Sesion times 3.15 to 6.00 (2hrs 45minutes)
3.15 – 3.45pm
(30 minutes)
Free Play & Adult led activities if child wishes to join in
3.45 – 4.15pm
(30 minutes)
Serving Snacks. Children are encouraged to help with preparing snacks with adult supervision.
Very social - staff and children to eat together, children to help serve where possible. Encourage hygiene and manners.
4.15 – 4.30pm
(15 minutes)
Wash Up & clean away food items. Encouraging children to help where possible (washing and drying pots)
4.30 – 5.15
(45 minutes)
Free Play outside or inside depending on the weather
5.15 – 5.45
Indoor activities and games or finishing off adult led activities if needed.
(30 minutes)
(15 minutes)
Tidy up classroom ready for home
Free play available – childrens own choice
Various games and toys.
Creative activities-gives children the option to colour or make things. Role play area used too.
Book corner available for reading, chatting or quiet area.
Homework table – children have the option to finish homework if needed.
Physical activity such as Wii sports and games in the school hall.
Small table activity, very child led, making models, colouring, games etc
Adult support available at all times should children require assistance or support. Activities will always be available but children will not be made to feel they have to take part.
There will be ICT available for the children if needed.
Field/playground, weather dependant for larger games such as rounders, football and use of playtime equipment.
Parents to collect from back door.
The plan will be very basic and each session will be very child led, and free to change if required.
Woodpeckers may also have themed sessions to celebrate special occasions such as Pancake Day, Easter, Multicultural festivals etc and to just have fun!