of the Annual Programme of Statistical Surveys; linking various sources of data can result in inconsistent data for a particular observation unit that was not statistically edited.
The Recipient is informed that the quality of data is satisfactory for the purpose for which they were collected. If the level of disseminationis more detailed, the Recipient shall bear all professional responsibility for any misinterpretation of data.
(Peaceful Resolution of Disputes)
The parties shall undertake to resolve any disputes under this Contract by mutual consent. In the case of failing to find an agreement, the Court in Ljubljana shall be competent for their resolution.
(Validity of Contract)
This Contract is produced in two equal copies, of which each signatory receives one.
The Contract shall enter into force upon its signing by both parties.
Statistical Office OFthe Republic of Slovenia
Researcher / Genovefa Ružić,
Place:______Place: Ljubljana
Date: ______Date: ______