Student Teacher: Matt DeGolyerGrade: 9TeachingDate: 11/06/09
Subject: Frisbee BasketballStandard(s):
Standard 1: Students demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
Standard 2: Students demonstrate an understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
Standard 5: Students exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
Standard 6: Students value physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.
Performance Objective(s)/Indicator(s)TSWBAT=The student(s) will be able to…
Psychomotor:TSWBAT complete 50% of his/her frisbee passes during game play. (9.1.1; 9.1.2; 9.1.4)
Cognitive:TSWBAT identify an open teammate two out of three times during game play. (9.2.1; 9.2.2)
Affective:TSWBAT follow the game rules and work with partners of different skill abilities 100% of the time. (9.5.1; 9.5.5; 9.5.6; 9.6.2)
Equipment Needs:
6 basketball goals, 3 frisbees
Time / Instructional Activities (Detailed)Introduction: See introduction below
Game Play
-Class will be evenly divided into six teams (two teams at each court)
-Winning teams will play each other (attempt to keep games close, and competition/participation at a high level)
Closure: See closure below
Introduction (Set Induction): (demonstrations by me throughout to show examples of the rules)Today I am going to introduce to you a game called frisbee basketball. Here are some basic skills you will need to play the game. Introduction of correct throwing method, one-handed catch, and two-handed catch. (Game objectives) The offense’s main objective is to score by hitting the backboard or throwing the frisbee through the basketball hoop. The defense’s main objective is to intercept passes or knock down passes in order to gain possession of the frisbee and stop the offense from scoring. (Rules introduction) Once an offensive player is thrown a frisbee he/she has two steps to slow down (if running), after the two steps the offensive player can only pivot on one foot and look to pass the frisbee before 10 seconds has expired. If the offensive team attempts to pass the frisbee to a teammate and it is dropped by that teammate the offense loses possession of the frisbee and the defense gains possession at the spot where the frisbee hits the ground. If the defense attempts to intercept a pass and deflects the frisbee causing it to hit the ground, the defense gains possession at the precise spot where the frisbee landed. If the offense throws the frisbee out of bounds (onto another playing court or misses the backboard/hoop and it strikes the back wall) the defense then gains possession. (Scoring) 1 point for hitting the backboard with the frisbee on your own side of the half-court line. 3 points for throwing the frisbee through the basketball hoop on your own side of the half-court line. 5 points for throwing the frisbee and hitting the backboard while on the opposite side of the half-court line. Game is automatically won if a team throws the frisbee from the opposite side of the half-court line and makes it into the basketball hoop. Game is over once the first team reaches 10 points.
Organizational Plan (How will students and equipment be organized?):
Skills to be Taught / Teaching Cues- Correct throwing method
- One-handed catch
- Two-handed catch
- Grip the frisbee with thumb on top and the fingers below the rim.
- Stand with the throwing-side shoulder in the direction of intended flight.
- Bring the frisbee across the other side of the body and then propel it forward.
- Cock or snap the wrist on release, and follow through with the body and back leg.
- Point the fingers toward the target on the follow-through.
- Position the hand with thumb up if the frisbee falls below the chest.
- Position the hand with the thumb down if the frisbee approaches above the chest.
- Grasp frisbee when it comes into contact with the hand
- Place one hand on top and the other hand on the bottom of the frisbee
- Grasp frisbee when it comes into contact with the hand
Closure: What did you enjoy about today’s game? What did you not enjoy? Any suggestions so I can adjust the rules to make the game better? Thank you for your participation.
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