Guiding Learning WITH Technology study guide questions

Chapter 6: Spreadsheets

Study Guide Questions

Pre-reading questions

1.  Spreadsheets are useful for/as:

  1. Showing the relationships between numbers
  2. Keeping track of data
  3. Modeling real-world phenomena
  4. All of the above

2.  Spreadsheets can display both qualitative and quantitative information

  1. True
  2. False

3.  For students to be able to use spreadsheets effectively, they must learn ______and _____ spreadsheets.

  1. With, without
  2. With, about
  3. From, through

4.  Spreadsheet functions can distract attention from content learning

  1. True
  2. False

5.  Spreadsheets can contain

  1. Text
  2. Numbers
  3. Formulas
  4. Graphics
  5. All of the above
  6. A, B, and C only

6.  Spreadsheets can misrepresent data, either intentionally or inadvertently

  1. True
  2. False

7.  Spreadsheets can be used in ______classes:

  1. Math
  2. Science
  3. Language Arts
  4. Social Studies
  5. Art
  6. Physical Education
  7. All of the above


Guiding Learning WITH Technology study guide questions

Post-reading questions

1.  Spreadsheets can help students to

  1. Make connections between concepts
  2. Develop higher-level understandings
  3. Expand problem-solving skills
  4. All of the above

2.  Student use of a spreadsheet is, by definition, learner-centered instruction.

  1. True
  2. False

3.  Formulas in the spreadsheet always start with an equal sign (=)

  1. True
  2. False

4.  If cells A1 through A10 all contained numbers, the formula for the average of these numbers would be:

  1. =A1+A2+A3+A4+A5+A6+A7+A8+A9+A10/10
  2. =(A1+A2+A3+A4+A5+A6+A7+A8+A9+A10)/10
  3. AVERAGE(A1:10)

5.  A spreadsheet is a tool for ______, ______, and ______information.

  1. Collecting, distributing, sharing
  2. Collecting, displaying, analyzing
  3. Collecting, sharing, securing

6.  To find the total of all numbers in cells A1 through A10, the formula would be:

  1. = A1+A2+A3+A4+A5+A6+A7+A8+A9+A10
  2. =SUM(A1:A10)
  3. A or B

7.  If cell D10 contains the formula =A10+B10+C10 and D10 was drag-copied down the rows to take advantage of relative references, the formula in D13 would be:

  1. =A10+B10+C10
  2. =D10+D11+D12
  3. =A13+B13+C13

8.  SUM and AVERAGE are examples of ______functions

  1. Built in
  2. User-defined

9.  The part of a chart that tells which colors on the chart refer to which data is called the:

  1. Legend
  2. Wizard
  3. Key

10.  Well-scaffolded activities that incorporate the use of spreadsheets are ______closely linked with specific subject area content.

  1. Must not be
  2. Usually are not
  3. Usually are
  4. Must be

11.  The statement “#DIV/0” indicates

  1. The column width is not wide enough
  2. A typing error in a formula
  3. A formula error caused by trying to divide by zero

12.  When possible to use, built-in functions are more reliable than user-entered formulas because:

  1. Functions are better set up to handle things like empty cells
  2. Functions are less prone to typographical errors than user-entered formulas
  3. Both A and B

13.  Investigating sources of data for spreadsheet activities is ______accurately enter(ing) the data in the spreadsheet.

  1. Not necessary to
  2. As important as

14.  Having data that are widely accepted as reliable and valid ______an activity for evaluating the data.

  1. Increases the value of
  2. Decreases the constructivist nature of
  3. Has no effect on

15.  Using a spreadsheet to analyze historical data, it is possible to help students challenge assumptions and beliefs

  1. True
  2. False

16.  The type of activity in #15 increases/strengthens students’ ______.

  1. Schema
  2. Disequilibrium
  3. Existing beliefs

17.  ______and ______of calculations in a spreadsheet help to save time and increase productivity.

  1. Size, strength
  2. Beauty, grace
  3. Speed, accuracy
  4. Reliability, validity

18.  Formulas are recalculated in a spreadsheet

  1. When the spreadsheet is saved
  2. Using the ‘recalculate’ command
  3. When data changes
  4. Every .5 seconds

19.  A formula that changes when it is copied and pasted to a new location does so because of ______references.

  1. Absolute
  2. Relative
  3. Dative

20.  A formula which does not change its results when it is copied and pasted to a new location does not do so because of ______references

  1. Absolute
  2. Relative
  3. Dative

21.  In the cell reference $B18, the ______is absolute and therefore held constant.

  1. Column
  2. Row
  3. Value

22.  In the cell reference B$18, the ______is absolute and therefore held constant

  1. Column
  2. Row
  3. Value

23.  Changing a number display from 1.00 to 100% can be done by ______

  1. Multiplying by 100
  2. Using the ROUND function
  3. Formatting the cell in which the number is displayed

24.  A spreadsheet user’s biases and intent show through in a graphical representation of data.

  1. True
  2. False

25.  In what ways does the graph below misrepresent the price of sugar as a function of the size of the bag?

  1. The Y axis uses the wrong scale
  2. The X axis values are not evenly distributed
  3. The X and Y axes should not cross at zero.

26.  Altering the scale of the axes on a graph can change the message which is communicated by the graph.

  1. True
  2. False

Graph A / Graph B

Chart A and Chart B show the same data: Reading scores over a four month period for grades five, six, and seven.

27.  Which graph would you use to show that all students’ reading scores are similar and that all are passing (if passing is 60 or higher)?

  1. Chart A
  2. Chart B

28.  Which graph would you use to show that grade six had the highest rate of gains in reading score over the period?

  1. Chart A
  2. Chart B

29.  Which chart accurately portrays the data?

  1. Chart A
  2. Chart B
  3. Both

30.  In Milwaukee, the average snowfall for January is 14 inches, with a standard deviation of 2 inches. Which of the following would be considered ‘normal’ for a January snowfall in Milwaukee:

  1. 11.5 inches
  2. 13.5 inches
  3. 16 inches
  4. B and C

31.  A well designed spreadsheet for student use .

  1. Gives reliable answers
  2. Accommodates a variety of data
  3. Represents data graphically in ways that are ‘fair’
  4. All of the above


Guiding Learning WITH Technology study guide questions

Answer Key


1.  D

2.  A

3.  B

4.  A

5.  E

6.  A

7.  G


1.  D

2.  B

3.  A

4.  B

5.  B

6.  C

7.  C

8.  A

9.  A

10.  D

11.  C

12.  C

13.  B

14.  A

15.  A

16.  B

17.  C

18.  C

19.  B

20.  A

21.  A

22.  B

23.  C

24.  A

25.  B

26.  A

27.  A

28.  B

29.  C

30.  D

31.  D