50-Gilded Age

1.  This term describes when a political party dominates an area and the other party offers little competition.

2.  Name the famous political group that controlled NYC in the late 1800’s?

3.  Name the political cartoonists who exposed the corruption of that group to the public?

4.  Which political party dominated the office of the Presidency between 1860 and 1908?

5.  Which President was assassinated by a disgruntled office seeker?

6.  Name the federal law which replaced the spoils system with a system of examinations to determine job placement?

7.  Name the only President to be elected to two non-consecutive terms in 1884 and 1892?


8.  This was the first place in America for many immigrants as they were examined and processed for entry into the US?

9.  These are the areas where many immigrants settled in major cities, often living with others from the same culture?

10.  Name the poorly built and over crowded apartment buildings where many of the urban immigrants and poor lived?

11.  This is the idea that people should be willing to help those less fortunate than themselves?

12.  This writer tried to raise the awareness of the public about the conditions of the poor?

13.  She was a social reformer who established a home to help the poor and recent immigrants?

14.  Name the author of the popular dime novel books which described successful adventures and rags to riches stories?

49-Urban Experience

1.  This term refers to immigrants from Western Europe who came to America in the period before 1890?

2.  This term refers to the immigrants after 1890, who were coming from parts of Eastern Europe, Asia, and Latin America?

3.  This was the first place in America for many immigrants as they were examined and processed for entry into the US?

4.  These are the areas where many immigrants settled in major cities, often living with others from the same culture?

5.  This law, passed in 1882, actually forbids the future immigration of a certain group of people?

6.  Name the poorly built and over crowded apartment buildings where many of the urban immigrants and poor lived?

7.  Which American city was partially destroyed by fire in 1871?

8.  This is the idea that people should be willing to help those less fortunate than themselves?

9.  This writer tried to raise the awareness of the public about the conditions of the poor?

10.  Name his influential book?

11.  She was a social reformer who established a home to help the poor and recent immigrants?

48-Workers Unite

1.  Term that describes the factories where labor conditions included long hours and sometimes dangerous conditions?

2.  This main weapon of the labor movement involved workers refusing to work?

3.  This is the power of workers to negotiate with their employer as a group rather than as individuals?

4.  This is a method used by owners to keep troublesome workers from being employed?

5.  This is another owner method where they simply closed the factory rather than give in to worker demands?

6.  This alternative method involved owners getting a court order to prevent work stoppages?

7.  This first major labor union allowed all types of labor to join?

8.  Name the place where a bomb exploded during a labor meeting killing several people in 1886?

9.  Samuel Gompers would become the leader of this union which chose to allow only skilled laborers to its membership?

10.  This labor leader would go to prison during the Pullman Strike of 1894 and leaves prison as a socialist reformer?

11.  A tragedy at this NY City factory would leave over 100 women dead and the public calling for labor reforms?

45-Farmers and Populists

1.  What group began to abuse the American farmer by the late 1800’s by overcharging them for services?

2.  This is the term which refers to the general rising of prices?

3.  This group began as a social group for farmers but eventually developed into a political party?

4.  The Granger Laws of the mid-west were aimed at regulating what group?

5.  This government agency was formed after the Granger laws were ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court?

6.  This larger political group took the reforms started by farmers and started a legitimate third party?

7.  Name the Platform of this reform based party that wanted cheaper money, income taxes, 8 hour work days and immigration laws.

8.  This term refers to the wishes of many people to have cheaper money by putting silver coin into circulation as well as gold.

9.  Name the two major candidates in the 1896 election?

10.  Name the speech given by the Democratic/Populist candidate that stated the importance of farmers to the nation.