1.In which layer of the atmosphere does most weather occur?

1. Thermosphere

2. Mesosphere

3. Stratosphere

4. Troposphere

2.True or False: Sirens are the best way to learn of a Tornado when you are at home.

1. True

2. False

3.When is the best time to catch a lot of fish?

1. When high pressure keeps it sunny

2. After a warm front increases the humidity

3. Before a cold front brings rain

4. During a tornado

4.What is the main reason for the Earth’s seasons?

1. The Earth’s distance to the sun

2. The tilt of the Earth’s axis as it orbits the sun

3. The number of clouds in the atmosphere

4. The tall mountain ranges in Asia, Europe, North America and South America

5.A person who receives a college degree in atmospheric science is called a meteorologist. What is meteorology?

1. Study of meteors

2. Study of meteorites

3. Study of meteoroids

4. Study of hydrometeors

6.Temperatures were so cold in December and January that Milwaukee actually had their 10th coldest winter on record. To battle that cold, we all bundled up, properly layering to stay warm. Which type of winter gear will keep your hands the warmest?

1. Gloves

2. Glittens (mittens with half gloves in them)

3. Mittens

4. Socks

7.Which state in this country annually receives the most lightning strikes?

1. Texas

2. Florida

3. Louisiana

4. Kansas

8.Biometeorology is the study of what?

1. Study of life and living organisms

2. Study of chemical processes related to living organisms

3. Study of hydrometeors

4. Study of how weather affects health and wellness of humans

9.The Lakeshore Chinooks are a summer baseball league for college players in Mequon. Their mascot, Gill, is named after the Chinook type of fish. Chinook is also a weather term, what does it stand for?

1. Wind

2. Air current

3. Weather instrument

4. Cloud

10. Wisconsin typically receives 40” of rain every year. A tropical rainforest receives at least double that, (80” in a dry year) but they can get as much as how many inches?

1. 100 inches

2. 200 inches

3. 300 inches

4. 400 inches

11.What is the diameter of the largest hailstone on record for the state of Wisconsin?

1. 4.2”

2. 5.1”

3. 5.7”

4. 6.5”

12.Meteorologists on television used to stand in front of a magnetic white-board where they would draw fronts and put magnetic weather symbols onto the board. Thanks to technology, meteorologists now stand in front of ______and the graphics and weather maps almost magically appear behind them.

1. Chalkboard

2. HD Television

3. Chromakey

4. X-Ray

13.We had 11 days this January when the temperature dipped below zero overnight, the coldest was -14°, but that didn’t break the record low for Milwaukee, what was it?

1. -16° in 1941

2. -26° in 1982 and 1996

3. -36° in 1888

4. -46° in 2000

14.What is a Crepuscular Ray?

1. Rays of sunlight radiating through breaks in the cloud cover

2. The rays that form a rainbow

3. Light from a full moon

4. The rays of light that create a mirage

15.If the wind is blowing to the south from the north, what is the wind direction?

1. Northerly

2. Easterly

3. Southerly

4. Westerly

16.Every area on this planet has a “climate type” or “climate zone” to help group together areas of the same general type of reoccurring weather. What is the climate classification of southeastern Wisconsin?

1. Sub-Arctic

2. Mid-latitude Steppe

3. Humid Sub-tropical

4. Humid Continental

17. Roughly 10 storms are named in the Atlantic Ocean during a typical hurricane season. Names are decided beforehand, in alphabetical order, but one year had so many that letters of the Greek alphabet were used. Which year had the 28 named tropical storms?

1. 1992

2. 1999

3. 2005

4. 2008

18.Wisconsin sees roughly 23 tornadoes each year. If you are in a Tornado Warning what should you do?

1. Get in the car and drive away from it

2. Open up the windows in the house to equalize the pressure

3. Go to the southwest corner of your basement

4. Go to the lowest level in your home away from windows

19.What happened in Cairo, Egypt for the first time in more than 100 years in 2013?

1. It Rained

2. It Snowed

3. A tornado touched down

4. Lightning struck the pyramids

20.About how many homes can the largest, modern wind turbines generate power for?

1. 6 homes

2. 60 homes

3. 600 homes

4. 6,000 homes

Tornadoes categorized as EF2 or greater are called “significant” to “violent twisters” and cause most of the damage in tornado events. What percentage of all tornadoes are EF2 or stronger?