

1.  Between which two rivers does the "Fertile Crescent" (Mesopotamia) lay? (Slide 2)


2.  Name two grains grown by Mesopotamian farmers. (Slide 3)


3.  Analyze the map on Slide 3. What makes Mesopotamia fertile? (Slide 3)


4.  What is supplying water to an area of land through canals or pipes? (Slide 4)


5.  Which places in Mesopotamia became the centers of civilization? (Slide 5)


6.  What was the first civilization developed around 3000 B.C.? (Slide 6)


7.  What were urban areas that controlled outside areas of the city? (Slide 6)


8.  What is an Empire? (Slide 7)


9.  Analyze the map on Slide 7. How far did Sargon's Empire stretch (miles)?


10. Analyze the picture on Slide 8. Name one feature that made Ur advanced.


11. What is the worship of many gods? (Slide 9)


12. What did Sumerian Priests do to try and please the gods? (Slide 9)


13. What is the division of society by rank or class? (Slide 10)


14. What was the world's first writing system? (Slide 11)


15. What are Epics? (Slide 11)


16. What Sumerian invention revolutionized the world? (Slide 12)


17. What did the Sumerians create, which helps us keep track of time? (Slide 12)


18. What is Architecture? (Slide 14)


19. What is a Ziggurat? (Slide 14)


20. What river did the Sumerian city of Babylon lay? (Slide 16)


21. What was Hammurabi's Code? (Slide 16)


22. Analyze the primary source on Slide 17. How do you think Hammurabi's Code affected citizens of the time?


23. Analyze the map on Slide 18. Besides Mesopotamia what other country did the Assyrians control?


24. Which Chaldean King built the wonder of the Hanging Gardens? (Slide 19)
