Hampshire County Council Sufficiency Update

Area: Rushmoor

Period: Jul 2012 – Sep 2012

Report by: Sheila Hornby, Childcare Development Co-ordinator, Tel: 01252 814820

Executive summary

Area demographic profile

This information is provided by the Local Development Team and indicates any known changes in the demographic profile in the area. Some of the data may not be statistical but what is known locally from networking with agencies and settings.

Number and ages of children / The population of Rushmoor in 2011 is estimated to be 96,700. It is forecast to increase by 2.7% between 2011 and 2018 (Demographic facts & figures for Hart, HCC)
Numbers of 0-16 year olds show static numbers overall, with no increase in 0-4 yr olds, a slight increase in 5-15 yr olds and a decrease from age 16. The 0-4 year olds currently make up almost 6.4% of the total population of 96,700
Commuter data / Of the 50,000 resident workforce, 32,000 are out commuters, 64% of the workforce. Highest work destinations are Surrey, London and Hart.. There are 21,000 in commuters from Surrey, Hart and London.
Lone parents
families accessing Working Tax Credit / Lone parents in Rushmoor account for 1.1% of the worklessness statistics for Hampshire, the total for HCC is 1%
Employment profiles and income / Unemployment statistics for those claiming job seekers allowance show the Rushmoor percentage has decreased to 2.4% of the working age population. Hampshire overall has also decreased to 1.9%. The national rate decreased from 3.9% to 3.8%,

Childcare places analysis

This data is produced by the Local Development Team from known changes in the childcare market that have occurred in the period.

Childcare places analysis (balance sheet)

This data is produced by the Local Development Team from known changes in the childcare market that have occurred in the period. Please also see information in the data set tables below which give the detail.

Provider type / Total number of providers gained or settings that have extended places / Total number of registered places gained (if known) / Total number of providers lost / Total number of registered spaces lost (if known) / Net growth or loss of places since the last quarter (- / + )
Childminders / 4 / 12 / 8 / 30 / -18
Home child carers / 1
Day Nursery
Holiday Playscheme
ASC (may inc BC)

Availability of places

There has been little change in the market this quarter. There have been 4 new childminders, and 8 have closed with a net loss of 18 places. There have been no other changes in nursery, preschool, Breakfast, after school clubs or playschemes. Currently the market is able to meet demand for 3-4 year olds and the new demand for 2 year old places.

Data sets

New provision

This is data that is known to the Local Development Team of childcare developments that have completed registration in the period. That data is to include all types of provision including childminders.

Ward / Postcode / Age range / Registered places / Type of setting
DN/PS/Hol Playscheme/
ASC/CM/Home child carers
Cove & Southwood / GU14 / 0-7 / 4 / C/M
Grange / GU14 / 0-7 / 3 / C/M
North Town / GU12 / 0-7 / 5 / C/Ms
Total / 12

All new provision this quarter is childminding places.

Under threes new provision

This is based on the places known that have been developed for under threes in the period. The places information will have been extracted from the above table.

Ward / Postcode / Registered baby places
(0-2) / Comment
Cove & Southwood / GU14 / 2 / C/M
Grange / GU14 / 1 / C/M
North Town / GU12 / 1 / C/Ms


There has been little change in the market this quarter for under threes with 4 new places being provided.

Proposed provision

This data that is known to the Local Development Team of proposed childcare provision that is proposed to be developed. It is likely that these provisions have made application to Ofsted.

Ward / Postcode / Age range / Registered places / Type of setting
DN/PS/Hol Playscheme/
ASC/CM/Home child carers
Manor Park / GU11 / 0-7 / 2 / C/M
Knellwood / GU14 / 0-7 / 2 / C/M
North Town / GU12 / 0-7 / 3 / C/M
Wellington / GU11 / 0-7 / 3 / C/M
Total / 10


During this quarter 4 new childminders plan to register and will provide 10 new places. In addition,9 potential childminders are registered for a pre-registration course with a potential of 54 new places. Six of these potential childminders are from Priority Growth areas targeted for 2, 3 and 4 year old places.

Provision under threat of closure

This data is provided by the Local Development Team to indicate areas where childcare operations that are known to have difficulty in the childcare market.

Ward / Postcode / Age range / Registered places / Type of setting
DN/PS/Hol Playscheme/
ASC/CM/Home child carers


There are no known settings under threat of closure this quarter.

Provision closed

This data provided by Local Development Team of known closures of childcare operations in the period.

Ward / Postcode / Age range / Registered places / Type of setting
DN/PS/Hol Playscheme/
ASC/CM/Home child carers
Cove & Southwood / GU14 / 0-7 / 6 / C/M
Empress / GU10 / Home Child carer
Empress / GU10 / 0-7 / 4 / C/M
Grange / GU14 / 0-7 / 3 / C/M
Knellwood / GU14 / 0-7 / 8 / C/Ms
Manor Park / GU11 / 0-7 / 4 / C/M
Wellington / GU11 / 0-7 / 2 / C/M
Total / 27


This quarter 7 childminders closed with a loss of 27 places and one home child carer closed.

Development of provision for Special Needs

Number of children supported by Area Inco team / 99
Number of ChIF Grants awarded / 6
Value of ChIf Grants awarded / £3335.37
Location of specialist provision / Henry Tyndale Nursery
Farnborough Grange Nursery
Number of children receiving SEN Funding / 19
Number of settings receiving Early Years Outreach / 3
Location of Beacon settings / Farnborough Grange Out of School /Holiday Playscheme, Farnborough Grange Infant School, Farnborough
Statement of Inclusion
Hampshire Services for Young Children is committed to ensuring that all eligible children are able to attend an early years or childcare setting irrelevant of any disability or additional support need. Ideally we would see this happening in the child’s local setting or parents choice of setting, however where a child’s needs cannot be met by this provider we will work with the CFIT team to support the identification of an appropriate alternative.
The Inclusion Team will use a range of resources to attempt to ensure that all settings are able to provide quality care for all children. This will include the provision of additional funding through the ChIF process, direct support from the Area Inco team, Outreach support from one of the contracted expert providers, support from the Portage Service, training or support groups.

Development of Childminder Networks

There are 19 childminders signed up to the Rushmoor childminding network, of which 15 are accredited nursery education providers. Of the 15 childminders 10 are claiming Early Years Education (EYE) funding.

Development of extended schools activities and out of school/holiday provision

There are a range of Extended School activities currently running across the council area Some of these activities run during school lunch breaks, before and after school, during the holidays and on inset days. They include sports based activities, cooking and eating programmes, art and drama, study and homework support, literacy and numeracy programmes. Local sports centres also offer a range of activities and sporting sessions during all school holidays and after school. During this quarter one new after school club has registered and there is one further proposed club opening in September.

Parental demand

There have been no unmet requests for childcare this quarter. The Childcare and Family Information Team supported families in finding provision. CFIT responded to 19 enquiries relating to childcare availability and paying for childcare.

Grant funding

Ward / Postcode / Type of grant / Registered places / Type of setting

No grants were awarded this quarter.


There is no other information available this quarter.


The “Childcare places analysis (balance sheet)” at the beginning of this report details the net loss/gain in places across the council area for this quarter.

There has been little change in the market this quarter. 4 new childminders opened with 8 closing giving an overall loss of 18 places. 9 potential childminders commenced a pre-registration course with a potential of 54 places. 8 of the proposed childminders are in Priority Growth areas targeted for 2/3 and 4 year old places.

The market has met the demand for 2, 3, & 4 year olds funded places this quarter.

Proposals by the government to change the funding and criteria has meant the local development team working with settings to develop additional places for children. From September 2012 HCC have provided funded places for two year olds who meet the current criteria. The local development team are working with settings in order to build quality and capacity for the 2013 Government launch. The Childcare Development Coordinator is managing the approval of applications to become two year old providers from September 2012. Early indications are that there will be a broad number of settings applying to meet demand. Additional targeted settings will be identified as child referral forms are received. 24 settings and 14 childminders are currently approved for September.

HCC are working with providers to participate in the “Stretched Offer” from September 2012. This gives parents the opportunity to stretch the 15 hours a week free nursery education over a larger number of weeks than the standard 38 weeks of the year. Six settings will be providing this offer from September.

The proposed Aldershot Urban Extension of 4500 homes to be developed will have a significant impact on the market. The Local Development Team are working with schools organisation to ensure early years places are planned alongside school places.

Jul-Sep 2012 Q2 Update Hantsfile 3833097