18th Israeli Medical Association

World Fellowship International Conference

Advanced Technologies in Medicine

Inbal Hotel, Jerusalem, Israel, April 11-15, 2007

Dear Student,

We are pleased to inform you that a detailed program for the 18th Israeli Medical Association World Fellowship International Conference, Jerusalem, Israel, April 11-15 2007, is now available on the Conference website:

As part of the Conference, it is our privilege to invite you to participate in a

Medical Student Special Session

which will take place on 12/4/07

  • 19:15 – Introduction (Sella Brosh)
  • 19:25 – Being a Med student in Israel – The course of study, everyday life, student activity etc. (Sella Brosh)
  • 19:45 – From Medical School to Lebanon – Tales and lessons of a young doctor from the recent war (Dr. Shmulik Inbar).
  • 21:15 – End of the first session.
  • 21:30 – "The Insiders" tour of Jerusalem – Guided night tour by foot in Jerusalem. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

Sella Brosh, President of the Tel-Aviv Medical Students Association

Shmulik Inbar, MD, Department of Urology, Rabin Medical Center

Preliminary registration is required for this special session, as the number of participants is limited. No fees are involved. May we ask you to fill out your personal details in the attached registration form, if you wish to attend this special occasion, where you will have a unique opportunity to meet and exchange experiences with like-minded colleagues from around the globe.

Of course you are more than welcome to attend other parts or all of this highly interesting Conference. Full details on registration are published on the Conference website.

Looking forward to meeting you in Jerusalem!

Sagit Ishay

Conference Coordinator


Please complete this form in clear CAPITAL LETTERS and return to:

Ortra Ltd. P. O. Box 9352, Tel Aviv 61092, Israel Fax: +972-3-6384455 E-mail:

Title:  Mr.  Mrs.  Ms.

Surname: ______First Name: ______

Year of Graduation: ______

Medical Institution: ______

Address:  Home ______


Country: ______Zip/Code:______

Tel: ______Fax: ______E-Mail: ______

Mobile: ______

I wish to attend the Medical Student Special Session, which will be held on

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Signature ______Date ______

Conference Secretariat

Ortra Ltd., 1 Nirim Street, PO Box 9352, 61092 Tel Aviv, Israel

Tel: +972 3 6384444 Fax: +972 3 6384455 Email: ; Website: