Government of West Bengal

Finance Department

Audit Branch : Pension Cell

“Hemanta Bhavan”:(Top Floor)

12, B.B.D. Bag(East),Calcutta-1

Memo No.1550-F(Pen) Dated, Calcutta, the 17th December,1996.


Subject: Monitoring the Scheme for payment of pensionary benefits to the

Employees of State Government on the day of their Superannuation

As introduced under Memo.No.1315-F(Pen) dated 14.10.1996.

The undersined is directed to state that a new scheme has been introduced for settlement of pensionary claims of State Government employees on the day of their superannuation. Consequent upon the issue of the said order it is felt that without proper monitoring, the Scheme can not be implemented and accordingly the Governor has been pleased to decide as follows:-

A small committee as follows may be constituted :-

i)  Secretary/Special Secretary, Finance Department :Chairman.

ii)  Deputy Accountant General (Pension) :Member.

Office of the Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal.

iii) Director of Treasuries & Accounts :Member.

iv) Joint Secretary, Finance Department, :Member.

Pension Cell.

v) Deputy Secretary, Pension Cell, :Convenor.

Finance Department.

The Committee will meet once in a month as convenient to the Chairman to review the position of pension cases. Pension Cell of Finance Department will be entrusted with the entire work of monitoring the Scheme.

2. All the Districts may be divided into six zones and each zone will consist of three districts (big and small).

3. . One experienced U.D. assistant of Pension Cell will be entrusted with the work of each zone. Other staff of Pension Cell will assist them, if and as required.

4. (a) All Heads of Offices (Pension Sanctioning Authorities) are required to prepare a list, in duplicate, on 1st January and 1st July every year of employees who are going to retire within next 38 months and send one copy of the list to the Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal, Treasury Buildings, Calcutta-1 and the other copy to the Finance Deptt.*Pension Cell, Hemanta Bhawan (Top Floor), 12,B.B.D. Bag(East), Calcutta-1. The Heads of Offices will prepare the said list after consulting the Pension Register maintained in their offices.


Compiler’s Note: *Pension Cell has since been renamed as “Pension Branch”.

(b) Later, all Heads of Offices shall intimate the Finance Department, Pension Cell at Hemanta Bhawan by sending a copy of order forwarding the pension case to the Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal for issue of Pension Payment Order, etc.

5. On receipt of the list of retiring employees as stated at para 4(a) above, Finance Department will scrutinise the same and prepare a separate list monthwise immediately for each zone to take up the matter with respective Pension Sanctioning Authority from whom the list was received. Finance Department will issue 1st reminder to the concerned Pension Sanctioning authority with the request to start preparatory work in connection with sanction of pension two years in advance from the date of superannuation. Again 2nd reminder will be issued to the Head of Office 8 months in advance from the date of retirement of the concerned employee with the direction to undertake the work relating to actual preparation of pension papers and to ensure that such papers reach the Office of the Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal not later than 6 months in advance from the date of retirement.

On getting information regarding submission of pension papers to the Office of the Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal, the matter will be taken up immediately with the Office of the Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal to ensure issue of Pension Payment Order and authority for payment of gratuity and commuted value of pension, if applied for by the pensioner on the date as stated in the Scheme.

6. In each case the Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal will endorse a copy of admissibility report (where necessary) with audit observation to Finance Department, Pension Cell, Hemanta Bhawan, Calcutta. On receipt of such copy from Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal, the matter will be promptly taken up with the concerned Pension Sanctioning Authority for meeting audit observations within a fort-night from the date of receipt of the letter from the Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal. On receipt of said copy from the Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal in Finance Department, Pension Cell, 3rd reminder will be issued promptly to the concerned Head of Office for immediate submission of reply to audit queries. All Head of Offices shall intimate Finance Department, pension Cell in each case with date and reference number through which reply to audit observation was issued.

On receipt of intimation regarding submission of reply to audit observation, Finance Department will immediately take up the matter with the Accountant General (A&E), West Bengal with the request to issue Pension Payment Order, etc. if he is satisfied with the reply

where audit observation relates to general interpretation/clarification to any rules, concerned Heads of Offices will take up the matter within a fortnight with Finance Department, Pension Cell for decision.

If delay occurs in payment of pension in any pension disbursing point the matter shall be urgently taken up with the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, West Bengal who is a member of the committee as mentioned at para 1 above for his immediate intervention.

One Section Officer will be in-charge of overall performance of the entire Scheme, who will continuously monitor the progress of cases in the higher authority.

Since the Scheme is a new one, intensive training programme in the districts regarding preparation of pension papers following the time schedule may be undertaken by the team of Finance department periodically and in doing so one or two officers/officials of the Office of the Principal Accountant general (A&E), West Bengal shall be accommodated so that they can also explain the matter from the audit point of view.

All Assistants entrusted with this work shall maintain a Name Index Register districtwise and also maintain another Register in the following format:-

Name of the incumbent & designation. / Head of Office where attached. / Date of superannuation / Date of receipt of intimation & reference No. & Date / 1st Reminder No. & Date issued by this Deptt. / 2nd Reminder No. & Date issued by this Deptt. To Head of Office / Reminder sent to Actt. General West Bengal, if any. / 3rd Reminder No. & Date issued by this Deptt. To Head of Office. / Date of issue of P.P.O. of available.
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5) / (6) / (7) / (8) / (9)

Draft reminder forms are shown as enclosures to this Memo.

All concerned are requested to extend full co-operation to implement the Scheme successfully.

Sd/- Asok Gupta

Principal Secretary to the

Government of West Bengal.