Milford High School Football Boosters Meeting

May 10, 2011

Golf Tournament Update

Keith indicated we have 108 players for the tournament to date; we are looking for a maximum of 120 players.

We still need to focus on hole sponsors – as of today we have 7 so far, we are looking to have 11 more.

Shelly sent an email to all parents requesting donations for the raffles to be held after the tournament, ranging from $10 - $50 each. We need commitments for raffle items by the next Booster Club Meeting (June 14), with the items being dropped off to Susan Borne no later than June 19.

We have volunteers to assist at the golf tournament (Susan Borne, Betty Goodspeed, Amy Harrington, Wendy Hutchins, Kathie Rougeau, Liz Michaud). Keith and Ed will take care of assigning volunteers to whatever needs to be done (registration, Monte Carlo hole, etc).

Liz will check with Holly St. Gelais on getting coffee and donuts donated by Dunkin’ Donuts for the morning registration. We will make lunch bags if we can get Shaw’s to sponsor luncheon meat (Brett Jepson can donate the bread), and Debbie Stagnone will check with Coca-Cola to see if they will six cases of water. We will also look into providing granola bars and chips with the sandwiches.

Financial Update

Deb Stagnone distributed the Treasurer’s report. A $60 expense was paid this month for Gaucho’s Restaurant (for winner of most Gold cards sold). Liz submitted a bill for Calling Post (around $60) to be paid this month. There are seven scholarships approved for a total of $3,500, leaving a balance of a little over $3,700 left in the account.

Senior Scholarship Process Overview

The committee members (Susan Borne, Deb Stagnone, Louise Urda and Kathy Hoffhein) reviewed 10, of which seven were approved based on the acceptance criteria. These will be presented at the ceremony on June 13.

Sponsorship Drive

To date we have had seven businesses give money towards sponsorships. Mark Cooney divided the list of businesses we sent sponsorship letters to for people to do follow-up calls on. A list will be emailed out shortly for people to call 2-3 businesses each to check on sponsorship status from the businesses.

Coaches Update

Cheer Coach Kathie Rougeau spoke with Mark Maurais regarding the budget for the cheer program and found out the district can, at most, contribute $500 towards new uniforms and choreography to cover costs of approximately $6,000. She indicated they are not looking to the Booster Club to fund the majority of the expense but to help out with the costs. The team will also do fundraising on the side but they will need to order uniforms by July 1 to be ready for their season opener on August 15.

Keith informed us the school decided the insurance issue with football camp was unacceptable so other insurance has been applied for and waiting on an answer on this. If it goes through, the district will cover the cost and camp will happen. Keith thinks this will be resolved in the next week or so. A meeting with incoming freshmen was not held as usual due to no “free” time set aside as the Middle School usually does, so Keith is thinking of scheduling an evening meeting for those freshmen interested in playing football next year.

Open Position Status/Recruiting

Sonny Goodspeed will be the lead on the Concession Stand committee. A few people at the meeting volunteered to help him out, but he will be looking to get a few more people to form a solid team so we can have another successful season with the stand this year. Diana Gaudette has graciously volunteered to show Sonny the ropes in what it takes to run the stand based on her past coordinator experience.

Other Upcoming Activities

·  Gold Cards – Louise Urda volunteered to be site coordinator and will talk with Holly St. Gelais who did this last year. We are still looking at August 19 to distribute the cards (after the scrimmage), maybe in Exeter at 1 p.m. or in Milford at 2 p.m.

·  Flip Flops! - Liz will look into getting a sample pair of the flip flops as a fundraiser before the next meeting. Ideas were bounced around and we thought maybe we could sell these online through PayPal, before the school session ends, have people order what size they need, pay for them, then we could order them and distribute, if they are a quick turnaround. The Board will get together on this if we can get a pair to examine quickly.

·  Ornaments – These are on hold until after the golf tournament.

Other Upcoming Activities

  • Varsity Cards – Will talk with Deb Keating on paperwork on this and Susan will coordinate with her. Debbie Stagnone volunteered to help out if need be.
  • Parent Packets – We will set a date at the next meeting to put the packets together late July/early August timeframe
  • Apparel – Liz will get in touch with Janet Smithe to get together with Cheryl Erdody to see what we need. Also need to look in the concession stand to see what is left over from last year.
  • Program – Mary Albina did a great job on this last year so we are looking to her for her expertise on this again this year
  • Website – anything that needs to added here? Kathie will let Shelly know of any Cheer fundraising events to add to it as they happen

Next Meeting

Tuesday, June 14 at 7 p.m. – MHS Lecture Hall – Please join us!!